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>This is Microsoft's idea of "design" >This
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>This is Microsoft's idea of "design"
>This is Microsoft's response to Steve Job's "they have no taste comment"

this...is a joke, right?
Not really

They are actually quite nice. Its suffers from Apple tax syndrome though. Way overpriced for what you are getting.
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>Function over form
It's an incredible piece of engineering. You might not like the look of it and whatever, that's your aesthetic, but if you can't appreciate the hinge for what it is and does then that's on you.
I agree it is.

But if I'm going to spend a shit ton of monye on something, I expect it to look good. And that does't (imo of course)
It's actually beautiful and very durable plus it functions to keep the screen clear of the keys so you don't end up with greasy letters on the screen.
An incredible piece of engineering that will immediately scratch any surface you place it upon when opening it. Its terrible.
This is fake, it doesn't have a charge port on the bottom and the top isn't one big button
Instead you just get dust and backpack lint
Both of which are removed with far less effort than greasy marks.
That hinge is an amazing design piece. My engineering class is actually going to be analyzing that in a few weeks.
Nothing like having something slide in that crack and break off a key/scratch the screen.
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these are actually pretty nice apparently, albeit overpriced. Windows 10 on the other hand...
The Frankenstein aspect of Windows 10 fries my fucking brain.

But if you use OOSU10, autistically manage power management, and use the right programs, it's actually pretty great

I haven't heard enough praise for its window management though. God tier. Literally the best in any DE out there
had one for two weeks, sold it, bought another macbook, constant power issues, the hinge was pointless and it got warm quick.......
>things that have never happened and won't happen

>not using a full stop to separate your sentence meaning your complaints are in order coming after buying a macbook
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Surface Book was an interesting concept with modular laptops (dGPU stored in keyboard) but it ultimately shows how confused and uncoordinated Microsoft's teams are because it feels like a concept that was going to apply to the SP4, not a another product
Also the SB sucks in terms of portability , bad battery life and uncomfortablely heavy for drawing
Yes OP, Microsoft is a joke.
Am I the only guy who likes the look of surfacebook + the hinge?

Would be a god-tier laptop if it didn't have that garbage windows 10.
the discontinuity in UI triggers my autism way beyond the spying
I messed with a couple at work, its nice.
Battery tech needs to improve a lot for the weight to be reduced enough for comfortable drawing.

ive tried at the local best buy
the hinge and the tablet work well
its fucking sexy, but i cant justify spending 3000 bucks on it when i can get an x201 tablet for $99
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SP4 is fine, last 6 hours and is pretty light.
The SB has neither of these things, you can't draw using the usual mode because the hinge bounces (unlike Lenovo and HP laptops), even draw with it in the reverse-laptop Frankenstein mode isn't usable because you can't access shortcuts with the display covering the keyboard.
The SP4 is an improved and effective product, the SB was made by the C-team but it looked nice so it became the premium product
>Microsoft Scratchbook

How did the fact that it'll fuck up any average desk surface get past the design stage? What a fucking blunder.
Looks tacky as fuck but I love it.
Yes, I have an SP4 and it works great on your lap or on a table. But standing and holding it in one arm gets tiring aftet a few minutes. try holding one edge, fells like your thumb is gonna punch through it. Luckily the Type Cover's material makes holding the computer much much more comfortable.
Protip, flip the typecover around and reattach it to the back so you don't have to feel the keyboard on the back.
It looks nice. Not buying one though because I have no practical reason to spend that much on a laptop that I'd barely ever use anyway.
The reason why Microsoft is pricing their hardware so high is because OEMs threatened they will not support Windows if Microsoft competes with them on the same prices.

So Microsoft calmed them down by telling them they will make these products only for the premium market and price them accordingly. So, these are really supposed to compete with Apple's hardware both in build quality, specs and price. They're trying to avoid any competition with Lenovo, Asus, HP, etc etc.
Average desks aren't made of glass.
Isn't one of the more recent Apple mice actually like that?
>OEMs threatened they will not support Windows
Who gives a fuck about OEMs though? It would be great if Microsoft could filter out shitty laptop OEMs with all their bloat and shitty design.
Normies will still buy Windows laptops regardless of brand, they'll buy whatever is cheap and fits their needs
MIcrosoft gives a fuck, obviously, about OEM support for Windows. They wouldn't want OEMs to ship PCs without a preinstalled OS, would they?
Do you also have one with the minimize/ maximize/close buttons all with different sizes?
that's a pretty good idea tbqh familia. It's hard to believe microsoft came up with it.
From a design standpoint, what's wrong with it?
yay a laptop that's way too thin to actuall be of any fucking use beyond surfacing the internet.

