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Post your Linux Desktops
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You are currently reading a thread in /g/ - Technology

Thread replies: 249
Thread images: 73
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No one can beat me
What's that bar on the top?
Post dotfiles
Guessing lemonbar
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desktop threads.png
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Anon that looks really nice
Its Yabar

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first ever rice
not complete but how does it look so far?
Its hood for first time. Keep it up anon
2 cool for me senpai
what DE is it ?
looks good so far thanks for sharing
thank you!

a fork of i3 called i3-gaps, also thanks!
Its not a DE its a WM called i3

not bad, however try not to get stuck in the "too dark for my soul" rut that most posters are in
I understand. I originally wanted rose pink, but that didn't look too good, and then midnight blue, but couldn't get it right.

I like to use transparency but, it takes a while finding the right background and colour combination to use if you don't want a plain one
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It's pretty good. not a fan of such calm colorschemes though.
>no one can my autism
i can
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oh yeah this is also mine

what program are you using for sys-info?
that is neofetch
Lol are you running that in a fucking virtualbox?
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it's not
Mine is almost done. Took me a shit load of time due to compatibility errors and what not.
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looks okay I guess but you have some redundancy, a lot of fluff, and the floating panel is a bit odd
rice your i3bar, it looks stock
It is. I'm actually scripting my own bar from scratch with python and yabar right now.
>all that wasted space
looks good though
Nice. I'm excited to see the end result. Good luck.
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How did you do that? Can yoy tell me what progrqms you used?
I beat the tower gargoyles lolipantsu are you proud of me now?
he's got two terminals open, one of them is running irssi, which is an IRC client, the other is running screenfetch which lists system info

according to his screenfetch he's using i3wm so his panel is probably also i3bar but with custom colors and such

you should just need a terminal and text editor to replicate what he's done

Looks like Africa has free Wi-Fi today.
None of those are 1360x768
I like how these threads and the people are slowly giving up on having them up.

and you know I was with them, but it actually truly doesn't make sense as to why this threads are here, at all.

majority of the time is just /a/ posting anyways which I don't mind, but it just doesn't belong here.
A finger error doesn't make it better. Using 1366x768 in 2016? Laughable.
It really is a dreadful resolution, but some good machines were stuck with it. e.g. the X220T.
You're bad posting is laughable

GNU customization and such is very relevant to /g/

I guess you are complaining about certain regular posters, though.
There not much I can do when it's a laptop from 6 years ago.
If I wanted to get into this, what would I do?
Would it be acceptable to just watch the anime, or do you need to read the ln's and manga, to appreciate it?

As dumb as it sounds, they are more accepted here, than on /a/. And the other boards having threads like these are either to slow, or filled with people we don't like here.
Oh I get it, the U'r meme xDD amirite?

Go buy a panel.
Just watch the show and appreciate the cute girls and good music
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oh man, look at all these post teaching people how to Customize their desktop with an almost naked anime girl.
>and the other boards having threads like these are either to slow
So why don't you guys go there and make it active? You guys don't like anyone who isn't part of your circle anyways.
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anime fags should be shot
Animefags should be the least of your worries.
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patch ur fucking kernels, archies
how does it feel being so autistic that you'll never be both a /g/ tard and a pussy slayer?
no, anime didn't cause that, it's just proof that you're autistic faggots
Post yours.
Nice IP by the way.
How's Romania?

You will be impressed to know what ircfag am I, but again, would that change the fact that you are using that shit or at least make it least sufferable?
>Go buy a panel.
not sure if there are better ones compatible, also it's already IPS and has a touchscreen so I'd be worried about finding something that's better without missing any of these things
l o o k a t t h i s
you are full of shit
>l o o k a t t h i s
>you are full of shit
No. I am only defending the idea of a desktop thread. I cannot police the people that post in it. I am only even a semi-regular, but I would like these threads to stick around.
it's fine, I can slay poontang all day without even needing to hide the power level. Rekt western weeaboos haha
>has a touchscreen
I fail to see how's a touchscreen relevant on a computer, I suppose you are baiting me at the moment that you prefer a meme technology over a real improvement.
You are still full of shit
don't reply to her posts
gonna need a source on that wallpaper anon
Didn't read this post
mint tea lads
It's not even a computer I use regularly and I haven't posted any desktops in this thread, but the X220T (T meaning tablet) obviously has a touchscreen (or rather a wacom digitizer) and is the main reason I bought it
You're trying to discuss a different thing than me. I don't think I CAN be full of shit in this instance.
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I think I can manage that. Maybe I'll find time for it on the weekend.

