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/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
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Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 46
Old thread: >>54493517

For questions that don't deserve their own thread
Hotaru a shit, Saya a cute.
I like feet but that drawing is making me sick
Other thread hasn't hit the limit yet, shit stain. Kill yourself.
Gonna make a new PC after no upgrades in 4 years.
Getting the gtx1080 at the end of the month. Is a 4790k a decent cpu to go with it or it too low end?
I wanna make something that is futureproof for the next 3 years.
Fucking disgusting, real thread where?
This desu fampai.
seconding this... why the fuck do they draw the little steam clouds

and the feet are poorly drawn, too
Why the fuck are you making a new thread?
What would you guys do to get rid of viruses? I've heard time and time again that AV won't quite cut it.
Its for you to imagine the smell, delicious feet sweat.
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My car has had battery problems ever since we bought it new, originally oil on the alternator recall didn't solve the problem since the free service fixed it and sealed the new alternator. Now what I am experiencing is a "zombie" like state.

The new battery is what the auto store recommended by make and model. Sometimes after returning to the car in the parking lot the gauges will be up and the nav screen will be on, but the car is not in AC/ON, but locked. When I try to start it won't do anything, then all of a sudden starts on its own, only seconds after trying.

No low battery messages nor any signs of a bad battery either.

My PSU I bought for the rig last year randomly decides it's time to start working REALLY LOUD. It's corsair VS 450, fan is not obscured in any way, it just starts howling when it feels like it needs to. Is there anything I can do or do I nee to return if on warranty? Will the warranty even be considered for that?
MBAM and Adwcleaner, I don't think I've encountered anything that will get past both of those
I'm just starting out. So, what are the characteristics one should really focus on a GPU to distinctly compare it with another one?
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Fuck off senpai.
If I reformat my computer and make two partitions instead of one, I can have windows on one and install linux on the other correct?

What is the best version of linux for a beginner?
How do I safely uninstall amd gpu and replace with nvidia gpu?
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My phone just suddenly died. I tried everything, but it is completely dead. Wat do?
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How to organize 3TiB worth of porn?

50% is torrented and 50% is paid premium porn

share your tips and tricks on how to organize
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>50% is paid premium porn
Why do my speakers freak out when I try to play games? My audio is fine the rest of the time, or when I use headphones
It depends on your drives available to you but here's how I have mine set up.

I have a 4tb HDD set up exclusively for porn. I have one folder on the root, labeled Z (you can use whatever unsuspicious name you want in the even you have snoopers in your vicinity i.e. gf, little brother, etc.) If you don't, just start here.

I then break it up into the following subdirectories:

Image Galleries

In hentai goes H-manga, filenames are title of work-artist-translater group if translated.

In H-OVAs go two subdirectories: 3D and OVAs. In each are folders for every title, with related titles being within the same folder e.g. G:\Z\H-OVA\OVA\Taimanin Asagi - Series\Makai Kishi Ingrid.

In image galleries go image sets for 2D, organized by various means. Some are of characters while others are by artist, similar to the panda. Ecchi and cute are also compiled here, usually seperated into SFW and NSFW folders within a characters' folder.

JAV is organized by production company, and then simply the code. Image sets are within a seperate folder for image sets.

Western is organized by the actress.

As for torrents, I have a seperate 4tb for seeding so I can just leave the filenames and metadata as they are.
>paid premium porn
Ahh, so YOU'RE that one guy who pays for porn
My windows 7 just turned itself off without warning. I had defragmentation scheduled 2 hours ago, but no way it's normal that it just shuts off without giving single warning.

Is this a feature or a "feature"?
Sage, report, and move on.
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Could I mod this frontlit Gameboy Advance SP screen into my standard Gameboy Advance? They're both AGS-001. Would I need to solder in a wire from the screen panel to a component like those backlight mods require? I just like the ergonomics more for the original model than an SP and thought it would be a neat little side project.
So my android phone is asking for a security password to keep on working but I dont remember/know what this is.Is there a way to get behind it or format the phone through a client?
I want to buy the 1070 but I don't want to wait 2 months for the 3rd parties to start selling them. I was thinking of buying the 970 for the time being from a retailer here, then returning it before the 30 days then doing it one more time. I have a Best Buy and Fry's Electronic's where I live. My plan should work right?
Give it back, DaVonte
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>traced feet
How big is the truth table of a CPU?
you cannot represent a CPU with only a truth table.

regardless, the truth tables for portions that are representable would be collectively massive
Is http://www.logicalincrements.com/ a good site to help me build a gaming pc?
>truth table of a CPU
You know CPUs actually...do the math right?
Your CPU does not have a truth table.
The mods must be crazy to delete this.

