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When can we expect third party cards at the MSRP?
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When can we expect third party cards at the MSRP?
When there's more than 100k cards in global supply.
Just before 1170 release
should stabilize around august or end of the year at latest
saw a guy in another thread providing a link to a site in which they wrote the 1070 may not be restocked until beginning of august if worst comes to worst
Why bother? 1070 is a cuck card. If you cant 'afford the 1080 then you can;t afford to be a PC gamer. Time to find a hobby that your budget will allow.



These cards should sell at $379 and $599
that 1070 is nothing but a cuck card. why would anyone recommend it?
Why would anyone post if all they can do is spout memes?
When nvidiots stop buying them for $100 more
awww did your wittle pee pee buy his cucky wucky card? poor cucky wucky with his cucky card
You seem to be under the illusion that it's only use is gaming. For professionals it represents a powerful card that will blow away 1080p gaming regardless and provides plenty of power for raw computation (OpenCL). Not all of us have time to play games all day. You have to justify the expenditure, which is where the 1070 rocks. It's crazy powerful with a decent price point. Why would I need any more?
>why would i need any more, i'll let the bull have the rest

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Excuses go back to /v/ you autist
>at the MSRP
Literally never.
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