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What's Up With New WEBMs?
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File: KatyaSidorenko.webm (2 MB, 480x360) Image search: [Google]
2 MB, 480x360
Why can't I get rid of the "play bar" at the bottom of a webm now? Originally I was able to play one, move my mouse off of the webm, and the bar would go away. Then, it was changed so that I had to leave my mouse hovering (but not moving) to get the bar to go away. NOW they've given an option to make the webm full screen, but whether I leave my mouse over the webm or take it off, the bar is still there (it's also there at full screen).

So what the heck? I feel like each incarnation of the webm on here has just gotten worse.
you need to uninstall chrome and install a web browser
I use Opera
wew lad just wew
install chrome
Feel free to explain your preferences. I've cycled through Chrome/Firefox/Opera multiple times ever since each of them has been available, and have hardly noticed any performance differences.

But then again I'm not a diehard tech snob, so yeah, feel free to elaborate.
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