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Where to buy, what to buy etc.

>IRC channel #/csg/ on rizon


Previous thread >>53860543
Chun Lee is muh waifu
Bump for sexy asian sales ladies.
Do you need a 2gb ddr3 for 1080p streaming from an android box?
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What did you get in the mail?
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Anyone have any recommendations for LED flashlights? My mother loves LED gizmos and I thought it'd be nice to get her something she might actually use for her birthday in August (if I order soon it might arrive on time kek).
She has a heavy duty Maglite, but it's huge and uses a bulb.

I know not to buy chinkshit 18650's, so I'm probably going with Panasonic batteries and a NiteCore charger from Amazon (unless someone can better inform me).
convoy s2+ 8*8(pick whatever's her fav color) ~$15
xtar mc1 ~$6
protected panasonic 3600mAh, protected since it's for your mom ~$7
Oh my god, thank you so much.

Is there a recommended charger that connects to the wall? My mother isn't tech savvy and doesn't have any USB outlets.
Is there a cheaper but still good LED flashlight?

I'm not that anon btw, incase you thought he was too cheap to buy his mom a decent LED
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>buy items that specifically say "Shipping via China Post Registered Air Mail"
>wait 2 days for the chinks to ship
>your order has been shipped!
>shipping method: Seller's shipping method
>tracking number: ЉP214-893AA-2988Ж or some weird shit that 17track won't track
>60 days purchase protection remaining

What the fuck?! Is this normal for the chinks? I wanted a normal China Post tracking number, not some weird no-name post shit...
Remember to be careful with chink USB power supplies
What's the absolute cheapest chink store to get a Redmi 3? Coupons? Anything?
these are popular. They are under 4 bucks everywhere, even Amazon. I have one in every drawer in my house.
Get that one plus an usb to wall adapter
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unexpected delivery today, considering the darn tracker had these lost in the pacific ocean somewhere.

anyway, got my 'insulation sheet' and 'travel kits' according to the description of contents, pic related.

that's 2 down, 10 more to go.
I don't know why I didn't think to do that.
Thanks again.
>tfw all the chinks that sell you shit are dudes that look like jacky chan
where are the qts at
thanks anon, I'll get one of these and maybe get the more fancier one later
you should make a whip
How does this compare to a Redmi 3?


(I don't know shit about mobile phone specs)

or GB with coupons


I bought my (self and) grandpa a 18650 / 3xAAA flashlight since 3xAAA works just fine and is a lot easier to get ahold of.
Sipik sk68. Bid on one on ebay and they can be had for under $2 shipped.
Fuck I bought some paracord too speaking of which what are you going to do with 300 feet
funny enough, whnever I add a coupon to the cart at Gearbest it actually RAISES the price of the phone by $20
See, I was thinking that with the flashlight in the picture I posted here
It's the UltraFire Cree XML T6 and only costs about $5.

I get that Convoy is of a higher quality, but is Cree decent?
>weaker CPU
>weak ass battery
>horrid camera

Worse in every way other than price.
Am I doing something wrong? Because every coupon I add raises the price for some reason.
first big order of paracord, it was cheap enough so decided to stock up.

this order took 19 days to get here.
Interesting channel, subbed.
try these

Just realized that Cree isn't a brand, and that it's UltraFire.

Looked up some comparisons between Convoy and UltraFire and found that UltraFire is very hit-or-miss, while Convoy guarantees a consistently good product.
Going with the Convoy and a spare 18650 so she doesn't have to be without one.

She'll love it, thanks a lot everyone.
They remove the first "discount" so coupons are rarely convenient
Looks like
Is right, the 9% discount coupon works, but it's calculating from a $170 price point, because apparently the Redmi is already "discounted" so it ends up more expensive. slimy techniques.
thanks, one of these actually works and makes the phone $146 ($4 cheaper) but it's still not as cheap as Aliexpress.

