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I just released v0.3.2 of my multi-threaded platform-agnosti
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File: akari2.jpg (58 KB, 514x524) Image search: [Google]
58 KB, 514x524
I just released v0.3.2 of my multi-threaded platform-agnostic CPU-based tripcode searcher!
On older architectures, it should run at least 10% faster than the previous version!

It also makes a nice benchmark!
Here's some random xeon system running on 32 threads at once!
TRIP: '!aKaRIjHnQw' -> PASS: 'Mtw,"xl[' @ 4.10 mTrip/s
TRIP: '!AKarIMLuzE' -> PASS: '1|P?HKg%' @ 4.14 mTrip/s
TRIP: '!IcaKaRiY3A' -> PASS: 'U$)$Ka5e' @ 4.14 mTrip/s
TRIP: '!YakAriRyrM' -> PASS: '{`V5Lhcf' @ 4.14 mTrip/s
TRIP: '!kboMakaRiA' -> PASS: '!x5m`,QO' @ 4.17 mTrip/s
TRIP: '!9YiakArIdE' -> PASS: 'Et2vFceU' @ 4.17 mTrip/s
TRIP: '!waghAkarIM' -> PASS: 'oF4e*:-[' @ 4.17 mTrip/s
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dumb tripfag cancer
Cpu-based? Why do I want THAT?
Maybe some people have a fuckton of CPU power without the need for a beefy GPU?
File: cmd_2016-05-10_18-37-53.png (39 KB, 1348x768) Image search: [Google]
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But I can do easily over 40 million on CPU with this and 300 on my mobile GPU

Yours doesn't even seem as fast as the old school trippers like tripcrunch or 4brute
File: cmd_2016-05-10_18-40-51.png (71 KB, 1348x768) Image search: [Google]
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yours is almost 40 times slower
Those programs use platform specific extensions like AVX and SSE2 tho.
Build one that uses the am3 extension in AMD processors. Wet need to be superior somehow!
Try generating tripcodes in large batches and then searching through them and printing out matches. This should be faster than doing them one by one because of less locking and IO
Searching isn't really a bottleneck tho.
The real bottleneck is the crypt function, which eats up about 75% of the running time.
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