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Ask your simple questions here.

Got a Linux-specific question? Search "flt" in the catalog, or go to https://kiwiirc.com/client/irc.freenode.net/flt (wait 15-20 minutes after asking your question)
my android came with a mcafee security app.
this is what you guys call "bloatware" right
will it fuck up my phone to delete it (requires root access to do so, which i have).
I just want to watch the world burn.
Yeah, it's bloatware. Remove it.
should update my ipad to 9.3.2 y/n?
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The g303 is on sale for $25. Is it worth getting over the Gigabyte xm300 ($30 after MIR) or the Roccat Kiro ($35).

I heard the sensor rattle was fixed, is this true? Is the diamond shape comfortable?
i decided since its only 8mb storage space its simpler to not use the app but not uninstall it either in case uninstalling causes problems.

that was me
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What do the Russians want from me?
so what is the purpose of a capacitor in a circuit?
i understand that they store electric charge but why is that useful?
Might get a better answer in >>>/sci/
When designing a lossless codec, is it possible to make a "mistake" which leads to a codec that has some error causing it to be not 100% truly lossless? Or do any mistakes just lead to less efficiency?
Your porn, you might have downloaded something stupid and ran it.

Think, do you have any idea what could have caused this?
If it's software, the culprit is between TrinusVR, Vireio, and some LG usb drivers, all of which I removed.

If not, something may have happened upon me getting a BSOD in the middle of using all of those things at once and closing the Unity game I was trying to play.

My phone was also tethered to my PC at the time, but network on my phone was turned off. I also ran mobile Malwarebytes on my phone today and didn't catch anything.
A capacitor is like you said, to store a given amount of DC voltage. It allows a circuit to maintain a constant voltage on the exiting side. Think of it as a buffer, filling up and discharging rapidly to regulate/stabilize a piece of the circuit. At its most basic.
Best resource for getting started with java?
You're fucked, man. Might've gotten a rootkit.
Open MSCONFIG. Diagnostic start up with only windows processes. Still happening. Safe mode with networking and run your programs. If it is still fucked after those you most likely have damaged system files. Run System file check in command line. After that run disk check. If all of this fails to fic the issues then you need to reinstall windows.
Why just disable a handful of programs? Mbam makes sense, but qbittorrent and dropbox?

Here's where I got drivers from:
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Is this a good learning source for programming/web development if you're a braindead chimp?
Seems like he explains all the programming terms with good metaphors
Just checked the site and Malwarebytes does mark it a malicious.
Do all of this stuff >>55165925
Also do a sigverif check and it will show you unsigned drivers. That will give you a good oidea of where the bad drivers are of any.
I dunno, that site looks a bit sketchy. Run a scan on the files, and take the advice of >>55166007
Diagnostic startup worked. Do I just run mbam from here or what?
Run it and see what it says. I would also run the SFC /scannow command and schedule a check disk from command then reboot while you are at it in safe mode.
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I bought an old dell optiplex 380, threw in a x5460 cpu and a 750ti for kicks and giggles.

At first, it worked fine, then started to give me serious lags and freezes. I found out that one of the Nvidia driver updates was fucking up people's cards, then reverted back to an older driver, and that fixed my issues for a while.

Freezing and lagging started again, so I took apart completey, put back together, new thermal paste, added a new hard drive and upgraded dell's stock chinese 255w PSU, as I figured my problems were either due to insufficient power or a bad hard drive. (hard drive is from 07).

When I put everything back together just now, as soon as I turn the PSU switch on, the GPU fan starts up and hits the max speed and won't stop, also when I hit the PC power button nothing happens.

Did I fuck everything?

Only other thing worth noting is that I plugged an 8pin power cable in the 4 pin one by going str8 down the middle, it fit properly.

Before you ask, no I don't know what the fuck I am doing I've never built PCs before until now. This has been trial by fire.

Please respond anyone, I'm desperate and don't know where to go. It would be rather embarrassing to go to a PC repair shop because it would show my lack of intellect, and secondly it defeats the purpose of my trying to learn this shit.

How badly did I fuck my shit /g/?
The only thing stupid about that question is expecting the people here to know anything about designing codecs
/mkg/ is currently in the crypt so I'll ask here.

My keycaps arrived and there's a few issues with them, (smudged legends, weird spots) is it worth sending back to MechanicalKeyboards.com or should I deal with it?
It caught a modification to a registry entry for CRYPTSVC if that rings any bells. Will do the next few steps.
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I'm learning the MS stack (C#/ASP.net Core/MVC/Razor) because I think it'll help me get a job.

I finally got started today and made a test page according to an example I found on w3schools.