Shame you can't stack the coupons
Watch out for gearbest's convoys, some are fakes
So did anyone buy that "FREE" tea from a couple of threads ago?
Where are the donut benchmarks Anon promised?!
That's unfortunate. Anywhere I could get the same model and be sure it's legit?
Are there any coupons for Aliexpress? Do they give any vouchers for signing up or anything?
coupons have been sucking lately.

remember even last year during singles day, having some great coupons and the alipay thing too.

now it's 0.99 off 100 dollars or someshit.
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I know that there is a way to remove the strobe mode on these, but the techniques used vaty by driver. Pic related is the one in mine.
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Thinking of the Xiaomi Mini router

Currently using charters free loaner but, now it could be poor insulation in my walls, my tablet drops WiFi all the time if I'm on the other side of the small apartment.

Even normal dumb phones drop to 0-2 bars in certain areas of the house so its likely the wall gnomes.

I have a Chromecast 1 I've never been able to properly use, it constantly buffers and drops streams wither its coming from a mobile device or my wired PC.

So Id like to try a cheapish cable modem with some antannaes in the hopes the signal is strong enough to overcome whatever interference.
Sharp pencil mark on the brown cap
Shit. That photo came out blurrier than expected. I guess that's what I get for using my moto g as the camera.

The component on the far right has a code of SS24, which when googled leads me to this spec sheet here.http://www.vishay.com/docs/88748/ss22.pdf

The component in the center has a component code of gb5c1, which when googled provides nothing of value. The thing on the bottom left has a code of HA402, which also provides nothing of value when looked up.
Would my phone be able to test it? I Dont have a reader
manually select the courier in 17track.
The thing is, I have no idea who the courier is. Just says "seller's shipping method". And the seller gave me this website to track it:

The tracking number looks like NL0110***49Y... I mean, what the fuck?
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I haven't read any reviews on that model buts its in the /csg/ pdf, whatever thats worth....

you could try one of the USB WiFi Extender/ Amplifier/Repeater. Pic related is 13 bucks shipped

Also doubles as a personal assistant for them lonely moments
Redmi 3 here, great phone so far.

Few bugs I've noticed: on default miui theme all my google app icons are black, but other themes they show up white. The Mi app store amd Themes store only show in chinese regardless of system language preference. Can't save photps/videos to microSD card. The stock emojis are the fat melted faces, can't seem to change them unless rooted.
I didn't know which cap to do it on, so I did it on both caps. It does not work in quite the way that I expected it, because you can still cycle through the modes if you click on it fast enough, but if you turn it off and wait a few seconds, it seems that the memory clears.

I was expecting it to be more instantaneous.
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I'm new to these batteries, are these 18650s? And can I just replace these cells with new ones to fix my computer? Any recommendations for cells?

The voltage in the cells read .14v and .60 and the laptop refuses to power on with the battery.

Sorry for the bad picture, I thought I grabbed more before I ripped it apart.

Also, if I can squeeze enough room, would it be possible to add one of those usb chargers so I can charge the battey offline?
Are they 18mm diameter and 65mm in length? If so, yes.
>And can I just replace these cells with new ones to fix my computer?
Yes, and dispose of those batteries correctly, undervolted lithium cells are dangerous.
>Also, if I can squeeze enough room, would it be possible to add one of those usb chargers so I can charge the battey offline?
that PCB from your battery pack likely already has a charge controller on it, you could likely just hook up a USB port to the positive and negative charging pins, wherever they are.
I kept on marking mines and eventually it turned into a single high mode flashlight. who knows
What happens if a chunk finds this thread? How do you guys think buying cheap Chinese shit will change?
they already have

why do you think sharks are being pushed so aggressively the past 3 weeks
because they are rad class 10 cards that are inexpensive. someone should do a MTBF test and them open it up to see who manufactures the memory.
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>Are they 18mm diameter and 65mm in length? If so, yes.
Indeed they are. Thanks!

>Yes, and dispose of those batteries correctly, undervolted lithium cells are dangerous.
Yeah, I'm aware. But what's the proper way to dispose of them? Should I just drop them off at best buy or something?

>that PCB from your battery pack likely already has a charge controller on it, you could likely just hook up a USB port to the positive and negative charging pins, wherever they are.
I didn't think of that. The charger for the PC is 16v so I just assumed that it wouldn't work with only 5v@2a. I'm already working on ordering an oem extended battery (4 cell) so I'm not at all worried about what happens to this one, but if I can get it working, cheap, then I am game (since even the knockoffs are $40+ and they are only 2 cell batteries). I have done zero research into laptop batteries so I am just thinking out loud here. When you say positive and negative charging pins, are you referring to the two pins I highlighted in pic related?