Anyway my question is, what fans are the quietest? The ones that came with my 300r are starting to make insane amounts of noise so i unplugged them, even with only a cpu and gpu fan im still running cool but i want to replace the 212s fan and two case fans.

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Opinions on apps? Apps in question are Naked Browser (pro I already bought a while ago when a friend gave me a $15 Google play card)

And Solid File Explorer.

Are they safe? As in ad free and not going to sell/collect data on me. Firefox has gotten slow recently. Takes almost 30 seconds to load pages at times even in wifi. ES explorer has let me down with their bloated mess and spying bullshit. Looking to move on.

Also recommendation for music app? Currently using Black Player and while OK, i m sure there are better. How is PowerAmp? Worth the money? Would appreciate feedback here guys.
the liquid kind

Noctua (#1)
Scythe (#2)
Delta (just kidding)
so i want to move my os onto a ssd its on my hdd now. the windows 10 product key is for only 1 copy though so can i just put it on the new ssd and take it off the hdd?
Naked Browser is safe, although I prefer Lightning.

iirc, it was either Solid or ES that was safe and other is botnet was fuck, but I'd recommend Amaze over both of them anyway.

As for music players, I use Poweramp, definitely worth the money, although I've never used Black Player so I don't know how they stack up.
know of any good resources for advanced network programming?
When I boot up my PC, my monitor doesn't show anything on it. It doesn't show the "no input" message either. So I unplug it from the monitor and plug it back in, it works fine. Shut off the PC, and the next time I boot, there's nothing on the screen. Unplugging the cable and plugging it back in fixes it, but I don't want to have to do that everytime I boot. Is it likely a problem with the cable? Or is it possibly the monitor or the computer?
Case fans are not usually part of the loop, and liquid cooling honestly isnt that quiet.

Thanks, shame noctua are always brown, like seriously that has to be the worst business move
Thanks for the input! And yea, it was ES that went full skynet. Forcing ads on you, offering a "charge booster" that was supposedly helping you but actually just hijacked your lock screen with ads.

I'll give power amp a try then and do my best to move over to Naked Browser. Only thing I'd miss is adblock add-on but from what I've read, NB is capable of that as well. Maybe this will prompt me to finally root my phone and get adaway.
What certifications would I need to get a job in IT?
>Only thing I'd miss is adblock add-on but from what I've read

you can get hosts-file level adblockers in android

the one I use is called AdAway

works with any browser and application transparently
read a book, nigger
Read his post fully you nigger
I have a server running tightvncserver and I tunnel the connection over ssh. On my laptop running xubuntu I use remmina, which is very nice, and it has the ability to make the tunnel for me when I connect. Is there any vnc viewer for windows that does that?

tl:dr Alternative for remmina on Windows.
>get a job in IT
Depends on what type of "job in IT" you are going for. Most large companies preferred entry level quals are A+, Network +, active directory, osx knowledge, Office(Excel specifically) and MTA.

Just get A+, Network+ and MTA. Should run around $1K and the fees are deductible.
Apologies, my fault. Meant to say entry-level position in IT.
Thanks for the suggestions.
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If I have one USB hub and put in it 4 cellphones to recharge, the USB port in the computer will provide 20 volts to the hub? If not what will happen then?
it will do 5 volts no matter what. the .5 amps will will be divided among the phones
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if i ever catch some malware and it gets put into quarantine, is it better to leave it there or to delete it?
I'm about to acquire a laptop with 64MB of RAM and a Pentium II 333MHz CPU.

Would I be better off putting Windows 2000 or 98/ME on it?

I don't plan on installing Linux on it because every decent distro with an X server would murder the poor thing.
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Hey /g/ im still having this problem from before that navigating to the folder pictures via windows explorer is causing it to crash when i click on a folder or when i right click the pictures folder, however i can open up images in the main folder (as shown) and if i navigate by going e/pictures it wont crash (as show)>

Ive deleted thumbs.db so thats not the issue and it was working before.

