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Business-to-Business companies
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What business-to-business companies should we all be thankful for?

We pay a lot of attention to business-to-consumer companies because we can readily see the products or software they make - but what about the companies we can't directly see the contributions of, and which do things like reduce costs for the end-consumer, provide logistical services, or do some other warm-and-fluffy things?
errr... ibm?
What does IBM do?
The company I work for. Automatic test equipment.
To list a few of our customers
>any device with resistors/capacitors/inductors(I should just end the list here already)
>any device with wifi
>electric car batteries
Butt 2 Butt
Make mainframes
Bump. I'm sick as shit of consumer electronics shit in /g/, and I wanna know more about what else goes on in the industry.
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