Also, any recommendations for 18650s?
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i just got my shark card
I just got my http://www.aliexpress.com/item/Professional-Game-headphone-Steel-Series-Siberia-V2-High-Quality-Over-Ear-Gamer-Headphone-Earphone-Auriculars-With/32329899724.html

Honestly they are exactly like every other SS headset that I have had
Xiaomi Mi5, on oar with the S7 and is half the cost.
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Well, well, what have we here.
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Does this look decent for a knife purchase?
>Should I just drop them off at best buy or something?
Yeah they have a li-ion recycling bin in front
its gorgeous but no SD card slot is a dealbreaker
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Seems pretty empty, what could it be?
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I fell for the case "meme", too bad I'm 3 years late.
How many more people will get sharks today
a panty you faggot.
>Yeah, I'm aware. But what's the proper way to dispose of them? Should I just drop them off at best buy or something?
I don't know if they accept lithium batteries, because I've never done it, but if they do yeah.
>I didn't think of that. The charger for the PC is 16v so I just assumed that it wouldn't work with only 5v@2a. I'm already working on ordering an oem extended battery (4 cell) so I'm not at all worried about what happens to this one, but if I can get it working, cheap, then I am game (since even the knockoffs are $40+ and they are only 2 cell batteries). I have done zero research into laptop batteries so I am just thinking out loud here. When you say positive and negative charging pins, are you referring to the two pins I highlighted in pic related?
Use your multimeter and measure the voltage on the power + and - pins that go to the battery on your laptop, if it's 5V then use a 5V charger with as many amps as you can. If it's 16V use a 16V charger. Remember that USB is both a specification and a connector, you can use a USB female connector for voltages higher than 5V, but computer manufacturers can't.

Those are probably the correct pads, but I don't know.
This is good for MicroSD, but where is the one for Full sized SD and MicroSD-in-one?
Mi 5 Pro Prime now with sd card slot coming May 2016 ^_^

Could just go with the 128GB model (still really cheap), unless you need more space than that.
Oh, and Panasonic and Sanyo are the best 18650 cell makers.
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Bretty good.
see >>53870288

Seems legit.
Thank you both

>Use your multimeter and measure the voltage on the power + and - pins that go to the battery on your laptop, if it's 5V then use a 5V charger with as many amps as you can. If it's 16V use a 16V charger. Remember that USB is both a specification and a connector, you can use a USB female connector for voltages higher than 5V, but computer manufacturers can't.
Yeah, I'll have to wait until I get some new cells since the PC refuses to supply power to the non functioning battery. I know anons have posted those small microusb li-ion chargers and I figured I make that fit with a little finesse and then I wouldn't have to worry about modifying the original charge controller and hoping that it doesn't blow up when I feed different power to it.
show me please? I didn't know they came in that capacity
Link, thanks, or is it just C307 SDXC Reader?
I just answered my own question, but further, which to buy from?


or LD:


It's $100 more than usual due to importing costs but still a heck of a deal IMO. Should start shipping out in the next couple weeks
Leave the battery out, but plug the laptop into the wall and power it on. You wouldn't be able to get at the pins if the battery was in anyways.

you *could* use TP4056 cells, but you would need one for each cell in the pack, because they have no load balancing, and they also have a maximum charge rate of 1A.
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Are these good? They seem expensive compared to the others (but $10 for a new battery versus $40 for a knockoff is a steal)

They're probably fake. Don't buy batteries from the chinese.

holy shit, this bitch looks like my ex...

i miss her :(
The cheaper one, that's what I'm gettin
i bought my cheap 18650s from fasttech
the real deal, no exploding cheap chinese batteries so far
just be warned expect 3 months for delivery
Are there any sellers selling books for cheap?