When i tried to change the file originally it merged the screenshots folder, not that it makes a difference.

Also i changed the directory for pictures on the e drive to being called images, yet it still shows up from the pictures folder?
So, I'm fiddling with my cellphone, and trying to partition my sd card in it.

By using fdisk on a shell, I seem to have my sd card on two locations

But I can partition them separately, which makes no sense.
If I plug the cellphone and mount the sd card and partition it with fdisk on linux, the one that is changed is the vold/179:1, however the cellphone still recognizes the full sd card, with the mmcblk0 being untouched.

I am fucking confused, how the fuck do I partition this thing so I can install some apps directly on the sd card?

I have a samsung galaxy 5 btw.
back yo shit up, flatten and rebuild. shit gets put into quarantine because they can do some nasty things on being deleted, so it's stuck there forever unless you flatten and rebuild
didnt mean to post twice
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Has it already all been bought up?

It's going to be reselling for 50x what it was a few weeks ago.

People are stocking up for life.

Money to be made
bimpity bamp
Just delete them.
It's there for the case of false positives or some file you want, in which case you restore the file.
wrong, quarantine was created as a solution to the fact that many viruses are capable of replicating on deletion
The original file is deleted when placed in a quarantine.
t. ransomware owner
>implying you can magically copy an infected file and get an uninfected file as output
Is there a good PDF reader on android that doesn't try to collect my data or have any ads? What something for reading manga?
They make it so as the file can't be executable, at no point that means disinfection.

Disinfection is something different.
dropbox has one built in
googledrive has one built in
now you're just reaching friendo,
dunno if this guy is being serious or what, but don't listen to him
Maybe you should at the very least google how an antivirus works before trying to answer questions about them?
Is there one specifically where I don't have to be under the google overlord or have an app that's asking for stupid permissions?
dude, you don't know what the fuck you're talking about, just give it up you're not fooling anyone
you know you can selectively set permissions in android, right? Just because its asking doesn't mean its taking, unless you hit "Accept".

I think both Dropbox and Drive are less shady than fucking Acrobat DC, which is your only other option
Root not needed to block ads in Naked Browser: http://nakedbrowser.com/block
Why was/is desu cuck senpai censored?
Should I get my AAS/AS in Computer Tech, Computer Science, or Computer/Information Management?

All I care about is a comfy salary.
He had me fooled tbqphwyrnfam
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Hey guys, this guy looks like he has an important decision to make. We should help him. I know I sure would but I don't work a comfy tech job
Can you on lollipop without having to root?
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Whenever I go to a 4chan board, sometimes it shows this for like half a second, like long enough to be noticeable and annoying. I just downloaded Firefox because I thought maybe it was just a Chrome issue, but now it just happened on Firefox as well. Is there any way to make this not happen?
Having problems to learn how to pass parameters, especially using a function that gives an input to the main.

here's sort of what I'm doing:

#include <stdio.h>

int getsinṕut(int num) {


return num; // ???

int main(){
int i;



if(i<0) {
puts("invalid input");
getsinput(i); // the main issue is probably here, dunno
else {
printf("results: ");
return 0;
it's a server side issue with it loading the page a hair before it loads the style sheet
Is this setup worth $3,784? tryna make sure im not making a newbie mistake, thanks ahead if you guys can help me find the same for less.

Case X-5 Black Case

Motherboard Gigabyte Z170 Gaming 5 MATX

Processor Intel Quad Coreâ„¢ i7-6700K Unlocked Processor ( Choose )

Memory 32GB - DDR4 3000MHz Corsair Dominator Platinum ( 32GB (4x8) )

Power Supply Corsair 750W Semi-Modular Power Supply

Optical Drive External DVD-RW Drive

Wireless TP-LINK Archer T9E AC1900 Dual Band Wireless Router

Graphics Card NVIDIA Geforce GTX 980ti - 6GB GDDR5 ( Choose )

Sound Cards Onboard Audio

HDD/SSD Samsung 850 Pro 1TB SSD ( 1TB )