Why is it not interpreting the inline C#? Pic related. Do I need to use an .aspx extension?
Send them back. Take photo evidence first. Post it here.
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>Weird jizz-stain-looking thing on enter
>Smudged numpad 0, V
If that dll is damaged that is a good start to what is wrong. The other scans should fix it. If not you may need to reinstall windows. Or do a repair. Or system restore back a few months.
You got it. My autism is triggered.
Yea you shouldn't have to take that. Send it back.
Any notebook /g/ may recommend me? One that doesn't have chiclet keyboard.
Should I get the Fractal Design Define R4 or the Fractal Design Define R5?
Upload you code here each time it fails and it will give you a good starting point of the failure.
Did the sfc scan and a chkdsk in safe mode on my C drive where my affected programs were. Found nothing. Made a second mbam scan with an updated database while I was in safe mode and found nothing new. Started in normal mode and can't open mbam. Also got a window saying hwdelay64.exe stopped working, but have no idea what that is. What is the least itrusive option to take from here, because I don't want to reinstall absolutely everything.
Try a system restore and go back to a week or so before this started. Best I can say. Usually at this point I would take a look but that's not possible. If that doesn't work you may have to reinstall.
think of a jug with a tap on the bottom
now imagine pouring cups of water into the jug
the water going in from the glasses is at an inconsistant rate, but the water coming out of the jug's tape is fairly consistant (not perfectly, due to the varying weight of the water in the jug)
the jug is similar to a capacitor in this scenario
Why arent interactive backgrounds a thing?
Other than being recourse intensive.
they're resource-intensive and not even visible when the machine is in use

similar reason why screensavers aren't used much anymore

you can have a video or even interactive background if you really want to
I have a computer with 4 USB ports. Problem is I need 5 unless i want to keep swapping out devices, and if my past an any proof I'm sure one of these ports will die in a couple years time.

I purchased a HooToo USB hub with 9 ports because it was the cheapest option thanks to Amazon.

Its not on sale anymore, but it was $20 for awhile.

It worked fine for about 4 months but now its not recognizing any devices I plug into it (Windows 10). It still gets power, it can power my USB headset and charge my phone ok but it seems incapable of recognizing any devices. The lights on my Logitech keyboard don't even light up when I plug it in, whereas they did before I used my keyboard just fine.

I've tried it on my Windows 7 and Linux laptops as well and they can't recognize anything either, so I'm assuming the thing just shit out.

So my question is does anyone know of a reliable USB hub or is there another way to expand the number of USB ports? And can you fix dead ports when they inevitably arise?
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try connecting the usb hub to another host usb connector if you haven't already, it might be the host connector that has a problem

>can you fix dead ports when they inevitably arise?
it shouldn't be inevitable unless you're misusing your ports

>is there another way to expand the number of USB ports?
assuming it's a desktop, you can get pci/e usb cards
The earliest restore point I had was right before installing those drivers, so I've restored to that point. Can't open mbam, can't reinstall dropbox. Why did mbam work perfectly fine in safe mode and not now?
is your motherboard and cpu you threw in there the same BIOS version
>try connecting the usb hub to another host usb connector if you haven't already, it might be the host connector that has a problem

Can you elaborate on this. As far as I can tell its something in the control panel?
i'm talking about physically plugging the hub into a different usb connector on the computer
Oh yeah, tried all four, and all 3 on my laptops.
if you tried different machines and different devices (which work on their own), then it's certainly just the hub which isn't working right
I'm putting together my first rig and it boots up for 20 seconds then powers down and gets stuck in a loop. I tested it with 2 different psu's but nothing. Is my mobo fried? I checked the wiring a billion times and made sure they were put in tight.
Yeah thats what I figured, and I can't seem to get a refund for this chingchang shit. I didn't realize it was /csg/ until investigating earlier today.

Ah well, only 20 bux. Guess I'll check out a pci/e usb card.
Sounds like your computer might be shutting itself off due to heat. Try reseating your CPU cooler.
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I'm being offered a MINT, 11" 2013 Macbook air for $400.

Why not? Whats the next best alternative? (I already have a x201, but the MBair really does have battery life going for it)
Oh yeah. If I leave the SYS_FAN1 plugged in the computer only stays on for half a second and loops.
>400 dollarydos for any computer three years old
meh, it's your money to throw away

>dismisses proposed solution, doesn't offer alternatives

What would you buy with those $400?

I have a laptop that does the job, but would appreciate the portability as it would allow me to ditch my bookbag all-together.
newegg refurbished bruh, good deal, certified in working order any scratches or shit are noted by beind b or c grade, limited warranty, and so on
Is this a decent build for a $1000 budget? it'll be used for art (music and drawing), general browsing, occasional gaming, and porn. I have another 4gb of ram at home. should I go for more than 8 gb?
What kind of gaming? Heavy, triple A, fresh off the shelves?
Or like indie, low-resource intensive stuff?

