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>cock.li email domains get spam filtered by Google REEEEEEEEEEEEE
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>cock.li email domains get spam filtered by Google

What's the error message from gmail?
Google will block cock.li forever
Host your own mail server.
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>have an email address with "cock" in the domain name
>surprised this is getting filtered

Are you that special kind of stupid, anon?
Vin - cent deeeeeeeed

Nuh - thiiiiig wrooooooong

Vin - cent deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeed

Nuuuh - thiiiiig wroooooooooooooooooooooong !
File: cock.jpg (69 KB, 600x450) Image search: [Google]
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>my employer can't advertise online
>all ads are assumed to be porn
>also constant prank calls asking if we are a gay bar (we aren't)
It just goes to spam


I sent like 5 emails to a qt girl and she never replied. I keep sending "pls reply" wondering why she wouldn't reply.

Then I realized it was going to le spam.
literally getting cucked by google
More like cucked by Vincent
Wasn't Vincent arrested in Romania and sent to Germany to face trial a few days ago?
That's was an April fools meme
How can people be so fucking retarded to believe that
Reeeee fix it please Vincent!
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