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Sup /g/, I really want to buy the LG G4 because it's the
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Sup /g/, I really want to buy the LG G4 because it's the perfect phone and I love it, but i've heard of many a phone getting suddenly stuck in a bootloop, and that issue was so widespread it got many articles over on the net and pulled LG's leg by issuing returns.
Apparently that problem was caused by faulty hardware and LG issued a hardware revision sometime in last october or november, meaning any G4 manufactured before that date could potentially enter into a bootloop state.

So yes I want to make sure the G4 I'm going to buy is manufactured past November, but so far I checked around in stores to find out when their models were manufactured and they all came out before the revision. And don't get me started about online vendors.
What I want to know is, is there any way I can get a G4 that's safe anywhere? I know about all that warranty stuff and such but I want it to give me as little trouble as possible.
Can I RMA my phone for free if that's a thing cause I don't fancy a phone that's randomly gonna become unusable when I need it
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>lg software
But man just to be safe get something else. You'll probably run into other issues on a G4.
Check out the LG V10. It supposed to be just like the G4 but with all the problems fixed.
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Get a V10.

>posted from my G4

I heard about the problem but my phones fine. But really who gives a fuck, its not my phone it's AT&T's, the data on it belongs to Google, I just pay inflated pricing so I can hold it in my palm.
get the moto x pure instead familia

i got mine for 230 mint condition
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