CPU Cooling Corsair H80i H2O CPU Cooler

CPU Paste Standard CPU Thermal Paste

GPU Paste Standard Graphics Card Thermal Paste

OS Windows 10 Home Premium 64-Bit

Anti-Virus Xidax Gaming Shield - Virus & Malware Protection

Mouse Razer DeathAdder Chroma

Monitor ASUS 24" Full-HD LED Monitor ( Choose )

Keyboards Razer Black Widow Ultimate Chroma

Speakers Logitech S120 - 2 Channel Sound

Webcam Logitech C-310 Webcam
how to reinstall windows 10. will give someone money for help
You know you can get an iPad for like 300 and it has a touch screen right?
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Somebody should really help this guy out wow
I've been a console peasent my whole life and want to step up my game but im a newfag to all of the PC shit, I just dont want to have to buy new shit every year, plz help
no way in hell is that a three large setup
Just add the shit up for yourself, it's probably about $1000 more than the individual part cost.
So there's no way to fix it? Can I force it to show nothing until the style sheet loads? It really grinds my gears
>not loli
I bought phone headphones but I want to use them on my PC, the problem is that is a single cable so the mic doesnt work
which kind of adapter do i need?

would this do the job?
oh my, where to begin.

first off, that is some shit tier formatting anon. second off, your printf statement should look like this:
printf("results: %d ", i);

third off, you're not storing the return value of getsinput anywhere.

here let me rewrite your code for you:

#include <stdio.h>

int gets_input(){
int num = 0;
puts("Enter a non-negative integer: ");
scanf("%d", &num);
return num;

int main(void){
int i = 0;
i = gets_input();

if( i < 0 ){
fprintf(stderr, "Invalid input! = %d", i);
i = gets_input();
} else {
printf("Results: %d", i);

return 0;
I bought a UPS, a pretty bare one with just a LED indicator and a switch.
How do I make it so that when the main line is out and only the battery is powering my PC, I want it to do a proper shut down? The UPS didn't come with any software.
I live in a shithole and power interruptions aren't that rare.
if it still works, in ff about:config change the initial paint delay to something longer than what it's set as
Actually you don't even need the else clause here.
This of course is when I am not around to do it myself. I tend to leave my PC on almost all the time because torrents and bots.
>i = gets_input();
oh so that's the key I was missing. Thanks.

about the formatting, I wrote it on the browser that's why the indentation is off.
Are there any small form factor cases for an ATX motherboard?
I want to make my system more compact.
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yo I just got a PC from my uncle BUT it has porn everywhere. Porn hidden in every fucking carpet and I don't feel like deleting each one to re-use his user profile.

Is it safe to delete his admin profile (after creating a new one obviously)? I just wanna get rid of the videos since they apparently take up 200 GB and the SSD is only 480 GB
so im about to build a cheap desktop pc, should i build it with a skylake i3 or a haswell i5? both are about the sae price

go for the i5 if they are about the same price

more cores are better than hyper threading.
this is about as small as it gets for a full ATX board
What the fuck my cat fell asleep on the keyboard and then typed some shit which made my windows log in instantly
For someone who is learning to program, Vim or Emacs?
Learning to program with vim means you'll also need to learn vim. Try opening vim and typing a few sentences.

Learning to program with emacs is easy as using notepad.
I am a vim lover but frankly if you are new to programming you should use something easy at first. You don't want to be learning too many things at once.
They were in little to moderate use but mid-summer of last year, they exploded in use to the point that it was basically spam, so they censored it around halloween. Although t
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What exactly does the "Delete local storage content set by blocked hostnames" in uMatrix's settings mean? Does it block localstorage from hostnames I've set cookies to be blocked from, or only from hostnames listed as malicious in the host files? Or is it something else entirely?

