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Slackware > Gentoo
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Slackware > Gentoo


Sure it is, if you're a lazy fuck, not interested in having a system that only does specifically what you want it to do.
Install gentoo
Is it 1997 in here?
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Install Gentoo
Gentoo > Slackware

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Install Gentoo
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couldnt get scrot to work?
>not using tomsrtbt
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Give me three separate reasons why would you use Slackware over Gentoo or one of its pre-constructed derivatives like Calculate in this day and age.
Bad meme for people who want pain.
Best meme for people who want the best distro ever made.
Pile of shit > Slackware

I wish I had time, come back some other day. Fucking pretentious cuckware shill
irrelevant distro > some other irrelevant distro

Debian masterrace reporting in
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Debian>>>>>>every other distro


CentOS is far more relevant than Debian ever will be.
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>implying I wanted to use scrot/some shit screencap application
Here comes strechqueen.deb
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Slackware should be renamed as cuckware. Seriously
>No official dependency management mechanism
I-I swear it's for advanced users, not the lack of developers
At least gentoo is a good source based distro. Shit has to be compiled, they have a reason for the time sink

Cuckware is irrelevant for a good reason.
>inb4 debqueen
Debian is a half assed freetard distro wannabe piece of shit with no PPA
Samefagged like a pro.
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Not even famefag
Kill yourself

In 15 years of Linux/Unix administration I have yet to encounter Debian in a datacenter. I've seen Mandrake Linux in a DC but no Debian. Shit, I worked in one DC where there were SystemV machines running but no Debian.

You've got a better chance running across Sybase running on Solaris 2.6 than running across Debian in an enterprise environment.
Consider suicide
I used slack in the late 90's as the only OS on my only computer. This literally forced me to learn more about Linux, Unix and computing in general than any of you spoilt faggots ever will. Good times.
b a s e d b o b

fuck these apt-get non-believers
>be cucked by dependencies
Seriously, why people just don't install windows?
Dependency hell on windows is even worse. Either you install 20 times the same library (and of course, forever keep around old versions of the library), or you have to waste hours upon hours fetching dependencies of dependencies by hand. And god have mercy if you find a dependency that doesn't have a recent binary for windows, because trying to build anything is worse than hell.
Samefagged again like a pro.
Stop trying so hard
Sbopkg mitigates that to a degree, since you can just queue dependencies and install in order automatically.

Still completely unnecessary though. Personally I just think Slack is bloated shit. Yea, you can modify it to your liking, but why waste the time unchecking shit or going through the headache of constructing tags.

>hurr durr im enjoy Gnu/Linux installing a system from scratch with automatic dependencies and takes and a long long long time to finish.

Slacktards, everyone!
slacktard faggitware
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See you all on X-day!
We'll see who's actually on the sex ship though
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Today OP was not a faggot.
Praise Bob for being right.
Slackware is better than everything
pra' bob
>using the smiley with the carat nose
Use Calculate linux you simpleton
fuck Gentoo's bloated package management, written in fucking Python.

just waiting for the piece of shit to calculate all the dependencies and use flags and shit already takes forever on a weaker pc

>sabayon with openrc and less packages


i agreed
Plebian<<<<<<every other distro

nice meme
>hurr durr I don't want an optimized OS with optimized programs for maximum performance

Slackware do the same, using Vanilla Packages.

enjoy you compilation pain
I want bear Bob's child
LFS > Exherbo > Gentoo > Slackware > Arch > Fedora
It's literally Gentoo with a partially preinstalled system. Sabayon is a separate fork.
>try slackware
>it comes with gigabytes of useless shit
why is it good again? i think it even came with like 3 desktop environments selected by default

i just want a strong linux base

I believe they're actually fixing that with UWP. They're aiming for something "a la OSX" where you just delete the folder and you're done. And no more dep hell
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