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>no wt
Here we go fags

>This thread is about the appreciation of watches, as well as the micro-engineering and materials engineering that is required to make a fine watch.

Required viewing for newbies:

Strap guide:
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First for god awful watches.

ha ha they mispelled kimono XDesu
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2rd for meme watches
I tried to apple watch today, stupid store demo. The build quality and screen were nicer than I expected. The stupid heartbeat function was a lot more powerful than a vibrating alarm. It felt close to a dual shock controller.

I would buy if I did cardio, seems like a nice device and a step towards the future.

Can I wear a mechanical on my left, and a smart watch on my right?
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5th for professional sink-diving
>Can I wear a mechanical on my left, and a smart watch on my right?

Bagel and shitposting so far, nice thread
>he doesn't overclock
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First for bitch wrist.
You should cut the end off that strap, it hangs off to far.

You can also cut that ugly shit bracelet too
GF wants to get me a watch but she is on a tight budget.

Any ideas for any nice watches other than Seiko 5's under $100 and are 35-38mm? Looking into any style really.
What the fuck is this layout.
What do you mean by nice?
What style do you want?
Do you want a mechanical watch?
I'm open to really any style. And yes, automatic is severely preferred.
So no handwind?
Tell that bimbo to save up for a Rolex
Vostok Amphibia
Some of them are around 38mm IIRC
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52nd for penis quartz.
What's with the random names?

Is this an April fool's thing.
Don't you see, it's a portmanteau of 'kodomo' and 'kimono', because it's something only kids would wear.
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Jesus Christ Loretta, you cant just ask people why they have the names they have, you dumb cunt.
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1st for column wheels
>King Seiko in the post

Really wish they'd stock this again
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Dominic, I don't know why, but this makes me want to beat you up.

Maybe it's the schoolyard bully in me resurfacing. I dunno.
Why do you wanna beat me up Roxanne?
Also thats literally my most favorite song. Nice roll
Name will determine what watch I'm gonna buy.
I think it's the purple. Vikings suck.
Purple is a patrician color. Step your game up pleb
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purple dress.png
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Found your dress, faggot
Fuck off Anita

whats your wrist size?
Faggot size. See the bracelet?
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Let's see what my new name is.
How do you guys feel about citizen watches
Citizen makes great movements, comparable to Seiko, so is their external build quality. Too bad 99% of their watches are so ugly no one with any hint of taste would ever want one.
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Just got this baby from my dad
Purple is literally the color of the king.
It says you're a faggot
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>thread about fine watches
>no one posts a fine watch
They make some nice watches, plus Miyota movements are pretty good.

Also the Eco-Drive watches are good too, the latest Eco-Drive movement is 1mm thick.

overrated watch

That's fucking ugly as sin.
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found the poorfags
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AP 71.jpg
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They do good low and very high end quartz.
And good movements in general.

15450 in steel is definitely one of APs best contemporary watches. Though it and the 15202 are pretty much the only contemporary APs worth a damn.
Pretty gaudy in gold and anyone who tries to pass a 15400 in gold as a dress watch is clearly the ROO demographic.

Yup, I'm a poorfag, but there are a lot of watches that are a lot more expensive than this one that I respect and admire, and would like to have.

Just cause your shit royal oak is expensive doesnt make it not tasteless or nice. Its ugly as fuck bro, and tacky. If a less respected company had put out that same design first, it would have been rightly shunned.

The Royal Oak was designed by Jean-Claude Biver you incurable philistine, the man who single handedly saved Swiss watches from the quartz plague. It is a widely imitated and high respected masterpiece of horology.

Stick to your Tisshit and Shitizen faglord

Still an ugly fucking watch no matter how much it costs.
>it's made by this guy so it's good
>people like it so it's good
that's not how things work
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See the problem with that whole argument is whether you actually believe it or whether you're just butthurt you can't even afford a fucking Tag, you're going to claim the former

>m-muh taste is more patrician than yours

those who are in no position to buy are in no position to judge, sorry m9

the gentleman in the Rolls Royce doesn't care what the wagecuck in the Civic thinks about his car
But that's not how it works either.
I get that you're just saying random shit on an imageboard, but surely you can't think what you write makes any sense.