The only thing I found that was helpful was this: https://github.com/gorhill/uMatrix/issues/377

But it's still not exactly the answer I was looking for.
I plan on building a AMD Zen machine at the end of August 2017 (unless something major happens with Zen), it'll be my first build and I'm hoping to make it a mATX.
Will use it for content creation (Video editing, PS, and maybe Zbrush if I can get into it), how difficult would it be as a first build and how much might this machine run me? Hopefully I can keep it <$800
Are case fans actually necessary? Seems like they dont actually push much air
not most of the time, but if it's particularly hot out or you're gaming, it's better that you have them than not
Does the 212 evo come with a mount for a second fan? Is it worth it?
My windows computer is connected to wireless internet and has a simple bridge setup between that adapter and ethernet

Can my linux box then pickup the carrier from that ethernet connection? I'm using dhclient.
If you're pushing any sort of load then yes, a good case fan at the front and back, one pulling in and the other pushing out will make a big difference. If your CPU isn't prone to heating up and you've got quite a ventilated case, and you're just shitposting on the internet or w/e then no.
and a bonus question: how can I be sure that all my shit is going to fit inside the mATX case?
I mean compatibility of the components I can check but whether the physical dimensions might overlap is another thing, I know to use smaller form factor parts but it's still my biggest worry
I'll go with GNU/Emacs then. Thank you!

I want to encrypt my sd card. if i want to back up my photos, videos or music using USB OTG... would i be able to view them on my PC once they're on the flash drive? Do i need to decrypt them?
Yeah have a 300r and currently dont have any panels or fans on it (besides cpu fan). Its just dead quiet right now which im loving so i didnt want to ruin it with fans.
Fair enough. I'd suggest watching your temps and making sure your CPU isn't running too hot though

there are some really dead quiet fans you can get, personally i'd recommend Corsair AF140s which are pretty cheap. 140mm/lower RPM is really good for silence. Noctua and NZXT FXs are also very good.
Noctua started their Redux line last year IIRC, they're gray and black. Or just get normal Noctuas.
Also, I would recommend SilenX fans. They're much cheaper, as quiet, but die in about six months if you run them at their rated voltage. I use the slim 80mm fans in my 250D because the h100 is Xbox hueg in there.
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Where can one print custom 3D/Oppai mouse pads?
Fucking christ, the cable I'm using for the bridge wasn't fully plugged into the linux box

all working now lmao
As cliche as it sounds I kind of want to get into information security and penetration testing as a hobby. I've always been in love with hacker stories and the like.

If I wanted to get into this is there any literature I could read to get me started down the road?
Literature I don't know, but your best bet is to start right here https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Network_layer
Despite reddit being infested with /pol/acks and being full of shit heads on their main street subreddits some of the more specialized subreddits are pretty good at introducing people to new stuff.


no one?
just reinstall windows.
for cpp: does ifstream not read generic/extensionless files by default? I want to read some integers one-by-one from a file I have but it's just not having it. It would be nice if it would just tell me to fuck off if that's what's going on.

can I use his OEM disc for the same machine? I thought it was a one time install for the OEM versions.

also, wouldn't reinstalling windows fuck over the SSD?
i dont know about that, ive used my 8 disk a fair few times and its oem. If you have the product code you could download the iso from microsoft and boot from usb
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I might be getting 16 or so ex government computers, probably pentium and I doubt they'd leave the hard drives in them.

What can I do with them? One at least is just going to be a computer in my shed to display cad plans.

Render farm? Butt coin miner? Can I run multiple machines from one drive?
Windows has a factory reset option post 7

and no, SSDs aren't nearly that limited in write cycles, stop listening to tech illiterates from /v/.
also no, why would that screw up the ssd? I swear ssds have some hella odd perceptions.

depends if he has the recovery partition.
More of a /v/ question, but is their ways to play games like mgs5, bioshock, etc without having some bogus client?

I honestly think steam, origin, g4wl etc are utter shit and dont want them installed
Is there a good utility to download all tweets from a twitter account?
this, unless you're dding the drive 20 times over, you're not going to destroy an SSD
Steam is fine, everything else is shit. I don't think you have have to use any client if you buy a hard copy.
>/sqt/ or /dpt/
>file deleted
Idk why you don't like steam, but the best way to do that is to go to the store and buy the standalone disk, or see if you can get it online. Even then I think steam disks are often sold in stores now.
hard copy is redeemable steam codes usually. Bioshock hard copy made me install g4wl. I dont agree with steams practises although i agree its the most "transparent" client.

I feel this is the reason people are more inclined to torrent games, they dont have to deal with the clients
That's just how things are, pirate them or make your own client.
yeah, exactly this.