You used to be able to get book or ebook downloads on Aliexpress years ago.
they are still some but they are in chinese, better try the bookdepository.
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should I?
im not sure if your rectum can accommodate that, anon.
What the fuck? Of course not, are you retarded?
>that button placement
>Leave the battery out, but plug the laptop into the wall and power it on. You wouldn't be able to get at the pins if the battery was in anyways.
>you *could* use TP4056 cells, but you would need one for each cell in the pack, because they have no load balancing, and they also have a maximum charge rate of 1A.
Get 8bitdo
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Recommendations for mini bluetooth controllers for emulating vidya on my phone?

Only buy controllers with Nintendo button placement
If you want it small, grab this one.

If you want it comfortable, grab this one.
>only be a conformist and never try anything new
how do you know if you haven't tried it?
Why is the second one so much more expensive? It's just plastic and I imagine similar internals as the first one.
second one had alot of care to make it close to the excellent SNES controller in feel
Are there any options for someone who doesn't care how similar it feels to the snes controller?
The second was made to mimic the SNES controller almost perfectly.
I own one and I use it pretty frequently.

The first one should be fine too, and others in these threads have reviewed it to be great. But I don't own one so I can't say.

8bitdo generally makes great controllers, though I wouldn't trust their arcade sticks and their "PRO" controllers look shitty.
Mfw realizing that the shit you got from selling stuff in school is basically chink shit garbage.

should i do it
dont care about sound quality, just looks. none of the pictures show the sides. i dont want it to say "muhshill" or something
But those dope as fuck razor scooters though
Convoy is best I'm also an autopsy for led lighting plz help.. Get her some USB lights bulbs they are 3 bucks I got a few in my tv and a motion one in my bathroom
finally a controller I can play with my dick
>he can't use a standard controller with his dick

You've got a lot to learn, little boy.
wow sexist, some girls have them too
DC5V 5W LED Ball Bulb 1 USB Reading Light Portable Night Light SMD 5730 Power Bank Notebook Camping Outdoor Light
(from AliExpress Android)

For all the portable battery chargers chargers
>not playing with your butt cheeks

is this the amateur hour?
Girls don't play video games, idiot.
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Finally came.

I came too.
because they're too busy playing with their you know what
Thanks, I'll take a look.

Yeah I think I can cram a couple of TP4056s in there, especially if I remove some of the plastic in the battery case. The tolerances are not that tight since this machine is almost 10 years old. I did just try probing the pins with the computer on, but it does not appear to send power to the battery when it detects no voltage. I can get it to power up with the controller board in place but it just flashes the battery light and still sends no power. I'll just pick up some cheap 18650s from aliexpress with good reviews and throw them in and see what happens and go from there.
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This sounds pretty gay...
that's as good as it gets. grade A controller
do you plan on charging it separately, or charging it while the computer is plugged in?

I imagine that the tp4056s wouldn't be able to handle it while powered on and would probably blow up otherwise.
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Is this a good knife? I guess I should be asking /k/ but I figured you guys would know better

I know jackshit about knifes, just want something durable that won't break off in some weird way
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sealed on a plasticky papery bag thing
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If that's the case you can completely bypass the built-in charge controller and connect the OUT+ OUT- of the TP4056 modules to the VCC+ VCC- pins on the battery pack, and the IN+ IN- pads to the charging port, wherever you decide to place that. I have mine hooked up to a USB cable so that I can just plug it into a USB wall wart. Whatever supply you decide to use, make sure it's rated for 5V2A. If it's over 5V, you'll fry the chips, and if it's under 2A you might fry the power supply.
>Can't save photps/videos to microSD card
Wait what? that's quite bad. did you mount it as adaptive storage or why is it wrong?
Why are you taking these in a car?
No, it's not.
Spend a few dollars more and get a xm18 / RAT / sebenza knockoff, or a few dollars less and get a sanrenmu / sanzo.
oh, and make sure to get the TP4056 with discharge protection, they have the OUT+ OUT- pads on the back, next to the B+ B- pads. The older TP4056 only had IN+, IN-, B+, and B- so there was nothing stopping you from discharging the batteries down to the point where they would be damaged.
anything I'm forgetting? Anything I should throw in?
You could get a genuine RAT-1 for $10 more.