If the first one, I'd spring for 16 gb. Not necessary, but its good to have in reserve for when games get even more intensive.
If you want to overclock you'll want a Z170 motherboard and a better cooler
Get an SSD
Bring that PSU down to 650 watts. Why go for the 6600K if you're going to stick it in an H series motherboard and use what is essentially a stock cooler on it? Switch that for a 6600 or even a 6500. Also consider getting a better case.
Why is the fury x only 8gb if it's their flagship?
Is it because of HBM? Is it that good
How much gddr5 is equivalent to HBM if my guess is correct?
If not please flame me accordingly
I mean 4gb oops sorry lads
Is there anyway to tell if it's getting too hot with taking off the cooler? A friend put that part in for me and I can't seem to get it out. It's a Cooler Master Hyper 212 EVO
just buy from people in person, it's what I do
>anon accidentally asks a technology question on /g/
>get referred to /sci/
>which should be really referred to /diy/, since it's an /ohm/ question
Honestly thought, boards on 4chan make no sense
I'm probably not gonna overclock, my room doesn't get shit from the AC so it'd be too easy to burn out.

mostly indie, but occasionally older triple-A games I never got to play on my laptop. I can buy ram later if I need it.

what should I look for in a cooler?
In your case, if you're not going with a K part, just use the stock cooler. If you are using the K part, you need an aftermarket cooler since Intel doesn't provide one. In that case, look for something like the Cooler Master Hyper 212.
capacitors have many uses. I'll list just a few of them:
filtering noise
resonance circuits
time travel
Typical question of someone whose brain has been formatted by computer science. In real world, not everything has an abstract role. Capacitors behave in a certain way, but that doesn't make them have a purpose per se. Their behavior can be useful in some tasks, you could say they can be "hacked" to do certain things. Like how you can say they are used to do filtering or decoupling power supplies.
Dont buy ASRock motherboards.
Get a better cooler unless you need a low profile.
Dont buy a K CPU with a H170 motherboard, get a Z170 motherboard.
Otherwise get a I5-6500.
Get a 240GB 850 EVO.
>inb4 'google it'
Somebody I know built a W10 computer recently and has been riddled with issues. With only default programs installed and a fresh install of windows they randomly gets errors all over the fucking place. Programs frequently crash giving
>instruction at *0xaddress1* referenced memory at *0xaddress2* the memory could not be written
Gets that error randomly from all kinds of different unrelated programs including background windows services. A few other in-windows crashes but that's the only concerning one. Couple that with occasionally getting spurts of inability to boot without getting every blue-screen under the fucking sun.
>random blue screen "Page fault in non-paged area" (For example)
>reboots, crashes before login k"Kernel security check failure"
>reboots, crashes "driver irql not less or equal"
>reboots, continue with random unrelated (As far as I can tell) blue screens
>eventually just ends up stuck on windows loading screen

I haven't tried any other OS's yet. Next step is to try W7 or linux and see what happens. I'm 99% sure it's a hardware problem but all the windows check's come back okay, and sometimes it'll pass CPU/RAM stress tests alright. I don't have the spare parts on-hand to troubleshoot the hardware myself because I don't have any LGA1151 CPUs or DDR4. So I've basically narrowed it down to, in order of likelihood (aka, things to return in this order):

... which is basically every fucking thing in the computer.

After all that, I'm just wondering if anybody here's got any ideas for things to try. Maybe something I haven't thought of. I've spent hours trying to figure this out and I'm pretty much out of ideas till I can go over and try a different OS on it.

parts list is:
i5 6500
msi z170a sli plus
corsair vengeance (2x4gb) 2400mhz ddr4
samsung 850 evo 500gb
corsair RM650i

Might be worth noting that it seems the RAM isn't on the qvl for the motherboard. Never actually seen that be an issue though.
Install W7.
is there any particular reason not to get an asrock motherboard? I switched out with a Z170 as recommended by other anons, but it's still asrock; the site lists a combo deal with the i5-6600k which is pretty good for my jew self
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BIOS, "cheap" quality which is bad for overclocking, etc.
They are known for having problems since a long time ago but they werk, get a good quality motherboard, GB has shitty but not horrible BIOS, but good quality, EVGA and MSI are good but EVGA has shitty warranty.

