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You're battery life will never be this good
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You're battery life will never be this good
sorry I could almost read the screen on time. Could you lower the resolution a bit more and make the border bigger?
I honestly tried but it wouldn't get any lower. Could make borders a bit bigger though
I am battery life?
Yes you are
I have 15 days left on my battery life, get fucked. Outkitel K10000.
Only 15 days
Ah nice pixels cant read shit.
Zerolemon or what?
I got 25days on my thl5000 wifi+gsm always on.
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Please stop it with this "you're" meme.
Oukitel k10000 pro actually
>ever having to recharge after the first charge.
Pff, you pleb
Why didnt ya got the k6k pro?
Because muh battery life
LG L90 D405 with orion rom, achieves this pretty easily.
I doubt that.
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Mine's pretty good though
>I sit all day comparing phone benchmarks because I have no life outside of 4chan

Here is your (You) faggot. Meanwhile I just came home from my high paying banking job, had sex with my wife and a nice cup of coffee. Then I see this dumb thread and shake my head.
>Meanwhile I just came home from my high paying banking job, had sex with my wife and a nice cup of coffee.
and than you woke up and now you are shitposting on 4chan, good for you
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>tfw Nexus 5
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More borders?
Not everyone is a loser on 4chan. Some of us find a balance between our hobbies and practical life.
You sound jealous.

This. I go to uni, have a gf, and shitpost here daily.
>Your vision will never be this good

fixed it for you
>This. I go to uni, have a gf, and shitpost here daily.
This exactly. I thought I was the only one.
After reading these, Arch/Gentoo fags are confirmed on suicide watch.
Why? My tutor at uni is pretty outgoing and his favorite distro is arch, with i3.
I use Fedora personally though.

It's all just memes.
I am talking about the typical basement dweller. Arch is a nice distro, I would use it if I could install it. Architect ruined my laptop and Windows partition despite following all the instructions in the wiki.
Elaborate how
Small digression now
Sławek z hejtów ma zerolemona do HTC 10?
my average is 55 hours per full charge, mi4.
>Power save mode on battery
Well, I get you're a patetic virgin neckbeard who spend all day on his basement and obviously you don't need 4g data working on your apps because you don't have anyone to talk, but the goddamn shitty image you posted is your bait giveaway anon, work on that.
I dont know any word of that second sentence but no. Zerolemon isnt available for the 10. You could google that.
Perfect post.
The battery lasts a week on my G4. Though I barely use it actively, just check it once a while.
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How? I get through maybe a day on stock battery, no over/underclock. 4 hrs sot, top.
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How did I do
Thread replies: 38
Thread images: 7

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