>So why don't you guys go there and make it active?
If it were that easy, we'd have done it a long time ago.
even Jordan likes anime btw so if you don't then what the h*ck is wrong with you
What terminals? How do you make it so they have no top-bars?
They're called titlebars
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Picture 1.png
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an ssh session or two counts, right?
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You're missing some skins
Not them, but this is a Thinkpad resolution.

Also I don't care which ircfag you are, you'd still be a rizon ircfag and you're a shitposter anyway.
Too poor to afford a panel?
I think that's the default in i3, if openbox you'll want to look into "undecorating" and with a DE I have no idea
I bought it like one month ago to finalize academic research because some guy stole my old computer. I had backed it up one week ago so I didn't lose a lot of stuff.

I'm going to get an SSD and more RAM, then install Gentoo on this, then get a larger screen, but that's not my priority.

Remember that if you're going to say >le gentoo meme you're a rizon ircfag shitposter.
I bet ur a nerd who still has iqdb buttons so just click it
>then get a larger screen, but that's not my priority.
>A better screen to improve my productivity is not a priority! It can wait until I get all my other stuff!.
Oh, so you are poor, I get it.
OP 1/10

>clock takes up nearly 1/4 of the screen
>monitoring system CPU and RAM usage when running three terminal emulators
>file browser, why?
>gay music visualizer
I'm more productive with a qHD screen, a dvorak-like keyboard and LaTeX than you with a 5K iMac. Get used to it.

No I'm not poor, I just have higher priorities. Such as going to eat with friends right now. Bye, and have a nice day.
>Such as going to eat with friends right now.
>*basement door opens*
>"Hey Mom, what are we eating today?"
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what a faggot
Stop bullying resolutions pls
>mfw when neckbeards judge my resolution
Oh no, I will judge your retardness over your resolution.
>dude weed 420xDD!! A E S T H E T I C S

Pantsu is the only druggie we need.
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mares are the best drug
all of these look like shit i3 setups with some pastels thrown in

/g/ are you really fucking trying? holy shit

go back to posting anime, it's what you're good at
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don't reply to her thread
Post yours
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Just got a mac, how can I make my osx look like your mac?
Can you share your firefox css?
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>install homebrew
>install screenfetch script
>install mpd+ncmpcpp
>install cliclock (github)
>install ranger
Do you have an iTunes store link for those apps?
is this bait?
>itunes store
What? You install them with homebrew or from github.
My bad, I mean app store. Sorry, I'm still new with the apple related terms.
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Are you serious?
What's wrong? It's not called App Store?
he's actually serious isn't he

Thanks, How do you type like that?
Come on guys, are you actually trying to spoonfeed a troll?
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my reaction to your reaction image
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that's a p cute reaction, here's my reaction to your reaction

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You forgot your trip, ban evading frogposter.
alchool blog: IM FUCKING DRUNK
wtf who didn't tell me that idolmaster was way better quaity than love live
don't reply to her posts
delet this
this twin tail hardworking girl is defintely cute and I haven't even seeen anzu yet
gimme some
probably some left desu come over man
anzu is pretty cute but not what i expected desu, my fav. are rika & miria
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pixel are 2D.
dear now we're watching nichijoi of courssre
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go to sleep & you shouldn't post when you're drunk
you sound like fun
you always say that but I haven't really said anything bad you know
Maybe he just wants to stop you, before you get the threads banned again.
mods have already spoken on that issue
i have an obligation to express myself I owe it to me
your posting is worse
He's (>>54525882 >>54525928) already going to get them banned again.

Pointing out FtUbUNTu6s desktop is stupid.
>puts up an IRC window taking up the majority of his vertical space and a decent portion horizontally and then blurs the entire thing

why didn't you just close the window
even better
don't reply to her posts
I hope you get banned for being gross again


don't bully my sexual preferences
I love Ubuntu MARTAY.
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anime website
There is no her here.

that's pretty fkin gay lmao
don't reply to her posts
one of my favourite maki pictures!

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More than just an anime website.

how you're doung
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stop replying nerd it's like negative (You)s I don't need that
this anatomy is so bad
will not save sorry
I'm doing great. How are you?

Are you trying to kill desktop threads? Is that your goal?
pretty great right now I will say so thanks
what are you up to?
Watching The Amazing Race Special Podcast with Burnie and Ashley #4.
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is the amazing race a t.v show, and I don't like video podcasts but you said 'watching'. Is it a video podcast??
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Yes it is a T.V. show. I think there are 28 seasons or something. It's a race around the world doing all sorts of challenges and things. It's a video but it's just two people sitting down talking.
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don't make fun of my drawing pls I worked very hard on it
you're bad posting is whats killing these threads
hmm that sounds cooler than what I thought it was, keep going!
100% sure it's the anime spam. I wouldn't doubt if they get autosaged again after this one.
this one is autosaged
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don't reply to her posts
(I'd rather have no threads than the snorefest /w/-tier threads you apparently want)
Feel a bit discriminated, I wasn't the only one who posted anime
I love the thoughtful conversation you guys are having about technology, really though, just go to >>>/w/ and stay there with your friends, don't see why it must be here, and will probably never see why you guys stay here.

