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So... this thing is out and I actually tried it.

>Ubuntu + Cinnamon with more recent updates than Mint apparently
>It juzt werks
>Some extra pre-installed tools that come in handy (Nvidia drivers, GRUB customizer, etc)

>Live session is in French, changing language won't work on it (during install you can choose your language just like any other *buntu)
>Ugly ass dock for some reason
>Won't install on Virtualbox

>A lot of software pre-installed: Chrome (with ABP), Spotify, Gmail and Outlook, etc
>Windows 10 inspired theme
>MATE DE included for some reason


Anyone else tried this? Let's discuss.
wasn't ubuntu supposed to get an official cinnamon spin
just install ubuntu and then install cinnamon
Cuckbuntu 16.04 LTS
what a complete fucking mess and waste of time - typifies what wrong with Linux as a whole.

Why not start with a Debian Live Cinnamon Install and configure it to your liking - way lighter than any Ubunut shite.
>typifies what wrong with Linux as a whole
The ability for anyone to do what they want with it?
put your WTF on the CONS side.
Who the fuck wants
>theme inspired from a botnet
It's called cubuntu, not mubuntu
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