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Arguments about Uber being better than taxis are stupid. Uber
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Arguments about Uber being better than taxis are stupid. Uber is no more than a taxi-company like the rest of them, and the stuff that makes Uber stand out above the rest in terms of customer-support, service-mindedness and pricing is just misconpetions, wishful thinking and marketing. It has nothing to do with Uber beeing anything else than a taxi-company.

Prove me wrong.

Protip: you can't.
Why discuss taxis as if any of us ever take one.
Who cares?
Free market, cunts.

Install Gentoo all ye who enter this thread.
But Uber is not a taxi company. It's an App.
I drive a taxi.
>Über being better than taxis is bullshit, because the only difference between Über and normal taxis is that Über is better
great thread
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>incoherent gibberish

>Prove me wrong.

>Protip: you can't.

Learn to write retard. I'm not even sure if you are pro- or anti-Uber after reading that steaming pile of shite you call a paragraph.
Didn't know that Uber has added umlauts to their name.
Lol, you can't contribute your own opinion because you don't understand what the hell OP? You are such an intelectual.
desu it's just muscle memory fäm
taxi driver needs to have a licencs
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Here in the Netherlands I suck Uber's giant black dong considering they are 1/3 of the price of normal cabs, 2/3 for Black and still a bit cheaper with Lux without their drivers being scary angry Moroccans with an aggression problem.
You're missing the point OP. A recent audit of the taxi authority here in Las Vegas found that they overcharge their riders a total of 47 million dollars per year. But as you mentioned Uber can pull that shit as well.

The real issue is the power the cab companies have as a lobbiest. We have a bankrupt monorail that runs the length of the strip and stops a couple blocks short of the airport, which receives 42 million visitors a year, simply because completing that last section of track would devistate the cab companies.

So not only is this system completely rigged in favor of cab companies, the still have the audacity to bitch about Uber undercutting their profits, all while long hauling the fuck out of customers.

They system is horrifically broken and cab companies are in dire need of some competition. So far Uber is the only hope we have.
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How does it feel having to scrub the blood and semen from your backseat every day?

why the fuck all the boards come to shitpost on /g/ ?
what's your first language?
Where do you live exactly?

Because I can guarantee you that in France, the difference is fucking huge: superior availability, way more convenient, nicer and more polite drivers overall, largely cheaper... the only two downsides are that some aren't as experimented as taxi drivers and blindly follow their GPS, and that there are lanes in large cities restricted for transportation services, and Uber isn't considered one and therefore their drivers can get stuck in traffic jams whereas a taxi wouldn't so much. So if you're in a great hurry better get a taxi, if there's one available though.

Taxi companies don't work the same everywhere on earth. Also there's a transportation board: >>>/n/
Theyre the same thing,except uber is not reaaly a taxi company cause anyone can become a driver
In some cities cab drivers need to pay tons of money out of pocket for a licensed cab medallion. Uber let's anyone drive. They also don't manage a fleet of cars. Everything is more distributed which means uber overhead should always be significantly lower than any traditional taxi service (should be able to offer the most competitive rates).

What I like about uber is there is no bullshit. No hassle with pay, no little shit telling you the credit card machine isn't working. You just get in the car and go. The rating system on driver's holds them much more accountable than random cabbie.
Uber is:

A. a dispatch company for illegal jitneys

B. an experiment in devaluing labor
I can order an Uber 15 minutes before class starts and still make it on time. On top of that, it usually costs me less than $7.00, where a taxi would cost me more than $20.00.
Beyond price and availability, there's better service. I've left a phone in a taxi and was never able to get it back. Same situation has happened twice with Uber and got my phone back both times.
The downside to Uber is that you aren't riding with a professional, but that's only ever affected me one time when I had a driver who couldn't find my house and ended up bailing without calling me. Uber refunded my money and gave me $30.00 in credit, which lasted me much longer than if I would have taken a taxi every time.

Taxis have gone the way of the dinosaur. They have to charge absurd rates because they're usually renting their license, or paid an *absurd* amount to buy their license outright. Uber is the way to go almost 100% of the time.

Also, how many times have you been scammed by Uber? Hell, how many times has an Uber driver even attempted to scam you? Protip, they never have.
I'm betting you can't say the same about the taxi you took to the airport when you were on a business trip.
Not my problem. I pay a reasonable amout to some shady arabians running a car wash. They do their job, and i save time and can drive more.
Taxis are nigger where I live. Literal sandniggers with nigs mindset.
But, I have my own vehicles.

I saw this stupid article yesterday.
>Tip your Uber driver. Don’t argue, just do it.

They are essentially a taxi, but they disregard labour laws, are unlicenced and don't pay taxes.

Ironically, every taxi company in existence would drop whatever they are doing and adopt the uber business model (of ignoring the law to their own benefit), but most smaller companies don't have the clout or financial backing to be able to ignore regulation so brazenly.

