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Fedora 24 Tue 21 Jun 2016
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Are you hype /g/?
>red hat trying to shill /g/ into beta testing
Gotta wait for rpm fusion tho. Need me day vlc
no. who the fuck gets hyped for linux rofl? noobs.

get a mac and enjoy your life already
Look at this guy, no fun allowed squad.
did they finally fix AMD compatibility?
>nobody's added a program to Fedora's repos whose sole function is to tip the screen
Only newfag retards use the latest fedora. You literally can't make this shit up.

Fuck off neo-/g/
Did your brain get replaced by cum already, computer illiterate mactoddler?
aww did i make u mad? u mad little linux nerd? did someone forget to sudo apt-get your virginity? XD
This. No point even bothering with a new memehat release until rpmfusion catches up, which usually takes a good week or longer.

Pull down your panties and fuck back to >>>/lgbt/ semen licker
Meh. might switch from xubuntu because of all the shit 16.04 does.
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>systemd garbage
>worst open source company
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>>worst open source company
No, that's Canonical.
is this the one with Wayland?
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