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>the government payed 1.3 million dollars to open the san
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File: organized-crime-syndicate.jpg (79 KB, 379x257) Image search: [Google]
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>the government payed 1.3 million dollars to open the san bernadino iphone
It was just yesterday that the "nothing to hide" populace didn't care about privacy and security. What changed?
probably because most people don't give a shit about their pc's but care alot about their phones
Normies don't want all of their snapchat nudes from when they were under 18 ending up in the hands of the FBI. That and they'll agree with whatever Apple says, if Apple had decided to help the FBI and backdoored their software then the same people would be defending that decision.

>That filename
But they never once asked for a backdoor. They want Cook and Williams to come up with a way for them to comply with court orders, and if this keeps up they're going to be imprisoned AND the fuzz will get to do whatever they want. Nobody wins.
They are just liberals who want to protect Muslims. If the shooters were white, no one would give a fuck.
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people are fucking sheep, most of the population has no business whatsoever with a computer or an internet connection.

nothing matters unless the corporations tell them it should matter, no one can think independently anymore, everyone needs to be part of some groupthink facebook hashtag movement.

the formation of the permanent mongrel underclass is almost complete.
>the government payed 1.3 million dollars to open the san bernadino iphone
>they will never admit there was nothing on the phone
except me
Look out everyone, this guy has it all figured out!
File: iBotnet.png (176 KB, 686x667) Image search: [Google]
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>What changed?
Mactards think whatever Applel tells them to think.
The point is it ironically leaves the door open for other and more organised criminal acts to take place. Apple saw a spike in sales once prisoners figured out they could communicate with zero risk.
nah man, they never actually got into the phone, it's a bluff
Either a Pajeet or a NEET, I'm going with NEET.
>>>54328873 (OP)
We're getting a dumber class of troll these days.
I blame society.
got their nudes on their phones
You couldn't jail Cook or Williams for not complying with the order. Apple is its own legal entity
>>But they never once asked for a backdoor. They want Cook and Williams to come up with a way for them to comply with court orders
The only way to do that is a backdoor. A backdoor is exactly what the FBI was asking for - a hacked version of the OS, signed with Apple's key, that bypasses security features on the phone.

This is why you see things like Whats App deploying end-to-end crypto - they're designing systems to be secure even if they, the developers, are hostile, due to a court order. The next time the FBI comes to a company asking for a backdoor, a court order won't do any good because the system will have been engineered to make that impossible, not just difficult.
This, it's just the start.

Could be but also keep in mind that this can be all fake for marketing and/or false information.
Thread replies: 23
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