4chan is already a shithole on most boards, why you guys gotta make it worst.
like this is what the fuck you guys bring
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I didn't even notice.

Then why the fuck are you even posting here? Just fuck off and stop ruining things for everyone else. I'm not looking for slow threads like /w/, but I'm also not looking for desktop threads filled with anime.

That's not discrimination. Maybe try not posting anime.

>and stay there with your friends
I don't have friends one /w/
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cool dude
Wow, a very bigoted opinion.

You and fbtunu killed desktop threads btw.
stop being such a downer Yuuji it doesnt help and it just makes the whole thread more sader and angrier
> it just makes the whole thread more sader and angrier

well that and 404'd threads
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anime website
no one talks about technology on this board, it's just shitpost like in all boards, you should already know that.
rmemeber that jtime they ddeleyeted all of yuujis posts for being so bad and spamming desktops to ruin the thread
what a jerk desu
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We posted desktops. How the hell did that kill the threads? Explain to me how it wasn't all the anime spam.

It's very annoying when someone comes and ruins something you like.

No. Unless you mean the time they deleted three of my desktops because they were an anime wallpaper and taskbar.
lol fuck off
fuck off
remember when you and fubutnu made a good post? i dont
laughed desu
If you wouldn't report every single anime image the situation would have never spiraled out of control like it did.

You wanted to control everyone and in the end you just sank the whole ship

Also before you complain about off-topic spam you should realise that you're posting a windows desktop in a linux desktop thread.
>Implying it wasn't like this before with all the "loli" and love live posting

even the fucking creepy ass ushibro guy left
at least it's about techfuckingnology
>fine and honurable moderator signs in
>sees 50 fucking reports allfrom the desktop thread (thanks yuuji)
>deals with this shit every day while he cant deal with other threads because of this unending fucking spam
>autosages desktop threads

fuck offffff yuji
Don't call matt creepy and he didn't leave.
so, still got the scapegoat thing running /g/?
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Good Desktops 13.jpg
2 MB, 3840x1080
I'm right here you guys calmdown
>even the fucking creepy ass ushibro guy left
But he's still here, he just stopped posting ushi.

He isn't talking about Matt.
lol dumbo oblivious desu
>If you wouldn't report every single anime image the situation would have never spiraled out of control like it did.
It was already out of control. There have been threads where I didn't report anything yet, all the spam got deleted anyways.

>You wanted to control everyone and in the end you just sank the whole ship
I wanted desktop threads to be desktop threads. Not /c/ threads.

>Also before you complain about off-topic spam you should realise that you're posting a windows desktop in a linux desktop thread.
The thread is already autosaged. At least it's desktops I'm posting and not anime.

If there was no spam I wouldn't have to report anything.
>I'm also not looking for desktop threads filled with anime.
Said the person posting all the anime.
You brought this on your self.
I am not reading this shit are you KIDDING ME
uhhh -1
I posted desktops, not anime.
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u a shit
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*loud screaming sounds*
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I like to believe that he's still here.
Should we move here?
No. That's not a desktop thread. Just stay in this thread.
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>That's not a desktop thread
If you make a desktop thread it's just going to get autosaged.
Desktop threads are dead. The only way we'll ever have threads to post on is if we make them more inclusive and less of a circlejerk, meaning they need to have a technology related topic that allows us to post desktops as well.
>227 posts
just ignore yuuji, everyone will be better off
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How do I know it's you
>Page 9
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feels like being homeless and going from empty flat to bench on the street and getting kicked off at absurd hours by police
no, im too busy trying to get this imouto vn to work
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>If you make a desktop thread it's just going to get autosaged.
They clearly need to be anyways. Most of them are just anime spam at this point.
>The only way we'll ever have threads to post on is if we make them more inclusive and less of a circlejerk, meaning they need to have a technology related topic that allows us to post desktops as well.
That would be great.
>That would be great.
You just said that thread isn't for desktops.
go away
What? No I didn't. General desktop threads are dead due to anime spam. If there were a thread with some clear technology related topic that people talked about, and less circlejerking, while still being about posting desktops, then that would be great.
Then make some. I've made like 5 or 6 and no one posts in them
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Good Afternoon
Why don't we finish this one off >>54511171
The 9000 series is the most reliable computer ever made. No 9000 computer has ever made a mistake or distorted information. We are all, by any practical definition of the words, foolproof and incapable of error.
How does it feel to use an inferior language on a server in the current age?
Thread replies: 249
Thread images: 73

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