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Red pill me on password managers, /g/ Are they safe? Are they
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Red pill me on password managers, /g/
Are they safe? Are they botnet?
Are they a good thing to use, or am I better off using passwords I can remember?
What's the best free manager?
no, stay le blue pilled XD
The only one I trust not to fuck something up or merge with a nefarious company is Dashlane

I hate having to make a fake account every 6 months to get my shit to Sync, though.
write your own password manager idiot
Okay I'll fire up java
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Fuck them, if your mental capacity is stuck on not being able to remember what the phrase you're using every day is then kys
>He uses 1 (ONE) password
>He uses the same password for long periods of time
Begging for it.
Use lastpass.


Why do you hate the "red pill me" meme? Too popular for you?
One day, you're going to use your one username and password on some sketchy chink site, they'll test it on gmail, youtube, facebook, whatever other site they want and have access to everything you do and post online.
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>cloud storing your sensitive passwords
Unless something big changes, LastPass is pretty safe. They've only had one breach that I know of, but because of how they store data, there isn't actually anything of value to be stolen. Just a bunch of meaningless encrypted binary.
I use keepassx.

I keep a copy of the database on my pc and multiple copies on encrypted externals that I update once a month.
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>He doesn't use a unique 8 character password for every site
>He doesn't use a unique 16 character password for every site with sensitive information (e.g. payment details)
>He doesn't use a 64 character master password for his password manager
>He doesn't use a password manager that requires said 64 character password every 14 days AND every time you try to copy a password from it
KeePass is the only one worth using

>trusting the cloud meme
>trusting another company with your passwords
Use something like Mega Sync to sync your Dashlane profile. Its what I do, and it works.
I'm with this guy.

But I don't understand why everyone has decided that remembering your passwords means they are all the same.
Generally everything I use has 2factor so I'm more comfortable using lastpass.
>only 8 or 16 characters

i don't use anything below 100
>My password manager is a literal physical notepad on my desk
Because unless you do absolutely nothing with computers or have inhumanly good recall, then you either:
a) Have more passwords than you can reasonably remember
b) Use the same password across multiple services
or c) have weak passwords.
And I'm not talking about fagbook or twitter. I don't use those products. The other day I thought about how many distinct passwords I need to remember for work, and I came up with 20 off the top of my head. Which means the real number is closer to 40. That's for work alone. If we include personal passwords, the number probably gets to 100, not including throwaways.

Good luck memorizing all that shit while making them actual good passwords. Bear in mind, I'm a hermit who doesn't bother with social media. I don't know what you expect the average normalfag to do. Password manager is the only answer.
>Are they a good thing to use, or am I better off using passwords I can remember?
You know what else is a good thing to use? A piece of paper with information written on it stored in your wallet.
don't let it go online

Thinking about this. At least make it town cipher though.
Sounds great.

>Wallet gets stolen
>Have to call and cancel all those cards and reset all of your passwords as well
I'm not exactly sure what you mean by "social media" but I have several dozen different passwords as well as quite a few different PINs unlfock patterns. I won't use the same password for more than one thing and I'm sure none of them are weak. I just remember them.
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