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>tfw you work at apple
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>tfw you work at apple
>tfw you work
>tfw when you find you're being stack-ranked at Microsoft.
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>tfw too dumb to get degree
Apple iQuit?
That's not being dumb, it's being lazy
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>tfw you face the reality you are just lazy to get a degree
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lmao funny
Is it really that bad?
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KEK, I got the joke OP.
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Is that the dead guy? What happened??
Go tie a rope around your neck you tripfagging cunt. Nobody likes you, just fuck off.
God dammit, someone answer me. Why did he kill himself? And yes, I googled but didn't find anything except for pic related (kek).
> tfw you actually are too dumb

I actually have an IQ of 73. Shit-tier GPA in high school and shit grades on the SAT too.
Aww I love you too anon-kun.


Looks like he was a software engineer.
same, high five for underachieving!
what race are you faggots?
I'm seriously telling you what everyone here is thinking, get the fuck out. Now. Nobody likes you here and nobody wants you posting here. Go pick some other board or better, kill yourself.
white masterrace, just a dumb loser.
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Were you malnutritioned as a child? Or maybe dropped on the head? I mean, that's retard-tier IQ, I can't believe it's actually that low. 100 is average.
Average /g/ poster
>mfw developing a freetard distro and slandering the police on twitter may get you killed too
But that handgun is not made of brushed aluminum nor is it inside his rectum...

This makes me bullish on Microsoft as the company to crack time travel. The only way to not get fired will be to invest Windows or Office. The poor bastard who travels back for SQL Server is going to be stuck in a Groundhog Day loop hoping for a better product launch. ...then there's the case where Pajeet Faust goes back only to get assigned to Windows ME.
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You need to relax, if you legitimately don't love me anymore then just filter me. I don't mind as long as you're happy. Stop trying to enforce imaginary CoCs because there are none except global and /g/ rules. Anyway hope you have a good night/morning or whatever.

If you harbor hatred for tripfags why give them attention at all? What do you hope to gain? I still love you though.
I honestly dunno, don't remember much of my childhood. I do remember it fuckin sucked though.
I'm >>54367870

I agree you anon, honestly I really feel like I fit in here.

I agree with anon below, get the fuck off this website you faggot.

What was your SAT score?

1920 here, pretty disappointed tbqh. I'm actually having to transfer into the school I wanted
Why he being such a dick, I like you.
Thanks for removing your trip.
Don't remember, was like 8 years ago. I do remember this gang of douchewagons making fun of me over it.
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>mfw 1630 SAT score
>Graduating with a 3.4 GPA
Not in a /g/ major but still, I have never studied for a test
Sorry man, no one deserves that.

I hope your life is better now
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>graduated with a <3.0 GPA
>going to a shitty community college
>almost double your IQ
>still can't get a degree
I should just end it.
>more than double your IQ
>know that degrees are useless and wageslaving is for retards
kek, sounds like you got bigger problems, anon. Good luck out there.
I'm a NEET too, so I guess I'm smart in my own way.
underrated post
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I took the ACT three different times, got 21, 23, 23. When tested for ADD, I took and IQ test and got 102. The guy said he'd expect I'm closer to 115 if I were able to concentrate, but I think he just said that to make me feel better. I'm struggling to get my CS degree, as I feel like I'm getting dumber every day. Everyday it gets harder to concentrate on anything. What is wrong with me? My brain is acting as a half functioning cloudy mass of shit, and I'm scared shitless that I'm not doing well enough at my current internship.
Dude, I know how you feel.

I've never been diagnosed with ADD, but I find that I'm forgetful and just don't give a shit about anything. If I focused, I could probably accomplish things, but without strong motivation, I can't.
Do they let you have an iPad pro as a "genius"?
>I'm scared shitless that I'm not doing well enough at my current internship.
And I thought the same thing at my last summer job, but they actually ended up being happy with my performance.

It's probably just impostor syndrome. You got this senpai
Reading portion doesn't count
>tfw when dumb

I know that feel, its why i hang out here on /g/ with all the other idiots
>he scored badly on the reading section
I mean writing.

