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How big are these, would they be acceptable to wear in public?
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File: steelseries siberia v2.jpg (29 KB, 600x600) Image search: [Google]
steelseries siberia v2.jpg
29 KB, 600x600
How big are these, would they be acceptable to wear in public? I was thinking of buying them because my Fatality headset broke. I want something comfy and not too expensive.
Lol no get a proper headphone
>implying there are any proper headphones
SPH-9500s are a work of god.

So damn comfortable.
yes but wear them with your gamer glasses or you will just look stupid
>ever acceptable in public

fixed that for you
otherwise I can only support that claim
best headphones I ever owned

inb4 audiophiles get mad
File: typical starcraft player.gif (3 MB, 320x180) Image search: [Google]
typical starcraft player.gif
3 MB, 320x180
get yourself some fingerless gloves and you will look nasty sick with your headset in public
the only headphones you can seriously wear in public are beats.
I know they suck but you just have to put up with it or let everyone else know you have autism.
If you don't know whether it's acceptable to present yourself a certain way in public, assume the answer is no.

If you like it enough to defy the above instinct, do it anyway and learn from experience.
I dont really care what other people think, it's not like my gf is going to leave because of some headset
Don't use any open back headphones in public.

That being said, I got the siberia v1s at computex years back that I still have. They're pretty comfy
you deserve a top goy award
They are very low quality. I went through about 6 of them in 2-3 years (under warranty).
>Using headphones

get off my board summer fags
File: oppo-pm-3-5-1500x1000.jpg (362 KB, 1500x1000) Image search: [Google]
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these are the only acceptable option.
It's like buying an actual working pair of Beats
I wear my Audeze LCD-X in public, never got a weird look.
1. Buy real headphones.
2. If you listen to music in public with anything other than earbuds then you're cringy
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