I do think it's funny when people refer to them as if they are the little guy where I live. They are bigger than every taxi company in my city combined. Shilling pros, they are.
Uber drivers are 1099 contractors. The drivers pay taxes but uber doesn't need to worry about payroll tax this way. Many traditional cab companies are setup the same way.

What prevents scary angry Moroccans with an aggression problem from driving an uber?
I know the answer is the rating system, but if a taxi company had a similar rating system, would Uber still be better?

Could't taxis also make a payment method like the one Uber uses?

My point is the following: Uber is better because an app is cheaper than a central office, and the rating system keeps shitty drivers away.

However: nothing, apart from outdated thinking, is preventing taxi companies from implementing the same solutions, and if they so did, would't Uber and taxi-companies be all the same?

Is there some kind of magical X-factor that turns Uber into something that is not a modern and customer-centered taxi-company?
you know there is literally a board called "Transportation" right?
I'm not in the US.
This is more geared locally.

There was a big upset because they weren't charging our local consumption tax, the drivers didn't meet legal training requirements, vehicles didn't meet legislated technical standards for passenger carrying business vehicles and the company itself very little tax (like most multinationals).
>nothing, apart from outdated thinking
And in many places the law.

>is there some kind of magical X-factor
Uber doesn't comply with the law, and pays drivers who are fined for noncompliance because penalties are relatively low.

How does it feel knowing that self-driving cars are the future, and soon?
>Uber tries to do the same shit in China
>China goes lol no and regulates the new industry within a week to ensure fairness, whereas it would have taken the United States years in court and billions of dollars in lobbying from both sides

blame big papa tbqh
In experience in my third world shithole country

>generally expensive
>always gets chooses the longest/traffic'ed route as possible
>always angry and yells to other motorist
>smells like someone masturbated
>prone to get mugged
>rare or ignore you if you hail

>cheaper(yes it is)
>chooses route the fastest because waze/g maps
>always available
>nice drivers
>sometimes they give me free snack
Uber is a pretty useless service. Good if you want to get raped by your taxi driver though.
Spent two weeks in Bay Area for work. Uber was amazing. Spent $17 (company money) on an uber ride to in and out burger one night. Fuck yeah.
>trusting the botnet with your life
I rather trust a bot/ai than a human
These are differences we all have experienced, but does it really turn Uber into something that is not a taxi-company?
Reminds me of Apple really. Re-market something everyone already essentially has access too and make retards think it's some kind of new invention.
>in Chinese business

Nah, probably just wanted to protect a State Operated Business that is too bloated and absolute dogshit.
I can deal with people advocating genocide or extreme SJW policies or anarchocapitalism in certain cases, but I instantly lose my respect for someone who doesn't see how Uber is a cancer for both workers and customers.
If Uber isn't cut back/killed, soon Ubers will pop up in everything. Foodstuff Ubers, medical Ubers, credit Ubers, etc.

Amazon is doing Uber-like delivery drivers.
if it provide better services and cheaper than the old way
why not?
And what's wrong with that? It's bringing the free market to an otherwise monopolistic industry. It does suck for the cab drivers, we all get that, but the industry has been a drain on society.
I'd love for more "uber of X" industries to start popping up and forcing industries to be more competitive.
Uber is cheaper, but naturally it means Uber workers also earn less, professional drivers get poorer, which is awesome for the average Joe as long as he isn't in a business (directly or even indirectly. I.e. dumb example but taxi car painters) affected by it as well. The price paid for cheaper prices are lower wages. It's like moving industry offshore to China. It's just as retarded.

Also, there is by nature of such "enterprises" no standardized quality control. You do not want to buy your meat at an Uber amateur butcher.
And I agree when it comes to skilled labor. I'm a-okay with airbnb, Uber, Uber delivery (as long as it's insured), etc.
I wouldn't want an Uber repair business or Uber restaurant.
Drivers shouldn't be earning crazy pay, they're driving you around. You're paying absurd amounts because the drivers have to pay for their licenses. I can tell you that Uber drivers make more than Taxi drivers after the license fees.

My friend's grandfather was a taxi driver in SoCal for decades, he recently managed to sell his license, and while he took a loss on the license sale, he is making much more money and working fewer hours.

When it comes to basic tasks like delivery, it's easy to gauge the quality of the product. If I were to have a shitty trip in a yellowcab, I'd have no way to fix the problem and I'd be out $50 for a 13 mile trip. If I took the same trip with Uber, it'd cost me less than 20, and if the trip was bad, Uber would reimburse me to ensure I'm happy.

Keep in mind, if it gets to the point where Uber drivers aren't making enough money, they're going to stop driving. They aren't forced to work X hours each day, and can move out of the industry just as easily as they moved into the industry.

