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Is Fedora a good distro ?
I'm in there actually and the only problem is that the KDE kickoff is unkillable , i just can't change it . ( The fedora icon ruin it )
No one give a fuck ?
Lowest beta testing cuck distro for prajeets. If you want to use rpm buy RHEL
Yes it is. More up to date than any stable apt-get based distro, made by the most successful company in FOSS that fixes more bugs than anyone else.

>Le cuck pajeet maymay
Wow so fucking original.

It is, but it can be a nightmare to maintain and keep stable, because it's so frail.

If you want to keep a stable install you just have to forget about updating it until the next release. All those incremental daily system and kernel updates make it unstable and trash your HDD with unfinalised temp files.

Running a bleeding edge system is generally not reccomended unless your system needs newest drivers to be usable.
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Truth hurts doesn't it? Fedora is a beta tester distro and it's a well known fact
i like fedora, although when i updated to 24 it broke my computer.
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