Dont cheap out in your motherboard and PSU since those are probably the last parts you will ever change.
Also, forgot to try sigverif until just now. Listed 9 unsigned files that I couldn't tell what they were. 3 unscanned files which Google searches told me are hidden anti hack drivers for some mmos. Again, everything works fine in safe mode, even reinstalled dropbox and resynced my folders. Would upgrading to Win10 fix this or would that be a bad idea going from my pirated Win7?
>friend put that part in for me
He probably fucked it up
That's what I'm thinking. He's put together plenty of computers before but he fucked up in more places than one now that I've noticed.
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What is the fastest way to transfer data to one computer to another? If it is by connecting them with cat5 how do I do that? Do I need a program? Or do I need to configure something everytime I want to do it?
Btw, OS: win 8.1
My external HDD has one ZFS partition and one HFS+ partition. Now that I've moved everything to the ZFS partition, how do I expand the partition to use the whole disk?
>What is the fastest way to transfer data to one computer to another?
By attaching a hard drive to a St. Bernard dog.
True story btw.
Just have both computers on the same network (preferably wired, but wifi should still be alright). right click the files you want to transfer and find something like "share with..." and share with your homegroup. Go to the other computer, open file explorer and the other computer should appear under the network dropdown, and the folders/files should be there, just copy/paste them to the other computer.
I tried this but downloading speed was 2mb/s. One was wired the other one was on wifi. Will try it by using wired connection for both.
>tfw not have a dog
will a cat work?
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i don't think you can resize a vdev
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yeah, 2Mb/s is not right. Might be related to the wifi (especially if the one with the wifi is an older laptop or something with an old nic)

You can directly hook up 2 computers with a wire, but unless things are different now, you'd need a crossover cable, not just a regular ethernet cable.
Seriously? I thought ZFS was supposed to be _THE_ filesystem and I can't even resize a partition?
>unless things are different now, you'd need a crossover cable, not just a regular ethernet cable
NICs have been able to handle such things with software for years. I've actually yet to run into an instance where I actually needed a crossover cable
>apparently things are different now

Good to know. It's been a long time since I've needed to do that for any reason. I might not have even needed to at the time, I don't remember.
Yeah the lappy has ac support I guess (?)
What software should I use for my purposes?
>What software should I use for my purposes?
You don't, it's done automagically if it's supported.
Hey guys is the Avast VPN for the iphone and windows worth it? Also what the whole "hide my searches" thing they have going on how does that work, also thankyou for your time.
So I connect them and it is done? I tried that but both pcs sees "ethernet" but I don't know how do I start seeing their harddrives from the other one??
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Anyone know the Fedora Repo for these packages?
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Hi /g/ents what's the best book to read on networking?
a Comptia Network+ book would be a good place to start.
Glossy display on a laptop can be pretty annoying. And that's going to be 1366 x 768. You may get more use out of a refurbished business laptop.
/g/ approved pdf reader?
Computer Networks 5th ed, Tanenbaum.
Sumatra, Evince, or laserjet printer
Greentext me senpai
zfs is designed primarily for enterprise purposes, so there's a few things consumers consider basic which is doesn't have/do/prioritise

zfs is rather inflexible when it comes to adding/removing/resizing, it expects volumes to be /planned/, which is obviously not how consumers handle disks
Ask them to play nicely together
Thanks fellas
I read on one of the 4chan archives how this guy used a program (mapleaf is the closest I can remember) to archive 4chan, it takes 4chan urls and has imgur download them for the archive..
I'm looking for that specific post and the software.
I can't find it for some reason.
Send help.
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It's a classic from >>55168175
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I have a reference gtx 980 with an EK waterblock.

What equipment do I need to start using the waterblock? I've never set up liquid cooling before.

Thank you for your time.
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Fucking hell, Villager anon was right and I was just too stupid to use Event Viewer correctly. It clearly spelled out what driver was preventing my programs from running and it was WinTab32, some old fucking Wacom tablet drivers. They had been dormant until I unplugged my new tablet to tether my phone for some VR gaming and then started acting up when my current tablet drivers had nothing to drive (I guess).

Fuck Wacom. And thanks, anons. Get fucked, Russians.
Pump, radiator, reservoir, tubing, fittings.
Right on. Glad you got it figured out.
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How do I install older versions of Firefox? I need 46.
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Thanks. any brands/models you would recommend?
>A bunch of losers freaked out that they can't get a real job so they invented some fake "advanced courses" they could spend another couple of years taking so they could lie to themselves that they'll be "ready" and become ye olde longebearde unixlords while the "plebs" they shat on for 4 years already are at companies and have futures so they make up gay anti-questions that are as far removed from reality as possible
Say so i was on 4chan at work on an incognito window. One of my managers said he knew what i was on 4chan, is he bluffing?

Never built one myself, not familiar with any manufacturers.
Anyone have experience ordering drives from

Curious how they are on accepting DOA / dead in 2-3 weeks returns, don't want to be stuck with a nonrefundable lemon.
Okay so my computer's SSD (only had Win 8.1 OS on it) got fucked up over the weekend because of a corrupted update so my comp won't boot or refresh/restore and the installation key's in a storage unit 8 hours away and I can't drive up there and back to get it.

