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Gnome or KDE? Who wins?
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Gnome or KDE?
Who wins?
GUI? On Linux? Why?
KDE. The less """GNU""" the better.
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gui is biometrical each person likes difrent things
Tyrell wins, because he gets to fuck a guy in the ass and root his phone, all on the same night.

You can do that on KDE. You can't on Gnome
>using links
season 2 when?
July 13th.
>Bloat or Bloat
>Who bloats?

Literally the equivalent of training wheels for your thinking machine I bet Tyrell uses systemd, too.
KDE any day. XFCE with kwin is also comfy as fuck.
Never gnome again. Its so slow I just can't take it. Not sure if its the javascript or not but it just feels more bloated than anything else
>muh bloat!!
I suppose furniture are training wheels for your lounge room, and everything but the bare chassis and engine are training wheels for your car, right?
im pretty sure elliot wasnt even using gnome in that scene
I'm using GNOME right now. It's the worst DE I have ever used.
Gnome or KDE arent furniture built for function theyre the equivalent of the shelf rack filled with beanie babies and porcelain figures at your aunt's house
XFCE > MATE > Openbox > Enlightenment > who gives a fuck about the rest >>>>> KDE (Krash Desktop Environment)
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>xfce, the "works great on my 10 year old thinkpad" window manager
also you forgot about i3
But you're quite literally wrong.
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Why would you ever use anything but a 10 year old thinkpad?
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because the t420 is only 5 years young
>unironically using a tiling wm in the jahr of our herr 2016
KDE, old habits
You fucked it up anon, its wrong, that's wrong!!! You trigger my autism you ball suckling fuck. Here:


SRS question, what does KDE stand for?
K Desktop Enviroment?
I don't really care as I can use Unity, GNOME, KDE, XFCE or LXDE.
Debian Stable just gives me GNOME ootb as their official DE so I use that.
I can use them all too. Its just all of them apart from KDE, xfce, cinnamon and mate are shit. And desu I'm wary of anything based on gtk+, so that leaves KDE and the unfinished lxqt.

Being able to use them all and claim you don't care simply makes you an apathetic cuck.
Xfce with KWin
Oh. I thought that was lame until I looked up what they were planning to call it... from wiki:

"TheKwas originally suggested to stand for "Kool", but it was quickly decided that the K should stand for nothing in particular."

Good fucking choice guys xD
I prefer "KDE Desktop Environment"
this is what I see when someone shows me his tilling wm.
It's horribly disgusting.
Used Gnome 2 ages ago when I first tried Linux, since it's what Ubuntu came with. It was ok, I guess. Tried Gnome 3 shortly after it came out, but wasn't a fan. It's probably gotten better since then, though. Right now I'm using Cinnamon, but I think I'll try KDE once I scrape together the money for a new computer.
KDE, gnome is a steaming pile of shit
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Cucks are attracted to sluts.webm
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