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It's 2016, why aren't you programming functionally yet?
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It's 2016, why aren't you programming functionally yet?
I don't know what that means.
Everyone is programming functionally though, moreso professionally unlike some /dpt/ memers
Before anyone asks the semen demon is Kübra Kapan
Apparently that's her only cute photo though
thx anon
Wow, severely disappointed.
It's 2016, why isn't that whore naked?
Photo was posted ~2008
Because I actually need to get some shit done.
> Kübra Kapan

Turkish names are so based, makes me want to ride the steppes and raid peasents

Because the frameworks I use to maintain the code I work with isn't made with this paradigm.
I'm doing functional programming in Javascript.

How 2016 am I?
What modern framework (as in one usable in this current year, the current year of which is 2016) does not let you deal with this paradigm? Even fucking Java with Spring, a necessity for using Java in 2016, lets you do more with aspect-oriented programming and Java 8 adds functional functionality too

JS is pretty much 90% functional usage though unless you use more angular than JS/other JS frameworks
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nah she got fat
0/10 Still not naked.
>being this retarded

Kill your parents for not having you aborted and then kill yourself for being a fucking loser.
Neither of your posts are related to functional programming. Fuck outta this thread
chubby chaser mad
no this is a qt
>not wanting a thicc gf
fucking disgusting, enjoy your prissy anorexic bitch ranting about her diet and complaining about high cal food
why did she get so fat
come on man
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It means the function in "math functions", not the function in "getting things done".
>Functional programming combines the flexibility and power of abstract mathematics with the intuitive clarity of abstract mathematics.
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