Can I download a "special" copy on an external, put it on the other HDD or SSD, wipe the OS SSD, then put it there? Or is there a better solution?

Otherwise I'd have to wait until school is back to fix it since I'm not buying another fucking windows CD key. I have a (shitty) laptop and won't even be able to use the PC for 2/3rds of the summer so I can deal with waiting.

>what is a router/firewall
deleting history doesn't magically make the traffic request go away

this is why when you go incognito
>This does not hide it from your employer, ISP etc
ISP won't care unless it's a copyright issue, employer will though.

Ways around this:
1. HTTPS proxy
2. Tether it to your phone via usb/wi-fi if you can, and hope there is no secret traffic client that will save it for the next time it's reconnected
3. Only browse on your phone, bring your own laptop that you say you need for testing something and tether to that
4. Claim that you used it for tech support or job support relevant to the job
5. Quit
No, you fucking dip.
They obviously monitor network traffic.
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I've been searching for so long, this is what I get for not keeping browser history.

I mean it was somwhat work related, it was mostly danke memes. Thanks guys, means a lot. It's just going to be a little awkward now.
By the way if you only did it once, or you just want to try something, claim you were linked to it via google through serious research. They may buy it.

Have honestly been to very shitty sites that were mainly about porn or illegal filesharing but happened to have a public help board where they were discussing some obscure computer issue, for example. Never been to the point where I'd have to defend this but after I fixed an issue I did take a look at it at face value and was like, holy fuck I could see how someone would think I was just looking dumb shit up based on the domain.
They're both decent retailers who have been around for a while, check their return policies.
I want to reinstall windows but i dont have a second HDD to transfer stuff.

Will creating a second partition would be enough or when i reinstall windows it will wipe it?
Windows installer has a tendency to ignore partitioning when installing.
can i ram on a few more sticks of my same brand ram to increase ram. without ramming into any problems?
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Help me /g/,

I want to test out this linux distro, but it won't let me make a new VM.

Tried google, but to no avail, what do?
That'll work.

do they have to be even?
i have two 4gb.
can i add like one 8gb. for 16gb or do i have to add two?
Yes, you can even add one 4GB, two 2GB, and one 8GB if you wanted to, had the mobo for it, and remembered to get the same type of ram (DDR4-1600, DDR4-1333, etc.).
They don't have to be even but dual channel probably won't work.

last question: will brand have to be the same?
Not always, but sometimes different brands with the same specs can cause crashes.
I got stuck at a question in a Udemy's JavaScript course. Should I quit learning and pursuiting my dream of being a programmer?
I get about 60Mbps on my wired connection but on my wifi I only get about 10Mbps despite having a capable router and adapter in my laptop. How fix?
Does anyone know of a good, easy to install, easy to use PNG writer for C++?
Whenever I try to install these fucking things I always run into some small snag that the install instructions don't cover and it's such a pain
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What pads should i use to replace the stock ones one my ATH-M50x?

Try using a different channel.
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random stupid question, are any of you guys using IPv6 from your ISP or at home?
So firefox has this weird thing where youtube live streams (and only those) stutter and have some audio crackling. Does not happen on Chrome.

Any ideas?
don't use firefox.
Where do I find standards texts for download? They're all paywalled it seems. It makes no fucking sense why you'd charge for the fucking standards text. The RFCs are free and it's awesome.

Take the QR Code ISO/IEC 18004:2015 for example:


Is there a site I can put that link into that spits out the full standard text in PDF?
happens to me too, it stops when i disable greasemonkey
Is there a way to read T_CASE on Skylake CPU's? I'm only getting core and package temps in HWmonitor.
to enable and use "modesetting" as graphic driver on Arch do I need simple to generate an xorg.conf, specifying that?
I never installed the xf86-intel one so I got nothing to remove.
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Not sure where to post this, but i'm looking for a:

- Quality, cheap, wired, NOISELESS mouse.

So far ive only found LEET EXTRA EDGY GAMURR MOWSE!!1!1, or Wireless mouses.

Can /g/ help me out? I cant keep the people in the room next to me awake at night due to my click click clicks
hey guys how can I do this type of thing with github

save file settings and such
I want to encrypt a small partition of my hard drive (like 32 gb) just for fucking around with. Which software didn't give NSA backdoor access to it?
That's more about your desk than the mouse. If you have a solid desk and a squishy mousepad, it won't transfer the sound.
Does a source follower amplifier have current gain like an emitter follower?

Also do Darlington/Sziklai pair configurations only work for BJTs or do those configurations work with FETs too? I feel like the answer is no because those configurations serve to multiply the beta of both transistors and give you a higher gain, but to my knowledge only BJTs have this beta (hfe) parameter and FETs don't so I don't think it'd do anything.