I dont want to play all my games online, nor do i want to give my info to a third party that doesnt let me own the game but instead own the right to play it, which can be stripped at any time and also has server bugs that let people access others accounts
Well you can usually get a nodisk crack, I actually haven't done that since Halo CE but they're generally just ported executables made to launch the game without running. Obviously that does mean no online play.
How do I put the current day of the week (i.e.: monday, tuesday) on i3status?
I can use the date command to print the part I want, but I don't know how to use a simple print to i3status.
>made to launch the game without running
a client*
Should I just go ahead and get windows 10? I'll only use this pc for gayming and basic office work.
what key do you have? just get the iso for that, windows 10 doesnt offer many improements and installs telementry which cant be properly blocked unlike the stuff that was on win 8 and prior
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>How can I be sure that all my shit is going to fit inside the mATX case?
bumping this part of the question due to interest. Is it really just a shot in the dark whether it's gonna fit or not?
if this is bait then you are a bad person for wasting my time

> case sounds like some gaymer shit, pick another one

> in fact you don't need any parts with "gaming" on it, probably overpriced

> you don't need an i7, get an i5 with a K on it

> 16GB RAM tops. You won't go over 8GB unless you work with video, processing big images or stuff like encoding media

> needing a disc drive in 2016

> I'd pick a hyper 212 as a cooler if you REALLY need one

> if you're wasting money on superfluous shit you might as well get a decent thermal paste instead of the standard one

> gpu paste? goddamn I've been baited haven't I?

> buying Windows

> DeathAdder is good but drivers kinda suck, at least install the old ones instead of synapse

> get a good monitor

> get a keyboard with nice switches

> get goodspeakers
very simple

buy a micro atx motherboard and case and you can guarantee it will fit fine, like Im takling 100% guarantee. For the video card, check the length dimensions on their website and also look at your case website and check how much room you have. Of course you want to check fan slots and dimensions, but you'll be fine.
Do you do VM work? Are you running a web server? Why do you need 32gb RAM?
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When my computer is configured for a PXE boot does it have to download the whole image from the network every time it boots? Isn't that fucking slow?
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Is there any predicted price on the AMD Zen and Polaris? Off of that, what would their price be 1 year from now? I'd like to do some budgeting ahead of time.
Not that guy but thanks buddy, I've built a few full towers before but a smaller case is a bit intimidating
Best ISO mounting tool for Windows that isn't bloatware? Deamon tools lite is what I'm currently using.

Also best UNIX based mounting tool for when I install gentoo
wincdemu or virtualclonedrive
right click mount. it's built in
Only 8 and up.
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I done fugged up /g/. I bought a lavalier microphone off of AliExpress but it won't work with my computer, presumably because it's a 4pin and my mobo only supports 3 pin. Is there a way to convert it from 4 pin to 3 pin without spending much money? Do I just have to change some settings around on my computer?
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I want to buy PhotoFast 5400 adapter and 2x16GB microsd for my psp. Which class of microsd is ok?

I read that psp have max 10MB/s write speed. Class10 is supposed to have minimum 10MB speed, but its in the worst case scenario. People are saying class 6 is ok too. I found Adapter + 2x16GB Samsung class6 for ~$15, should I go for it?
The audio channels should be in the same place on both TRS and TRRS making them compatible with each other. Worst case you need to build a converter that drops the additional pin.

Trouble arises when manuafcturers can't agree on if the mic/custom button is on the last ring or the sleeve, and build incomatible plugs and ports. I've only ran into incomatibilities with apple and Nokia earpuds.

Why does the mic have TRRS anyways? Does it have a hardware button or something?
I just recently bought a 1TB 2.5" hard drive for my laptop. Because since I bought it ~3 years ago, I haven't done anything to it entirely. Mostly for games and learning to program. I want to change my OS since fucking Winblows 7 won't let me install in it without those "A required CD/DVD drive device driver is missing" (Note: I'm installing Windows 7 on a thumb drive). What OS should I use to use as my host for guest Windows ?
it really doesn't matter
the only writes you're doing on a psp is saving your game, which is a couple megs or less
for reads... you're competing with a umd drive, even the shittiest of microsd cards will do better

the only mass writes you'll be doing is the initial transfer of games and other media from a pc, which doesn't really matter unless you're constantly switching things around
buy a sony memorystick pro hg, it may be costlier but 50MB speeds are the shit dawg, it's worth it. you really dont want your games to lag like shit with the microsd, i know it cause ive been there
>install xp in virtualbox 5.0.20
>it runs like shit, sound is choppy
Did anything change? Previous vm ran better and I don't remember changing any settings.
Thanks. I thought UMDs were pretty fast, no?