TL;DR, I agree with you when it comes to skilled labor. I vehemently disagree when it comes to menial labor.
>OP spotted
enjoy your mafia, Juan Carlos
>Uber is no more than a taxi-company like the rest of them

You're wrong. You forgot unions.
Yes, I also sometimes sit in then middle of the night and wonder how come taxi companies don't just replicate Uber's model, considering they got the fleet and probably the money to do something that slightly resembles it.
Then I also wonder why the fuck do cabbies protest for Uber to either get regulated or disappear instead of protesting for themselves to get deregulated, then I realize they are protesting in lieu of a non-present but still important big corrupt government official who has a chokehold on taxi regulations and decides who gets to own a taxi company and who doesn't and cares more for big bucks than the cabbi drivers themselves.

They are too late to the party. They thought they had the monopoly and were untouchable, so they didn't care to innovate and as always, a disruptive technology will come along and knock down the status quo.
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>thinking a movie is the same as real live
i hope youre comfy down in the basement fella
Who the fuck cares. If they don't like it, they don't have to do it. All those taxi drivers can go unemployed if they don't adapt. It really doesn't matter to anyone except the taxi companies making money off a dumb system.
uber kinda sucks but it takes advantage of being 2016, something where taxis are sleeping on
in my country, taxis are basically a mafia and everyone hates them, so everybody wants uber to succeed.
Yeah then Uber will take their place as transport mafia and raise the prices, they're no solution they just add to the problem.
I've had better experiences with Uber than I have taxis. Uber drivers are usually average joes looking to make a bit extra money. They're generally laid back and easy to hold a conversation with.

Also Uber is significantly different from a Taxi company. Taxi companies are controlled by union entities and being a driver is a formal job. Uber drivers are contractors, not employees.
>an experiment in devaluing labor
How? Drivers make plenty. The difference is they aren't required to pay outrageous union fees.
Taxis are better than Uber. Uber is a cancer that is killing the Taxi business. Uber should be illegal.

If I didn't have to pay as much for a Taxi as I do for dinner out I would be more supporting.
but its easy for someone else to make a uber competitor and "employees" of uber can easily use both services at the same time and customers can easily choose the better option
Not if the market is still regularized by the city halls and Uber keeps bypassing the law like it constantly does in every single country.
Taxi owners play with a disadvantage thanks to the costs of playing fair and standing by the law.
>I prefer uber
>I prefer taxis
both are opinions and arguing opinions is worthless. people like different shit for different reasons, this is the world. get over it
Uber is better from the customer standpoint but it's shit for the drivers. They're extremely underpaid.

Whenever I book one I ask the drivers why they joined it and they've all said they regret it. It's fun banter talking shit about it.
nobody cares about taxi companies you dumb fuck
>they regret it
nobody makes them keep driving for uber
The thousands that drive the taxis and will lose their jobs do and their families do.
But i guess that's too hard for your edgy mind to understand.
You, a few hundred years ago:

>Oh shit, better stop producing light bulbs so the kerosine lamp business doesn't die!
Is it possible to set a macro that will automatically tab to the google search bar in firefox?
You mean ctrl-k?
If you don't see the difference between a primary/secondary sector industry and a service sector industry I don't know what to say. The kerosene factory still has the capacity to produce goods. It doesn't actually matter much if one product isn't being demanded anymore. They can just switch. Otherwise, no manufacturing company would ever have become successful. Last I checked, IBM doesn't make punchcard computers anymore.

A service enterprise doesn't sell stuff. If no one comes to it because someone does it cheaper (if not better, though I won't say cabbies are better than Uber drivers currently), they will inevitably die and you get thousands of unemployed.
the gov should just abolish medallion bullshit and reimburse the ones who paid that crap
I don't care as long as I get to where I want as cheap as possible in an environment with 0 human interaction.

What I don't understand is why haven't any taxi organizations come up with a unified mobile dispatch app. Like one in which you can choose which taxi to call and expected time arrival and such.

My only concern here being if uber becomes the by far the best and crushes the competition I'm not going to be able to get to where I want as cheap as possible because of no competition.
Fuck Uber, they don't pay taxes, their cars are shit, their drivers are shit, only hipsters support this bullshit.
I hate to sound like I support stupid corporations but that argument is not very valid.

It can be summed up like this:
>Company pays sales tax in whatever state their headquarters is in.
>Company pays corp tax.
>Drivers pay income tax.
The people winning here are customers, who don't have to pay stupid sales taxes which do harm to low income groups. The portion of government losing are the states. Depending on state this may not even make a difference at all.

Other than these, every centralized company is much better at evading taxes than local companies but that's a completely different discussion.
regular taxis are overpriced as fuck, the drivers take long routes in order to scrape money out of you, they also require you to call a specific number rather than press a simple button
>Learn how to write retard.
>Let's eat grandpa.
nice try devil's taxist
I agree with what you say, but it does not make Uber into something else than a taxi company.
>they also require you to call a specific number rather than press a simple button
What sort of backward country do you live in?
Ever heard of a Taxi App? One click and there's your cab.
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