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Best mobile browser? Torn between chromium, tuga, and yu but
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Best mobile browser?
Torn between chromium, tuga, and yu but they are all carbon copies of each other.
IceCat Mobile
BB10OS stock browser
I just use chrome because I'm not richard stallman or autistic
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Naked Browser Pro
Not being autistic is no excuse to use shitware.
Yubrowser is alright but I hate that it doesn't have the option to merge tabs and apps

I've heard gello browser is good
>mah nigga

Anyone trust getChromium in f-droid?

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Why are all of these caf derivatives closed source?
Firefox because open source and has addons like uBlock
Gello is missing a lot of features modern browsers have, and the current features it has are not easily reachable.
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Literally made by some 16 year old kid using a severely outdated version of chromium full of security holes.
I like FF because it allows BGM not just through YT but other streaming sites. Use it for music and podcasts.
>sorrow in my langauge
no thanks
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The only correct setup would be:
Micro-G services for dealing with fucking Google.
Lightning browser
Youtube app w/ xposed background playback + youtube adaway OR Newpipe.

Nothing better.
>Lightning Browser
Why does everyone recommend this piece of shit? Firefox is better in every way.
Prove me wrong
Stock Chromium has bugs: try turning "data saver" on(it doesn't work), or try visiting an HTTPS site and try checking the certificate(tap the green padlock, then the button to view the certificate, it will crash)
Firefox is a slow piece of shit on android. Lightning only less so because lol webview

>Micro-G services for dealing with fucking Google.
>Youtube app
>>Micro-G services for dealing with fucking Google.
>>Youtube app

That's why I gave an open source option, newfriend.
>can't quote
>calls others newfriends

What's the point using microG when you use the YouTube app? I don't get why you mentioned it even as an option.
All botnet
Webview uses the same engine Chromium, and it can be updated from the Play Store.

Why wouldn't you use it?
Because he is a memester
This or Lightning. Nothing else.
Duvaj ga pederu
Firefox Mobile with uBlock
which one besides firefox has adblocking addons?
Lightning has native adblock
It's shit tho. Can't even hide the ads on startpage
That browser is really something.
umri govno
I'm liking habit browser, a bit.
But mostly for the address bar placed in the bottom.

Why is it's icon so shitty?
I use chrome or tint
I want to love Firefox but that massive fucking bar on top that you can't get rid of
The address bar?
>open source
Shit always has garbage logos like a fucking pixelated elephant or penguin. You can tell an autist made that icon in gimp and is probably really proud of it.
Chromium is good but unfortunately there's no stable version for android
I like Opera but its proprietary
So probably Firefucks/Orfox
Icecat mobile

Which I suppose is the same thing

Because the creator is an autist who thinks he's being cute and ironic by having an intentionally shitty icon

Is a PT-PT browser?
Because only faggots care about icons
>Torn between chromium, tuga, and yu but they are all carbon copies of each other.
except tuga and yu are outdated versions of chromium
>Icecat mobile
Enjoy using an insecure outdated firefox :^)
Enjoy being a proprietary cuck :^)
Adblock Browser.
Naked and Opera Mobile beta
if only it would let me use unsigned extensions.
fuck them
Firefox isn't proprietary, it just has a copyrighted logo. If that triggers your freedoms so much, wait until you here about what is going on with your Jewtel processor
It has feelings?
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