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Update! Finally was able to send Linux ISO to Seagate with Mac.
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Update! Finally was able to send Linux ISO to Seagate with Mac. converted ISO to dmg in terminal. Formatted and unmounted Seagate in disk utility. Ran Sudo dd script.
Seems I wasn't using the proper file path in the Sudo dd script. I also didn't unmount the drive after formatting. Also was using disk name of sample script like a retard. ultimately the file was sent to the Seagate. I restarted and went to boot loader and there was the drive. I did arch first but everything was CLI. switched to Mint w/cinnamon. Thanks for nothing faggots.
Nice blogpost
You're still a fag, even if it's not running OS X.
>arch and mint
you're basically a meme

I used ubuntu 2 years back on this same Mac. What does that make me? I bet half you fags use windows and couldn't complete this process without a USB installer.
>I installed Linux
>I bet you can't
>bow down to me

Fuck off faggot
you went through all that for shit debian. just full install pussy.
>Linux on a Mac.
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