Fuck stainless.
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frosted grey plastic case, three strips on the plug even without a mic. build is pretty good, has a good weight to each earpiece, but not really heavy or uncomfortable. the cable is nice and thick, doesnt really have that scratchy thing going on when it's on your ear and you run your finger through it, but it's a bit thick to easily wrap it around your ear, kind of fights against it a bit.
>dont care about sound quality, just looks.
you disgust me
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So I put together >>>/diy/971922 [Ali link: http://www.aliexpress.com/snapshot/7463047997.html?orderId=73816622577596 ]and as you can see it had issues. So I opened up a dispute for shits and giggles but they actually responded!

I got 10 (ish, minus PayPal's cut I imagine) dollars back!

If they're this good about disputes all the time then this is the only store I'm gonna use.

Only paid for one of the replacement tubes, but damn! That's more than half of the price they refunded!

I've yet to try the new tubes and check if its just a power current issue from the wall adapter (they didnt supply an ac/ac 12v 1A+ adapter. where the fuck do you even buy that shit?) But I have one coming from Digikey soon so I'll report back again with final results.

Just thought my blog needed an update.

American Tubes are fucking expensive man.
what makes it a poor choice, I wonder?
Yup, that's the plan.

Ooh thanks. I was about to purchase the older ones. Do you have a link?
I wont listen to music with them. I just need headphones for my electronic drum set. i just started playing and 20€ is just what i want to spend. wont make that much of a difference
>Miss someone with heavy makeups
http://www.aliexpress.com/item/1PCS-5V-1A-Micro-USB-18650-Lithium-Battery-Charging-Board-Charger-Module-Protection-Dual-Functions/32467578996.html these are the ones I got.
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had to pick it up from my po box on the way to work.

also, it sound pretty bass-y but clean. not overbearing DOOF DOOF DOOF shit. i've literally paid 10x more money for shittier sounding iems.
I'd buy it in a heartbeat if it had all the US LTE bands.
Oh, and keep in mind that the USB 2.0 ports on your computer are only rated for 500mA max, so split between 2 cells that's only a quarter of the default TP4056 charge rate. Even USB 3.0 only supports 900mA max.

USB 4.0 when
aliexpress almost always refund you.
Really? That's fucking nuts.

I heard they always side with the seller.

But, I suppose in this case it was the seller that sided with me...
Yeah, I have a 5v@2a charger for my tablet that I was planning on using. It would just be nice to not have to carry around the bulky 16v adapter or to be able to trickle charge the battery if I forget the charger entirely.

Thanks. I'll update the thread when I blow this thing up.
>tfw seller contacts you and asks what color you want
>he doesn't get a respond in 30mins because didn't check messages
>he says he will send samples of other colors along with one of my choosing

they're just pieces of foam and leather, but still based china man
well if you open a dispute for inane shit yes they do, but most of the time the seller will give you a discount/send another item is it was broken or something during shipping i dont know the details but looks like aliexpress is pretty severe with sellers.
yea. I'm pretty surprised.

With people were saying "chink shit" constantly I began to expect a product that was legitimately shit.

but so far this has been good.

Ah okay.
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>not pirating books
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Try pic related
Seller should have sent me my shit via China Post, but after 5 days decides he's gonna use a courier service called Flyt.

I notice there's nothing new for 10 days on the tracking number, so I contact the seller... "oh, it's been returned".

Fuck you for wasting my time.
Looks good, but I never buy a knife without knowing the type of steel. Never buy a shitty knife.
I had a similar thing happen to me except with banggood.

Turns out it is still in customs. I already got the new one they sent but if customs ever releases it, I'll have a second, free tablet.
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Out of these knives, which should I go for as something for convenience and MAYBE self defense?

>self defense

enjoy bleeding out on the streets
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goddamn the Mi 5 camera is so good
which ones is it missing?
It's 5Cr15Mov, it even says that in the description.
5Cr15Mov is just a worse 8Cr13Mov, which is basically AUS-8.
I clearly meant self-defense as a MAYBE bonus you asshole
Design, both aesthetically but significantly more functionally important. Liner lock is SHIT. Forgot to mention that Spyderco PM2 knockoff is more than okay too.

