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GTX 10XX will not be capable of 3/4 way SLI. http://www.pcp
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GTX 10XX will not be capable of 3/4 way SLI.

>3/4 way SLI
For what purpose?
>implying that 3/4 way SLI somehow makes the card worse
Who even uses 3/4 SLI anyway?
Considering how poorly 2 way SLI scales on many games, it amazes me ANYONE (even filthy rich people) bothered with 3/4 way SLI/Crossfire. Seems like the money could've better spent on almost any other component.
>cannot do 6-way SLI
Dead. Bankrupt. Over. Finished. RIP.
oh loot one of these threads again.

By default no, but yes you can you just need to spend a few fucking minutes setting it up. Request from nvidia for a key and youre golden.
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>Request from nvidia for a key and youre golden.
IMPORTANT UPDATE: Before going to press with this story I asked NVIDIA for comment directly: when was the community finally going to get the Enthusiast Key website to unlock 3-Way and 4-Way SLI for those people crazy enough to have purchased that many GTX 1080s? The answer was quite surprising: NVIDIA is backing away from the idea of an "Enthusiast Key" and will no longer require it for enabling 3-Way and 4-Way SLI.
read the whole article.
At least they realized it was a stupid idea.
Even AMD says not to do more than 2-way Crossfire if you're gonna do CF at all.
>needing to do more shit other than buy it to use your hardware's full potential
2 way sli + 1 physx card
All you need if you really want to blow your money.
Yes it is, you just have to get a 'key' from Nvidia.
yes it will. you have to request an enthusiast unlock from nvidia.
Will only work for benchmarking software, not games.
Why would even want a dual gpu setup? Nothing but headaches and frustration.
E-peen of course. Why do you think "enthusiasts" build rigs with an i7 extreme and 4 Titans?
Thanks for posting this, I am now an #AMDMissile
Eliminates stutter issues
Have you only just found this out? this was knowledge on release day.
Games don't support more than 2 gpus. Often they don't support more than 1.
If they are indie, they won't even support 1.
So you have gone from virgin to hot virgin.


Yup, marketed and purchased by morons with too much money to waste.

Almost always better going with the more expensive fastest single card if you have money to burn.
>GTX 10XX will not be capable of 3/4 way SLI.

wrong, regular drivers wont optimize for it, game devs still have the option to do it and >>54988938

none really, DX12 and Vulkan can in theory scale to as many GPUs as you have though

far from it

idk anyone but there are pics of 3+ cards setups easily available on the internet

pretty much the story so far but read above for Dx12/Vulkan
Seriously what for?
By the time you will need a 3/4 way SLI there will be another card that will be cost of the 1080 and you will be able to just 2 way SLI it to get more performance than 3/4 way SLI with 1080

If anything it makes it worse because gap between minimal and average widens

It is because Nvidia completely revamp SLI bridge on Pascal and multi-card rendering.

Not that really matters since Triple and Quad-SLI was always pants on head retard that was only good for epenis benchmarks.

Complete horseshit.

3 and 4-way SLI/CF are only good for epenis benchmarking.
In fact it is.
But our Jewish overlords think you don't need it.
Because they don't want those doing deep learning, cryptographic acceleration, or other massively-parallel tasks to buy cheap graphics cards instead of the expensive Tesla supercomputer units which nVIDIA makes most of its money on.
$0.50 were deposited into your bank account.
Everyone should only buy an i3 and an r9 380! Everyone should only drive a prius!
>look mom i posted it again

na mate the new AMD GPUs is what everyone should buy
we already had this information..
and why is it such a big deal? thereĀ“s literally NO reason to use more than two high end cards
But it is. The new bridge just isn't.
still can't run metro 2033 at 60 fps
You can get metro 2033 to run at 60fps with a gtx770
not at 4K which i assume is what the other anon was talking about
Thats because the game is a bucket of shitty optimised cum.
i run metro at 60 fps with my r7 265 lol
It will but not with default drivers. You need to get the code thing from Nvidia and it'll work. Not sure why anyone else than people who want to benchmark 3DMark would be interested in any setup above 2-way SLI.
The opposite.
People who do 3/4 way SLI are what, 0.1% of the market?
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I don't know why you guys are celebrating this. Do you hate the ability to do what you want with the product you bought? So what if you aren't going to 4 way sli? Not everyone has the same goals and aspirations as you do.

Consumer tards that can't think for themselves will be the death of the freedom of choice.
I heard games can do that "multiGPU" shit now, without sli. How's it going to scale, if it's true?
Literally who fucking cares, anything above 2 way sli is literally trash
QQ no quad SLI..

151% precent boost with Crossfire on new AMd cards. We know we can't hold up against nvidia with a single card.

> MFW I have an ITX build.

Guess it is NVIDIA again this gen.
That's a DX12 feature.
How do the gpus in the pic not overheat? Fans are blocked for 3 of 4 gpus...
Isn't that really only useful for buttcoin mining and maybe some stupid high-end video editing / playback?
how many games in 2016 even used that shit?
Battlefield 4 scaled with 4 GPUs, 4 Fury X cards here

and some guy did 295x2 crossfire a while back


> Implying the back of the card does not double as a intake.

Learn how blower cards work.
Oh trust me they do,
Passively cooled sli is a myth
yeah i've actually always wondered about this
blow me

What about the other meme APIs?
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Could you be more wrong?
3/4 way sli is just waseful
thats fine cause my wallet is not capable of 3/4 way SLI.
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>bitches that they're overpriced
>bitches that a company doesn't outright support 3 or 4 of them in sequence.

/g/ logic is faulty.
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