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I'm wondering if it is possible to send on wifi dongle other signal than this from wifi. Could I do something like FM radio on 2,4 GHz using wifi dongle? On raspberry pi I found this https://github.com/ChristopheJacquet/PiFmRds
If I can use GPIO Pin without antenna why not use wifi dongle? And how can I learn about ham radio?

Wifi dongles routers and all RF stuff needs to pass FCC inspections.

This means that it cant send any other signal outside 2.4 - 2.2 GHz.

To learn about HAM get in touch with your local radio amateurs (yes you have them) and they will set you straight.
But could I send whatever that isn't wifi signal via wifi dongle?
No. Anything wifi related uses it's own protocols that wont be compatible with other systems. E.g. bluetooth works on 2.4ghz but wont go anywhere near wifi.
>Get a baofeng
>Illegal to use and own without a license

I can only imagine using these as part of an emergency kit will net you a safe rescue to a jail cell, but I suppose i'm too paranoid with it.

So it's a pretty good $65 FM radio. Until I need something with PMR walkietalkies and such.

The law works great against demotivating curious people, doesn't it? I can understand why it is because its easy to jam various (official) services, but I don't think most people new to hamradios wouldn't do it.
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SDR is a easy hobby to get into.
>Listen to the world
But what if I want to send a signal to my friend?
i doubt there's any microcontroller out there that can toggle a GPIO pin at 2.4Ghz. some have an onboard oscillator pinout that you can modulate relatively quickly, but nowhere near fast enough for wifi comms.
>hardware is only made for the usa and no where else
>The concept of RF regulations exists only in the land of freedom and funs.

I mean yeah in EU its not called FCC it's called some French word variation for faggot but the same rules apply, you need a license to operate a radio in Guatemala Somalia and Kazakhstan just as much as you do in the US. And you need a fuck ton of paperwork and a fair bit of dosh to use a national FM frequency. It might seem strange to you neets but a lot of stuff uses radio waves. And if anyone could use any part of the spectrum it would result in chaos. Hence the rules are pretty strict.
He is right, also most countries have very similar general broadcast frequencies few to little differences between most nations
The hell are you on about? They're legal to own and listen, but it's illegal to transmit without a license.
I have a question too, is it possible to send WiFi signal on fequencies that are not 2.4GHz or 5GHz?
Do you have a general guide for beginners to recommend
bump for interest
Just buy a Baofeng UV-5R, join your local radio club and start studying for the exams if you're actually interested.
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