Have fun burning it out over a couple years to the point it doesn't function properly anymore. I have used 3 slim devices like ends this to do work on the go and every single one of them up being worthless.

What's the god damn point? You pay extra for that power but you can't even use it without having a fan blowing on the things. I had a macbook pro where the keyboard and frame warped from the heat. Then I used a tablet PC and it got so fucking hot your hands would sweat while holding it. Same fucking shit for the cintiq companion devices.
They shouldn't give a fuck. What are they going to do? Sell a laptop with linux? Top kek
>form over function

it's like fucking yourself right in the ass! Go do it OP!
I actually like the Surface Book but they should close the gap.
But what if OP likes buttsecks?
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>see thread
>"hey that looks cool, I might buy one of those."
>go to microshaft website
>over $2000 for a cool little gimmick
you are a clueless imbecile, are you not
Let's think about it, when was the last time Apple innovated about a design ?
Apple knows which ideas to steal.
You must be fucking dumb... Why the hell do you think Windows saw a big spread in its sales, it wasn't for its quality neither yesterday nor today of course, it was cause OEMs could pay literally almost nothing to put windows on their machines... If OEMS stop using Windows as their main Os in their customer products Microshit is going to have a bad time regardless of what the next OS they will use next
>giving a shit to what the "natural herbs liver treatment" guy that made "form over function" says

Yeah, no. Fuck him... oh wait, he already left the building.
>Apple knows which ideas to steal.
like LG prada?
I think for the build quality, detachable gpu, fucking badass display, and battery near cintiq quality stylus and drawing support, it's not really that over priced.
>OEMs threatened they will not support Windows

Meanwhile in other empty threats. Greenpeace threaten to stop breathing unless fossil fuels are made illegal.

Please, let them.
>implying an OEM couldnt make linux computers that are not only viable but popular and wreck microsoft

or even some spin of android
They invented curved rectangle mobile phone shape and have patent proving it!
>It's an incredible piece of engineering.

It's over-designed and under-thought.

I really can't fathom why anyone at microsoft would think that consumers want a gimped tablet that, because it's detachable, also trashes the overall design.

It looks, feels and works like a conceptual device but is actually shipping?

Should of just made a GOAT ultrabook imo.
I doubt that
There's no way they'd drop microshit os because they released a laptop
That'd be threatening a murder suicide

They could, but being profitable with them is an entirely different story.
>SP4 is fine, last 6 hours
That's it? My Surface Pro 3 last almost 20 when drawing and taking notes, loses like 5% battery every hour
If it didnt have a locked bootloader and could be fully foss for its microcode then id get it and install debian or something
You can easily disable secure boot and install Linux on it, it'll just run like ass because lolnodrivers
yeah that too, id write drivers in my spare time but i have no idea how
What is that fucking connector?
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You're joking, right?
looks alright. A bit flat but at least its got stuff going on
It looks like shit compared to the PS4 or even the Wii U. Not to mention MS got schooled in the hardware department by Sony
Who gives a nigger's dick what consoles look like?
>Using a console
OP tried to imply Microsoft's designs are good, I think they're shit, they really don't have any taste.
They're consoles, hardware is guaranteed to be shit so it doesn't even matter
Wii U is the weakest of the 3 but has the most games that run at 1080p 60fps
God point. My 14" clevo w840 has in fixable scratches on the screen. Anyway the reviews have I last time I looked in to SB it was full of bugs,, any change in that?
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Surface book is shit, absolutely ugly mac-wannabe.
I like the SP3/4 and Lumia 950 designs though, wouldn't touch a Lumia with a 10' pole though, it had some interesting concepts like Continuum which could've been used to improve workflow between a hypothetical W10 desktop and the Lumia (like how OSX acts with an iPhone) but ended up being a "In case you found some stray monitor that no one is using for whatever fucking reason, you can plug yourLumia into it with this inconvenient box and set of wires to act as some kind of Frankenstein PC!"

It's a good thing the smart people are the ones working the Surface line, it's practically their only good product. Looks good and performs well for what it's intended for, all it needs to really do.

The Xbone is ugly and boxy, but on the plus side the massive fan means it's whisper silent. My PS4 can get quite noisy by comparison when it's being pushed.
> OP tried to imply Microsoft's designs are good
> "design"
Nah, I think you're wrong.