Trying to figure out whether to use BJTs, JFETs, MOSFETs, or IGBTs for the output stage of a headphone amp designed for low impedance headphones.
im currently planning on building a new pc
with this pc I intend to have both windows for vidyagays and linux for everything else. What I want to do is have two completely separate hard drives, one with linux and one with windows, but im lost on where to look for how to set up a menu on boot to pick which hard drive to boot to (no parts have been bought as of yet)
With separate drives its very simple, you can just use the BIOS to set the boot drive.
install one OS on each drive, then on boot you can configure BIOS to prompt which OS to load on boot
It's usually F12 or something for boot menu. But why not put GNU/Linux in virtual machine so you don't waste so much time?
I'm quite tech illiterate, How do I know which computer is good. I have to find a new computer but I am not sure what is good to drop money on. I have been surfing around on newegg.
Budget and use case?
I'll look into this
1k-2k, really not trying to go up to 2 thousand though. I'm using it for my digital art, a few steam games, and music and videos
What's the best way to locally host files, that's cross platform? I need to be able to access it via Windows, Linux, And OSX.


Is there a better technology to do this with?

I really just want to be able to access my files from all my computers.
I just meant games I had on my steam account.
Asrock mobos any good?
Their z170 is pretty cheap in comparison to others but i guess there's a reason for that. What could it be?
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Maybe this deserves its own thread but here goes :

How can I live stream a game to a small number of people (even a single person would be a great start) with VERY LITTLE DELAY (< 3 seconds) ? Much like a skype convo. This is for playing co-op and generally fucking around.

What I have tried so far :

>Twitch, YT Gaming, everything that relies on streaming to a public 'host', then have people connect to this stream.
There's a 20 seconds to 1 minute delay unless you're a partner, and even then, the delay is superior to 5 seconds so that's a no-go.

>Streaming (from OBS and XSplit) to RTP server providers.
Same situation with the delay.

>Using DXtory to get video from the game as a DirectShow output, and setting this as my webcam in Skype.
I found a tutorial on this, but recent versions of Skype apparently can't handle the video output from DXtory ? The output itself is working, yet I just get a buffering circle in Skype.

>DXtory set as webcam into Google Hangouts
it does pick up the video but there's a 30s delay

>DXtory directshow into VLC 'streaming' feature
VLC picks up the video but as soon as I start the stream, VLC crashes (closes down)

Am I missing some super obvious way to do this ?
>ass rock
What do you think?
I'm thinking enema
just do a youtube meme tech build https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpENEa-On-I
How do I check if a GPU is faulty?

I don't mean artifacts out the ass or something really obvious.

I see GTAV and FO4 lagging like mad on my brother's PC with an i5 4690k and a GTX 970. It is usally more noticeable at startup and gets better after a while, like a fucking old car warming up.

I want to narrow the issue because the GPU is still on warranty.
How long is it on warranty for?
Probably disk IO and it gets faster as everything gets loaded into memory
Like a year or so more.

Is there any way to fix it? He's also using a Samsung SSD.

I did a clean install of W7 but it didn't fix anything.
Post all your specs, maybe there's a bottleneck. If you have speccy, run that and screenshot it.
If the game is loaded on the SSD then that shouldn't be the issue.
>virtual machine
Performance issues as you have to dedicate limited resources to the virtual machine.
Security issues as you are still actually running Windows and not GNU/Linux.
No physical data independence, which he may want for some reason.
It's not much more time consuming than setting up a virtual machine.
The only downside is >money but if he can afford it then let him
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I don't think there's any hardware bottleneck.

And to clarify it, I built this computer last summer and it worked fine then. This issue started a couple of months ago.
Other than the slow-looking RAM, it could be that you're using more than 3.5GB of VRAM.
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I'm a self taught ruby scripter and now I gotta choose between C# and Java if I want to land a job where I am, so my question is, assuming I don't care which language I get into, and only want the moneys, which one do I choose?
Java. Gives you more flexibility between operating systems too.
But what's the reason behind the stuttering not appearing at first?

That's why I asked about cheking the GPU, everything was the same hardware wise a year ago and it worked fine.
>But what's the reason behind the stuttering not appearing at first?
Not using >3.5GB VRAM
should i build a new pc or keep my i7 870 + gtx 660 if it does what i want it to? the only thing i feel i need to upgrade is the ram from 4gb to 8gb
how a web proxy works? i sometimes use this (http://www.proxfree.com/) for youtube when the video is not available in my country, but what is a proxy ? is it another computer ? when i use it someone else can use my computer as a proxy ?
Then my conclusion is that updates fucked up the games performance since he's using the same settings.
Yeah it would probably be good to get 8gb at least, and throw in an SSD if you don't have one already. Other than that if it does what you need it to there's not much point in upgrading.

