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Windows 8 is a pile of shit
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File: MS_Windows8_800_thumb800.jpg (19 KB, 800x450) Image search: [Google]
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Where the fuck are boot options? Why is "boot from device" literally nowhere? What the fuck were they thinking?
It's a wild goose chase just to get into bios settings.
Thinking? Come on, it is a campus now in Redmond.

Look what they have done to the Notepad,
it no longer allows you to write and edit .bat routines - and they improved the icon for it to a plastic coated, slippery bitch.
I got a copy of Notepad from the prior versions of the provided standard shtuff.
>go into UEFI
>turn off secure boot
>re-open windows 8 launch options
>boot from device should be there
they really don't want you scrubbing this shit off your machine.
File: 1444490415613.jpg (54 KB, 1280x720) Image search: [Google]
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>tfw I purposefully installed Windows 8.1 on one of my laptops
dont worry /g/ will like it because its not windows 10 and more akin to vista/me so they will cuck it up
worked only after I also enabled csm in uefi
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