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Open source alternative proves to be shitty YET AGAIN
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Thread replies: 19
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Sucks to be you, OP. I don't use 7zip.

I bought Winrar and it's worth it for the file icon only.
>laughing steve jewbs
>when one of the two vulnerabilities is exclusive to his own company's shitty fs+
Oh the ironing
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>I bought Winrar
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>issues have already been patched
wew lad open source is so shitty amirite
The community will patch these bugs faster than any private company can.
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>doesn't use cuckSX file systems
>doesn't open UDF files (seriously, what the fuck are those?)
You wanna know one of Apple's fatal vulnerabilities?
Steve Job's immune system.
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>buying winrar
>vulnerability in a file format that isnt used
>vulnerability with the worst file system in use
That's not so bad.
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>not buying WinRAR
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>not pirating winrar
>using 7zip
>not using master race zip standard

>Not getting 7zip

Rarfags are the worst
But the 7z has the best compression
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>not getting the joke
Nice autism faggot
>Getting 7shit

Edgelord detected

It's not autism when you"re drunk nigger
hope i don't get a virus from this .zip file..........................................
Thread replies: 19
Thread images: 8

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