Reading was ez as fug.
Oh, right. Seems too dependent on which question you get -- mine was way too philosophical, so I had no idea how to answer.
I wanna work at apple, they pay well for very little work
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I work at Apple and I can say that lack of work life balance there is no joke. There are high expectations on you to dedicate your life to the company and corporate culture. Can't say I blame the guy.
The whole writing thing is a sham but somehow they got a few wise people in recently and changed the test so writing is an optional thing if you really are into that formulaic shit of an essay + all info to study is for free online collegeboard + the tests don't have vocab and overall aren't focused on memorization, resembling an IQ test moreover.

It's rare to see reform in this huge bureaucratic kind of thing go so well.
>Barely above average IQ
>Going for CS degree, fucking up everywhere
>Near-impossible to concentrate on anything
>Have trouble being happy or sad about anything, even when I get 100% on a quiz or fail an exam
Are you me?
>Tfw going to apply for an apple college graduate leadership and management training job
>Tfw will probably get it
>tfw will have to either stop using android and get an iPhone or have to get a MacBook before I show up
I'd literally rather drop $999 on a pixel or x1 carbon... Fuck, I might have to get an iPhone
Cop sum adderal fampai, if it turns out you don't need it you can sell it at a premium price in college.
find passion lmao
Get SE I guess

They will congratulate for being one the only who buys an s6 though
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I got kicked out of uni for failing too many courses.
Fuck my life.

I'm not retarded stupid, I'm just incompetent and lack motivation to do anything with my life.
Can you keep posting this thread every day like the 16gb ram dude.
>IQ 73
ow wow you're dumber than that pokemonfag on /int/ with his IQ of 77
And he was stupid alright
Just buy the cheapest iPhone you can and just use it as a secondary phone
>be me
>went to state university
>took electronic engineering
>failed spectacularly
>felt like a total loser
>felt ashamed to meet old high school friends, even went as far as terminating phone number and deleting all facebook/twitter profile
>dad suggested me to go to his old community college
>feel kind of insulted, but I don't wanna flip burgers or shoot minks/beaver/alligators for a living
>enrolled anyway, took computer engineering
>made some real friends since high school
>lecturers actually care about students instead of telling them to fuck off so they can concentrate on their "research"
>got into archery, street soccer and weebs "fraternity" club
>graduated last year with GPA of 3.7

I do want to get at least a bachelor degree but I have to go to state university (2 hour drive from where I live) and I don't feel like going to my old university and being called loser by them self-entitled cunts. Besides I'm like 25 now, I don't think I can spend another 4 years of studying no more, but the only thing I do right now is selling macbooks and ipads and I don't want to spend my days fakin smile and serving faggots/fedoras who can't even do shit with their overpriced facebook machines
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Did you guys take a legit IQ test from a psychologist and/or Mensa?

Especially talking to you >>54368399
An IQ of >(73*2=146) is pretty fucking rare. As far as I know, when I did my test, they cut off the scale at 145 or 150 since there was literally no reference group left to compare to.

I was kind of an overachiever in high school, so my school sent me to one of those Mensa tests for free (they usually charge 50 bucks). I scored a 121. Not even enough to be considered "highly gifted" and join Mensa since you need at least 130 for that.

Still, it's only a comparison of how much "smarter" you are than your reference group. In my case (with an IQ of 121) it's 90%.

After all, my grades boiled down to hard work and not being some kind of hyper intelligent rain man. These were my days pre-4chan anyway, but I still leave this site for one month during the exams to actually study.
>another applel "genius"

Kek. How much do you make tho?
this. people don't seem to understand that the IQ score
1) is just a normalized z score, so average always equals 100 and all the stupid shit that goes along with normalized scores, and
2) since it's a standard normal distribution, the chances of someone being at 130 or higher are incredibly low. The chances of being over 145 are literally about 0.1%. If your score puts you in the 99.9th percentile (or even the 95th, for that matter), take another IQ test again to confirm. And this time don't use a buzzfeed quiz.
28k/year, plus benefits. If I don't get any promotion by next year, I'm gonna quit and move to east coast.
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