I somehow dont trust you
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Is it at all possible for software to make WiFi connection weak?

I got a new phone the other day, WiFi worked fine and I was without issues. I went to root it and flashed some stock, rooted files with no other changes and for some reason, ever since, my WiFi signal on my phone is really poor. Most of the time it shows zero bars and sometimes I pick it up and it's just not connected at all and takes a while to connect again.

I'm not sure if it's my WiFi or the phone itself. Any ideas? One thing to note is that I'm in the UK and the stock image I flashed was more of a generic one as opposed to a UK one, but that supposedly shouldn't matter

What's the problem here?
Why is /g/ so unimaginative with the indian names? Literally 99% of the times an indian name is used for shitposting it's pajeet. I bet there are way more hilarious indian names out there.
Aarav spotted, its because its a meme you dip
What the fuck is an Aarav?
the most common indian name.

You're not a clever or cultured person are you?
Not really into indian culture fäm.
How do I watch muh animus on iPad? I can't find any file manager here, btw PC is broken (PSU) and all I got here is my 4" screen android smartphone and an iPad.
>using virtual box in the current year
I found your problem lad
Indian culture is shit, metaphorically and literally.
hope its on youtube or root your iphone.

Or torrent it on your android
I'll just repeat what other anon said, if you want to block ads system-wide, AdAway is the way to go
Nope, absolutely nothing other than the mic and metal clip.
When I plug my mouse into a USB port, it works for a while, then has some hickups where it works then it doesn't. After that it just stops functioning, at which point I need to swap the USB port again, causing it to work for a while until it starts hickups again.
It seems like the longer I don't plug it in, the longer it functions without hickups

What the fuck do I do?
>Buy new mouse and keyboard
>download software
>click next on installers and wait as my PC restarts
>it doesn't restart
>fans turn on and that's it
>monitor is black and no beeps or anything

How did I fuck up this bad? Is it just a coincidence that I got some new peripherals?
lol what did you do
Im using exact duplicates of the base css/html i created.But on one site,all of the fonts are different,even though font-style is specified and they are both using the same div id
What could cause this?
I've tried 3 differeny browsers,and they are still rendering differently
I want to buy a dvd version of windows 10 pro but i thought they were like 120 dollars. Why are so many retailers selling it for 50 dollars? And yes it says its the boxed dvd version, not just a key.

Are they scamming me?
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So, I've been running my 4690k at 4000MHz which i did with the "OC Genie", and after googling around i found that i could achieve 4600MHz safely.

I just wanted to ask you /g/uys before doing it because i'm not very experienced with OC, do i just adjust the multiplier and leave the volt at 1.2V? or is there something else to do?

Thanks, hope i don't look to much like a retard, image is what im running right now.
Network Question/
Summary Static Route:
1 eth0
2 eth0
3 eth1

We could sum 1 and 2 together and should get eth 0

Did I something wrong in the calculation or why doesn't it work?
basically yes, although going from 4.5 to 4.6 requires big vcore bump in my case, so I'm at [email protected]
4.5 is safer then? i was just watching this video but seems old https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tNTQ3ZanvbA
maybe yours is better. don't go to 4.6 straight away, go step by step
>raise frequency
>check if it's stable
>if yes, then go higher, if no raise vcore a bit
>repeat until you're satisfied
>check if it's stable
A few minutes of AIDA64 stability test?
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Windows 8 or 8.1? And why?

