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Best 1080p 144hz gpu atm? >pic unrelated
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Best 1080p 144hz gpu atm?

>pic unrelated
gtx 1080
barely hits 120fps in witcher 3
wait for vega
They told me to go here lol
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>playing Witcher 3 in hfr
1440p 60hz worth it? with a rx480?
Fuck off back. We don't want you here.
Any game worth playing at 1080/144 (CS:GO, BF4) can hit that easily by tweaking settings with something like a 970/390 or above.

Games like TW3 aren't designed with 144 fps in mind so there are massive diminishing returns on shit like the 1080.
GTX 980Ti, but I strong recommend waiting.
>inb4 1080 is butter!!1!
I want /v/ to leave now.

Diminishing returns is a huge problem with any high end GPU in any application. An $800 GPU will typically not even be twice as good as a $200 GPU.
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