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It's over. Windows is dead. https://www.youtube.com/wat
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It's over. Windows is dead.
this video just implies the opposite.
Lol, that vid is so old it stinks. And Windows is still going strong. Fuck Linux
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Wincucks B T F O
>tapping the escape key like an autist

fucking ruined
>assassins creed IV
please kill me
Doesn't this have 200 steps and take like 10 hours to set up, though?
How do I set up something like this? I don't want to dual boot anymore
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>95% of native WIndows performance

>Windows is dead

>Posts video of game running in Windows virtual machine

Huh....That's a special kind of special.
>10 hours is a long time to set something up
Freedom demands sacrifice.
Yeah because everyone wants to run games on linux through a 3rd party windows software

old video anyhow
Can you explain what part of emulating windows is "freedom" compared to just booting windows in the first place?
How about you google this shit up? Is it so hard to read up on virtualization?
You will learn something useful for first time in your life too.

Shit thread, old video, you need specific hardware that supports PCI passthrough, 2 gpus and 2 monitors, gaymes suck, grow the fuck up manchildren, OP is a fag. Saged.

This isn't even emulating Windows. It's straight up running Windows. OS is loaded into a virtual machine. Requires valid license or hack. Direct Windows code runs etc.
>gaymes suck, grow the fuck up manchildren, OP is a fag. Saged.

Software used:
- Base: Gentoo Linux ~amd64

Do I need to install gentoo for this to work?

>hate loosing access to all you'r Linux apps
Oh yeah, i'd hate to 'loose' access to my'r openoffice
>using anything but a source based distro for optimal performance
>install windows
>no problems, just works
>install linux
>bugs, problems, hours of googling and forum searching to solve out-of-the-box issues

It takes a particular set of skills to use linux. Skills the average person doesn't have. This is greatest barrier linux must overcome in order to capture a greater share of the desktop market.
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I do this on Arch with an R9 Fury GPU passed through. It works really well, I did some comparisons on FPS numbers and there was actually no difference at all. Pic related. Nice to have games on one monitor and comfy linux environment on the other without needing two machines.

It's not that bad, Arch wiki and forums are a good resource. The biggest issue was I had to flash a new bios to the Fury to use OVMF as UEFI GOP booting didn't work out the box.

>2 gpus
Most people have two gpus, one discrete, one integrated, which works.

>and 2 monitors
Or one with multiple inputs.

>gaymes suck, grow the fuck up manchildren
Windows VMs are also useful for software that's not on linux like solidworks, with better performance than compatibility layers like wine.
>Windows is dead
>Requires windows
Are you dumb?
That's weird, I thought I replied to OP. Sorry
>windows is dead
>uses windows in a VM

sure thing. whatever you say.
But he's still using Windows, how does that make it dead?
But I thought Linux is dead now that Ubuntu runs on Windows?
>requires vt-d,2 gpus and a special config
That's pretty cool.
How do you control the vm
>Not using native D3D built into mesa and wine-staging-d3dadapter
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Hilarious winiggers btfo, windows is not just another app that runs on linux.

it's over, finished and bankrupt.
>using windows

Imagine being so delusional that you think using windows on top of Linux makes you superior when you could just be using windows by itself.
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Thanks pajeets
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kek wincucks on full damage control
Thread replies: 36
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