The latter two are quite good for the money. Cheap coatings scrape off quickly.
Sanrenmu 7010 is great for the money and fits what you want.
Only knife worth using for violence is a Fairbarn sykes (or derivative), certainly not practical for 'convenience'.
Where did she buy that face?
>implying jackie chan isn't a qt3.14
Recommendations on disposable e-cigs? I wanted to re-sale locally and make some $$$.
Anyone have experience with these?
where do you think we are?

round these parts, it's a term of endearment
>self defense
Carry a gun then. What kind of nigger infested place do you live in if your safety means carrying a knife in public.

I hope a cop fines you or put you in jail for conceal carrying a knife or even using it for self defense.
Is the first one in >>53871603 particularly bad for any reason? I like it aesthetically and I might just get the 7010 and it both unless there is a glaring issue I should know about?
a folding knife is useless for self defense
he is a bro, but im not sure that i will call him qt.
wtf the iPhone app for alien press is shit you can't find anything on it yet the webpage is great
yea, the same way /pol/ calls people nigger because they love them right?

besides, this wouldn't be a popular general if it truly was chink shit.
USB/OTG 3.0 SD/MicroSD card reader. $1.91 total w/ registered mail free.

That post was a joke anon.
fell for it then. thought it was that sjw stinky chinky
Well it's the weaker and in most ways inferior type of lock, liner lock. Also seems less than easy to open. A non-coated 7010 is really the best option.
If you want something aesthetic, get some kind of gentlemans damascus steel and rosewood folder
>being an apple cuck
that what you deserve.
Why did you hmm
That nigga's been trollin the shit of all y'all for goin on a month man.

You cant keep eatin that same bait fàm
thanks anon

so the coating will chip off easily huh?
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becosh, I like Golddd
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>no more c***b***s
does anyone know any decent watches?
also can I get cancer from wearing those fake watches?
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>ree electronic
No recommended MP3 players?
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mi4 overseas.png
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I know some anon wanted to get this during the last sale.
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>when the based chinese send you a dried orange as a gift
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>message seller after item isn't shipped after 3 days
>he says this
literally asking me not to give him 5-stars if I like the product
I remember people discussing them a few weeks ago, you'll have to search on your own
If you only use it for cutting paper or something I guess not, but in general stay away from anything below DLC coating, which no knife in this price segment has.

If your budget is $20 or more, ask here >>53865356
If it's $100-200, get a parnis.

At least check the pastebin if you won't bother reading the thread.
Eyki makes some good look alikes apparently. I'm pretty sure they won't give you cancer
I did both before posting, there's no section on MP3, and desu the pastebin looks a little empty does the guy need help or is just waiting on items?
holy shit...

I'd eat it man. Maybe not swallow it, but I'd be too curious how it tasted.
took 10 days for a product to ship for me.
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qt chinks
You're supposed to brew it with the tea, you uncultured swine.
>implying there aren't shards of glass In the oranges
And have the lead leach into the water I'm drinking?

Good fucking try you commie shitlord

Only one way to find out anon.

I've awaited death for years now. China orange seems like a good way to go if you ask me.
>Manufactured June 26, 2016
Is the time machine available on aliexpress? What about the tea?
What makes you think the tea is fit for consumption anyway, idiot?
why people always send that chinks are rude? all the sellers of aliexpress are even more polite than the japs on ebay.
>implying any of that pisswater you call "tea" is ever fit for consumption by real humans
>implying it's not just decoration for the cupboard
Tea is great! Fuck you!
anon. That hook wasnt even baited and you still went for it.
Probably because they're told by Western media that the Chinese are some sort of Easterner looking to make a quick buck by selling you cheap and dangerous products.
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What store? I need some tea too
chink tourists
So I'm pretty retarded when it comes to tech. I'm looking at a 300~ or so phone. g3 looked alright until I found this general and saw the Xiaomi note 3. Looks much better but I can't really say for sure. Also, is the note 3 the best choice for that price? I dont mind going higher or lower to get a better value phone.
Why not just buy it in a local store?
High quality loose tea is like $60 / kg here, guess it can go down to $35 for decent quality. How much is it on ali?
Who bought the gold variant Redmi 3 or Redmi Note 3? Every smart phone I've owned is either black or white. I'm thinking of trying something else but I don't know how the gold one really looks because all the pajeets who review it on youtube use shitty cameras.
butthurt much

Yes. Also look at the Xiaomi Redmi Note 2.
NL means it's netherlands direct post. It's untracked so you won't be able to find it through any website.

