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4K worth it?
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I am just kind of toying with the idea of moving from 1080p to 4k gaming. I am wondering if the cost of 4k right now is worth the experience or if I should wait a bit.
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Worth it?
When is this shit ever "worth" anything?

>graphics card(s)
>good games
Look at the first three and consider how much of the fourth you're willing to part with.

"Worth it" for you?
Just do it.
1440p 144hz is better
This, 4k is a bit of a meme. Assuming you're not 6 inches away from the screen you'll percieve 1440p and 4k as practically identical, and with 144hz it will look great regardless
did you try it?
4k is a meme resolution
Yes. Dont get me wrong, it looks phenomenal, but the minimal difference we can see between it and 1440p isn't worth the hardware investment
4K is totally worth it, better than the shitty 1.78x from 1440p

The problem is powering such resolution, you're going to need 2x GTX1080 or start lowering settings.
Size and quality of your monitor has a large impact on perceived quality of games and "immersion".
If you can afford a decent 4k panel, then go for it, but don't half ass it. Either buy a good panel or no panel.

A 980ti/FuryX/1070 is enough for 4k high settings or better. Even a 980/390x will do playable 4k.
the expensive part is the panel, not the GPU
>I've never played in 4k the post
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