You connect to a proxy which is another IP address that a server or something has and you use the internet through that server to bypass shit.

Yeah I have a 120gb ssd, 8gb of ram would be useful, It would be nice to have a nice case because when I got it i used some no named piece of junk case and a new psu too because im using 1 to power gpu and other to power pc becaue motherboard is from dell.
You should definitely spend all your money on stuff you don't want.
is there a way to mass download photos from a facebook chat? I've been searching for a script or something but can't find anything
I really don't like posting wikipedia pages, but these kind of questions are so broad that you'd just have to look this up on google yourself.


Or in your case I'd suggest this page:

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Why don't terrists just covertly damage/sabotage property and infrastructure? Are they not actually aiming to destroy western nations?
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I'll need some help with my Whatsapp. I am in a group so fucking big that the app crashes every time I try to delete the conversation. Right now the conversation is so big that my whole phone suffers. How can I force a conversation history delete?
they just want profit and power for themselves. any attack they do is going to be as overt as possible to make them seem more powerful and to increase their own profitability
Because there isn't really any threat of a coordinated attack. Most followers of terrorist ideologies are pretty dumb.
They're Gaymergaters: spoiled whiny children just throwing a tantrum over not getting their way. So no, they're not very bright.
kys fag
try clearing the app cache
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On my first self-built PC here. Just looking to ask, about when should I be looking into getting new parts?
I built this computer some time around winter of last year, and I know AMD is coming out with a 400 line soon.

I'm on an R7 370, and assuming prices drop when the 400s come out, would it be worth it to switch up to a 390 or 390X? Is the difference in quality between cards of the same series good enough to justify that?
in my opinion, no, the difference is not big enough to justify buying a whole other card. when you should upgrade depends on your requirements (like if you want to play the most recent games on high settings at high resolutions and refresh rates) and on your budget. if you want to upgrade i would suggest looking at a more recent higher end card like gtx 1070.
Get new stuff when you're current stuff can't do what you want it to do. There's more to life than staring at pantallas.
I've developed a habit of intentionally using "you're" in place of "your" :p
>like if you want to play the most recent games on high settings at high resolutions and refresh rates

Mostly I'm just interested in keeping a consistent 60 FPS and 1080p, doesn't matter to me too much what settings I'm on.
Witcher 3 runs pretty inconsistently and tops out at like 50 FPS for me even on the lowest settings which is pretty irritating.

I don't mean my question purely in terms of whether the card itself is amazing or anything, more just if I have the disposable income to upgrade to a 390 when the price drops but not any of the 400 series, is it worth upgrading.
imo you should really save up for a gtx 1070 or maybe one of the later high-end (vega) AMD cards, it's just so much better than a 390, maybe save witcher 3 for later if you can't afford a better upgrade than a 390 right now
On a typical wageslave job making like $7.30 an hour it's kind of a pain to save that much, that's my real concern.
If I could take one of the high end AMD 300s/Nvidia 900s after a price drop, I'd take the lower performance for not having to spend the extra few months saving.

Though obviously I'd have to do some research into those cards first.
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Didn't work.

Also tried deleting some apps to clear space. Didn't work too.
was java the first language to abstract away the machine and run in a VM?
What is the difference between EVGA, MSI, ASUS etc

I'm thinking of buying EVGA GTX 970
Suggestions on make/model for high capacity HDDs? I got a wd green 3tb about 4 years ago and it's still trucking. Looking for 4tb+ but I know reliability can be an issue.
>wd green
jump ship nigga
do alternate key layouts like dvorak and colemak have support in most programs? will i have to rebind all of my keys when i start a new game if i use them? will undo and paste commands etc still be in their same locations?
EVGA: not the quietest cards but good customer service

ASUS: great cards but awful customer service

MSI: low/mid tier quality but cheaper
What monitor size should I get if I want to orient it vertically? I'll be using it for programming, social media and temp/clock monitoring
this: >>55172530 but you can probably stretch it to 27" for a 4k monitor if you have a deep desk so you can place the monitor further away

as for resolution get 1440p or 4k or higher (1080p might be ok but only if you have like triple monitors)
Why would I need a higher resolution just for text reading/image viewing?
for programming, 1080p sideways can barely fit 120 characters with a reduced font size and a narrow sidebar. a higher resolution helps with font rendering and for getting a bigger working area.
porn comes in serious resolution m8

otoh you could get away with a handheld device for liking your crush status updates
reminder that the average high-end smartphone released in the current year has a 1080p-1440p display

so it's not crazy to have a 1440p or higher res desktop monitor
Thanks for the input. I have no experience with programming on a vertical monitor and I'm quite excited about it. Will definitely consider 4k resolution
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Does disabling cores (I have an i7 - 6700HQ) lower temperatures or can it cause any damage to the laptop?