I think some of the newer RS1 builds can Miracast the Continuum desktop to displays. That alone makes it much more useful. If you have a Bluetooth keyboard/mouse, you can hypothetically do everything wirelessly.
>Its suffers from Apple tax syndrome
Barely, yes it's expensive as fuck and an overall better rMBP is cheaper but we talk about a device with great 16:10 screen, solid battery life in laptop mode and decent build quality. The only issue with the Surfacebook is the hinge, it's still vastly better than any other Windows laptop.

>underpowered hardware in a huge plastic box
I don't think RS1 is put yet. Either way it doesn't make much of a difference, you'd almost never see an unused monitor to connect to that isn't already plugged in a desktop PC, though I can see it being useful in an office environment if you can connect it to the projector; essentially no need to bring a laptop for presentations since I believe it has PPt.
This shit makes X11 seem consistent

Fuck off M$
A friend has one and I have to say that the design and overall build quality is quite good, considering it revolves around the detachable discrete graphics gimmick.
I'm not interested in getting one at all since the thing is hilariously overpriced, though.

The screen is actually 3:2 which is quite nice for both work and media consumption.
Eh, 3:2 is damn close to 16:10, and suboptimal for media consumption, due the black bars. Now work is where it shines and pretty much the only reason to spend so much on a laptop. Animu machine for 1500 is quite excessive.
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meant actively working photoshop, skylake is slightly more efficient but the battery is also slightly smaller so it equalizes.
I might get myself a Lumia if M$ can make one with a non-plastic feel and effective communication between it and surface for workflow. Hate the UI, though
kek, read >>54177729, and if you're gonna say "not my all work is design" then just buy an X1 Yoga. SB fails at one of the most integral aspects of it's design
6h battery life is pretty pathetic and it's not like the SB is really heavy, just less light than some other laptops.

Also SP4 is primary a tablet, while SB is primary a laptop, different devices, mate, and SP4 blows as laptop due the lack of lap-ability.

Although overall the design is certainly better on the SP4, the hinge is an abomination.

>X1 Yoga
16:9 trash.
I have one and I think it looks much better than apples bland design
Apples design feels bland because everybody else is copying it. Well, even themselves these days.
Microsoft didn't copy it though
Yeah, hence it feels fresher, although the silver keys look pretty shitty and the hinge ... ugh.

It's quite ironic that MS who are mainly a software company came up with a much better design and overall device than all the other Windows laptop makers.
Read this piece, it explains exactly what I was trying to say:


Basically Microsoft is overpricing the Surface products to make sure they are not competing directly with OEMs. And they are also focusing on making a premium product, which is supposed to have a halo effect on other Windows tablets sales.

Not sure their strategy works like that though or if it's just a bluff. Surface is already stealing clients from Dell, HP, Lenovo.

Hey, you're not wrong. Compared to the PS4, in terms of design, the Xbox One is a fucking joke. The hilarious thing is that this picture doesn't even include the fuck-hueg power supply that is on top of the fuck hueg box. The PS4 is smaller, has a slightly more powerful GPU and manages to STILL pack it's PSU inside the unit.

I realize that Microsoft designed the Xbox One this way to give it every advantage when it comes to airflow so they can avoid having the Red Ring of Death happen again, but it doesn't make it any less embarrassing.
Is that a curling iron?
>Who gives a fuck about OEMs though?
That's literally almost all of Microsoft's business
>should of

Argument invalidated. This board is for literates.

You might not like the aesthetics of the silver keys, but I'm typing on it right now and let me tell you, the material feel phenomenal. Macbook keyboards start to look like shit pretty past and they get greasy and slick. These keys seem to refuse to hold grease, and I don't know if the wearing is going to happen here, but I'm pretty sure the keys are the same alloy as the body and therefore shouldn't wear simply from fingertips.
It's called the HP Spectre.
>the keys are the same alloy as the body
Sounds pretty nice, also surprised that they didn't cheap out on that. Haven't had the chance to try it yet, because no store here presents them.

Although the grease argument is a tad too subjective. Never had any issues with standard laptop keyboards, since flat island keys are pretty easy to clean and I always make sure my stuff looks as good as new.

Does the material make the keys feel a bit colder too?

>le genetic macbook-clone with 16:9 screen
At least other shitty ultrabooks have some defining feature, XPS has the bezels, X1 has the clitmouse. Why would anybody pick the Spectre?
I wouldn't say "colder," maybe just a little cooler.
Requesting that screen cap of an I wider explaining how the windows curry basement deals with the GUI and how they've been patching and repatching shit for so long that oversight has long been lost.
>I wider
The wireless mouse has its charge port on the bottom, which makes it completely useless whilst charging.

What's your point? Trying to name a device with a worse hinge design than the Surface Book?
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