Just have some patience, if you live in europe netherlands direct post is pretty fast from china (prob 2 weeks max)
Why is Sweden mail so much slower than Netherlands main?
>Mi app store and themes only show in chinese
Your locale is set to Chinese from the default setup, set it to India because it defaults to engenglish
Chinese smart plugs. OK or not?

I can't buy from Amazon, since they only carry American standard shit.
The postal workers are busy prepping their wive's bulls.
Panasonic = Sanyo

Sanyo was bought out by Panasonic a couple years ago.

Or maybe I'm wrong, because I still see a lot of Sanyo cells. I thought everything was consolidated and rebranded as Panasonic now. Are the sanyo cells just old stock? Or do they still produce under the sanyo name.

All I know is all the eneloops which used to be under the sanyo moniker are now branded as pansonic. But those are Ni-Mh batteries and data for 18650 Li-ion batteries is more scarce.
Are all the us/euro fakes not worth at all? If so, any of you guys have some recs for something portable. Can be IEM or over-ear. Price doesn't matter too much, just maybe a tiny bit above entry level.
post chink cumholes please
>hey guys i want dick cancer
just go fuck dudes you stupid idiot
note 3 pro 32gb for $229
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tfw living in a country with no Chinese girls
stop shilling for that aweful site stupid
aliexpress has better deals with free gifts you like glass protectors and tpu cases
are you the other anon who lives in Japan?

Xiaomi Redmi Note 3 pro (make sure it's the pro version, the snapdragon 650 + microSD slot makes it much better than the regular Redmi Note 3)

Should cost $219 for the 32GB version with 3GB of RAM or $179 for the 16GB version with 2GB of RAM. Any more than that and you're overpaying.

Make sure the phone's LTE bands are compatible with your network.
What's a smart plug?
never would speak to them anyway. more than enough on the internet to perv on fampai
chinks are everywhere
How come XM officially states that it only has "up to 32GB microSD" support? Will 64GB and 128GB cards work?
that's a shit price mate.

The wiki clearly states 32GB note 3 pro should not be over $220

Gearbest is sometimes the cheapest, but not always.

It supports 128GB microSD cards. If it says 32GB it's probably because of some bullshit with FAT32. If you format as exFAT you should have no issues on any device even one that claims a max of 32GB.

I'm curious where you found that info though, because as far as I can see it officially lists up to 128GB microSD cards.
ROCK zircon. Absolutely insane IEMs for the price. Much better value than those Xiaomi pistons, especially with all the fake pistons floating around.

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It's in the official specs for the site of every country they sell it in.
I just want music player anon from weeks ago to show up and and purchase for me
Lol, you're asking us to compare a donkey with a car.
Looks good anon. Have you seen any decent reviews of it though? Can't find any
No, it's not, the camera is shit.

And video mode is utter shit.

No it's great you don't own one and have not tested it for yourself so stop parroting some comment you read online, moron.
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What's the most useful thing you've gotten from /csg/?
Go watch samples.

The 4 axis OIS is also bullcrap.
>4 axis OIS
what is that
Is this the cheapest 3GB 32GB version from a trusted seller?

a wireless buttplug that can be controlled through your smartphone app by bluetooth
Do you see a "Pro" anywhere in that publication?
>average sucker ...
Not sure if that's google translate or dude is into some weird shit
Oh also. What bundle should I go for? Case/Cover ect..

I thought pro only came in those specs. Is it not?
probably cheaper on ebay.

ali sucks for sex toys.
get girl clothes and a chastity cage there. go to ebay for the rest.
This is the PRO:


Because it fucking says PRO.

Ethernal Team is the best chink store to get phones at Aliexpress.
Is it possible to get a thinkpad x220 or a t420 from the chinamen?

ebay shipping is fucking expensive, at least $80 + customs
But somebody said I should not have to pay more than $220 for it...

Think this is any good
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