Thx in advance
like I said, 4 years, daily use, no issue. Not sure why you would respond unless offering a better alternative.
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No he's not. For Java at least.
My speakers keep randomly changing volume by themselves, are they completely broken, should I just throw them away or is there something I can do? My headphones work fine on the same pc.
What speakers? I'm guessing some $15 Logitech shit? time to upgrade my man
Are those active speakers? How much did they cost?
Anyone mind posting some inspiration? I only have like six things on my Github and they're not very good.
Is liquid cooling (AIO) a meme, /g/?

Would it make a difference compared with a stock cooler on an Xeon 80W which usually isn't under much load in a Cooler Master Elite 110 case?

Is it worth another 30 bucks?
stock coolers are shit but you'd be better off with a decent air cooler, AIO coolers are noisy
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Can Windows 10 be themed like Windows 7 could? Also, can you use an alternative window manager like Openbox?
For that kind of cash, get a Cherry Trail chinktab with 4GB of RAM. Performance is roughly equivalent to an older Core i3 and graphics performance is doable for most things, even light gaming. Battery life is also tops for most models. Just have to find one that's not dual-boot with Android. That's a bitch to get rid of.
I thought qksms was supposed to be decent.
What calendar software is a good alternative for the windows 10 calendar?

God, this makes me so mad.
sounds like a good deal

macbooks hold their value well and 2013 isn't that old, pc hardware tech has stagnated
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Should I upgrade, or just build a new PC?

Everything in pic-related is crammed into this case:

-It's super hot here right now, so idle temp is way higher. Normally it's only 60 degrees but it's still too hot for this speed and I want to OC to 3.2 GHz. Available vertical space for a cooler is less than 100mm, with 60mm available on the sides, so I need to go with a low-profile cooler compatible with a LGA1366 socket that can still keep up with overclocking.
-Want to upgrade the GPU to a GTX 750Ti or GTX 950, but I might hold off until Black Friday for the GTX 960. I don't see the 1060 becoming available/affordable before the year is up.
-One of the two 60 mm backside case fans melted a few months ago, so that still needs to get replaced. There's a slot for an additional 60 mm fan near the GPU so I might add that too.
-I was thinking about grabbing 6 sticks of 24 GB (the Mobo doesn't support any higher, and can only have 1, 2, or 4 GB per slot).
-800w PSU is only partially modular, so half the cables are stuffed into the drive bays while the rest are underneath, blocking the one 90 mm frontal intake fan. Would like to replace it with full modular, but that's lower priority. At least everything fits inside the case at the moment, even if it is cutting it a bit too close.
-Would like an SSD, but I'm happy with the 10,000 RPM VelociRaptor.
-Would like to upgrade the case to something bigger and more airflow-friendly. Right now there is very little airflow except for the standing fan I'm blowing into the case from outside the side window.

I think I would have been fine not upgrading at all but stupid DirectX 11 is locking me out of modern games. I can only do DirectX 10 and lower. I don't want to get a 1060 for this system because everything else is just going to bottleneck it probably. I do a lot of high-res art/animation so that's why I want more ram.

Thanks for reading my blog. What should I do?
Fuck you and your deal
Aren't Intel stock coolers decent enough? Bear in mind that I only have 3 inch clearance for a CPU fan. Maybe a little more in my case since I have a 130mm SFX-L Psu.
if you don't think the stock cooler is too loud then it's decent enough
wait for zen and get poolaris maybe new case too 200r is ok tier
Guise, I got a MSI Gaming 970 (AM3+ socket), but I want to get rid of my AMD Phenom x4 955.

Is it worth it to get an AM3+ CPU like AMD FX8350 or better save for new mobo + CPU? I only got around £200 to spend right now and I am kind of the impatience one.
Which GPU vendor offers international warranty besides EVGA?
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I actually really needed this thread
I'm an Android user (S5, running Exodus) and wanting to install a Russian character pack (so that my phone will recognise Russian text in filenames and text documents)
I've tried to Google this shit but i want to keep my language as English, I simply want the ability to read Russian characters. Anyone know how I can do that? Would be much appreciated
No risk of damage and it can lower temps (but obviously performance as well) though the temperature difference may be marginal if at all. Run a stress test and benchmark, disable cores and run another to get a good idea of if it's worth the performance decrease
When I compile a program in my PC the compiler knows the CPU and how to translate to binary right? So when I download a .exe does it come compiled already? How does it know how to run on my CPU?
Just use a NAS
what is void used for in java?

CSS HTML JavaScript and c++ have been learned, but fucking java eludes me
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