I'm going to dual-boot with Debian.
Windows 10.
why? just install windows 10.

out of the two 8.1 cause security updates, no other difference
or prime95 v26.6. Don't use newer versions, because they produce crazy unrealistic loads and temperatures.
More like a few hours. CPUs aren't like GPUs, it can take hours for them to error out.
Windows 8.1 with classic shell is bretty gud.
>hours at %100 load
I bought phone headphones but I want to use them on my PC, the problem is that is a single cable so the mic doesnt work
which kind of adapter do i need?

would this do the job?
Bump voltage till you cant post then knock it down 0.5.Then play with the ratio.
free as in freedom and recommended windows pdf viewer?
yes? they don't call it a stress/stability test for nothing
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>svchost constantly taking up 25% CPU
>can't start windows updates
>malwarebytes, hitmanpro and roguekiller can't get rid of it
Looks like i got myself a particularly nasty bitcoin miner. Should i just go nuclear and format the drive or is there a better solution that won't take me the rest of the day?
New thread: >>54509119
Its not a miner, thats the stupid update search service. I get this everytime i install win7 on a new pc. Deactivate win updates and restart. Also if it pops up deactivate service.

Sometimes winDefender is there too to eat my cpu power, same stuff.

>seriously recommending W10. Kill yourself, kouhai.

I meant if there's something else I should know. I want it for gayming, so I was guessing going with 8.1.
Classic shell is a must after the abortion of a GUI they spawned.
>215 replies
>new thread
you what?
Explain to me the difference between 8.1 an 10, besides 8.1 being more insecure and outdated.
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Ok so i did 46 multiplier, 1.2V and 1600 on the ram with XPS enabled and it looks like this now.

What i find odd is that the task manager when running the aida stability is saying that the speed is 6 GHz, is that normal?
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This is what i mean.
>boot laptop for the first time in two months
>decide to check windows update
>it's been searching for 30 minutes
Cancel and download manually?
Is it just me or do sata cables wear out really fast?
what do you mean they wear out?
Got a crash with the test, set it at 4.5 and testing again, or should i keep it at 4.6 and up the voltage?
Is their a way to make it so my fans dont turn on when i boot and only when the pc reaches x them?
higher voltage means higher temps
if your cooling is good enough, then raise vcore. But don't go crazy, keep it below 1.25V or whatever is the reasonable haswell-r value.
Windows 10 has better gaming performance.
But it still won't let me look for windows updates. Just keeps searching and searching.
So i should stay at 4.6 and up the voltage by 0.005 each time until it stops crashing?
At my new job I have to learn how to use VectorWorks which is a mac-only software. I'd like to work on it at home but I only have Windows, can I emulate a Mac environment somehow so i can install it?
Try it, find the limit.
Like after plugging and unplugging around 10 times they feel hella loose
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Been running the test at 4.5 for 7 minutes now temps don't go above 64 for now
Just says that i already installed this update.
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Brought a u2414h weeks ago and started to notice a bit of ips glow/blacklight bleed on the bottom middle of the screen. I know ips screen usually have ips glow problems, but should i return it?
It will be a hassle to return it thought so I'm asking if this is normal.
Can you remove the malware updates from W10? No? Then fuck off.

It's also bundled with malware. I can live with 2 fps less.
>fell for the ips backlight meme
Does AdAway on Android block ads on Twitter?
use ublock origin
"malware updates" are on all versions of windows from 7 to 10 you fucking mongoloid cunt, make some research before talking stupid shit, Telemetry is included in updates for all versions of windows ages ago, retard.

Oh and also, stop using every google service, as you dont like "malware updates" fucking hypocrite.
I was refering to the Android app, not the web-based browsing
As am i
I was refering to an app itself that blocks ads frok others but nevermind, thanks anyway
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Why does my hard drive sound like it turns off and on randomly once in awhile while I'm using Windows?

I have shut down hard disk set to "never" in power options and my S.M.A.R.T info seems fine.
Still waiting. Barely any network traffic, one core under 100% load
it doesnt shut down, it jsut stops spinning when it doesnt need to
It's parkign the head when you're not writing to the disk,to help prevent wear
How can i rip music from nes roms?
You can't rip music because there are no files to rip, just google the music or open the game with a emulator and record the sound.
head parking actually cause excess wear in hd green drives
Then how is it stored?
So one out of trillions of hard drive has worse performance?
Oh golly gee
My god, how stupid are you? do you think NES cartridges had mp3 files? i sincerely hope you are trolling.
Who said anything about mp3?

I expect its stored in some format, probably a 2 letter format.

In fact you're the retard for thinking its not stored in a format
Thread replies: 255
Thread images: 46

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