That is equally as disgusting.

"objective taste" is a contradiction in terms you homosexual

if you have zero experience owning/wearing/using something, your opinion of it is invalid
You're just being silly. I can have an opinion on the design of a watch without buying it.
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15202 or bust

An ugly and gaudy watch is an ugly and gaudy watch no matter who designed it.

And you're proving my point. If it didn't have that history behind it, or was of a different brand, you would probably agree with me. But you're judgement is so clouded by what you deem to be horologically significant, that you can't see an ugly watch for what it is.

We can all appreciate what's important about that watch, but only little fags like you who crave the acceptance of other "watch afficianados" will actually walk around with such an ugly watch
Willie Randall, you are one dumb faggot.

im right though :^)
Actually you're an emoticon-posting reddit faggot
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It's a gorgeous watch you miserable chimpanzee. The case is finished to perfection. The dial and bezel are perfectly symmetrical. The lugs are sized to prevent the bracelet from having a bad taper. Pictures don't do it justice. But you wouldn't know because you've never even seen one in person.
I'm 14790 tier bitchwrists though :^(

Do you care at all for the vintage ones or only the oversized gold ones? What's your opinion on ROOs?


If you guys weren't so insecure about buying expensive ugly watches, you wouldn't concern yourself with miserable chimpanzees posting online ;)

ROOs are pretty hard to look at in my opinion. They mostly exist for the new money shitters that want something flashier and bigger. The 41mm case is already oversized for all but the largest wrists. The complications aren't even made in house, as I understand it.

Too much blending of materials and textures. And they're heavier than sin
The SNK809 is on sale for $57.50 on Amazon right now. Should I wait out for a lower price, or cop it?

If you really want one then go for it. That's basically as low as the price gets for a brand new one.
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for reference

by a good leather belt instead and hang yourself with it

You sound like my dad
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I bet you and him have a charming relationship
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>sound like
it's not a sale that's what they cost
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>No one has posted the master race of cheap watches
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Fuggg forgot pic
How is the bracelet on that thing? Seriously considering it but I'm not onboard with the Casio-on-NATO meme
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You mean f105w (or f91w)
that shit sucks
which watch will get me a gf?
It's not great, and the watch is just painted plastic anyways. Green map master race.
Really good. I though it would be hard to adjust to my size but I wasn't hard at all. Took like 20 mins. Still a tiny bit loose so sometimes a hair or two will get stuck but it's a small price to pay for such a dank watch
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Why not spend that money on a mail order bride instead? Bam, now you can be miserable with a woman who doesn't speak much English.

Alternatively, something Rolex.
Dope as hell. Took like 20 mins to adjust. Sometimes a hair or two get stuck (tiny bit loose) but it's a small price to pay. >>53816268
Did u find that in a cereal box? >>53816362
>painted plastic

Uh noo... It's stainless steel
Samefag. Didn't think the first post went thru
>Bought a new planet ocean in 2011
>Wish I had put that money in the S&P 500 instead.
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Cheap but pretty
>Cheap but
Should have stopped at that
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Waches after all
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A gold Submariner will get you some pussy.
>Uh noo... It's stainless steel
Only the bracelet is, the watch is plastic.
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Yep, plastic watch.
>tfw emaciated holocaust victim
>don't look like a man at all
>can't get real watches because they are too big for my emaciated sudanese civil war north korean prison camp wrist
Just buy some japanese shit bro, it's all made for manlets
Get vintage watches. They are smaller than many modern watches and they look good on large and small wrists.
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There are lots of good watches that will fit you, you nerd. The real question is your budget, not your size.
That sounds so wrong.
Don't know about the inside, metal on the outside.
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this round thumbnail is allright.
What do you mean Inside/outside? The case is made of plastic with a stainless steel back and bracelet. There is no all steel AE1200, if there were I would have bought one thrice over.
Even without his tripcode ninefag still sticks out like a sore thumb.
so far every post itt is just me replying to myself. Please don't shit this up for me
What's the point of getting a new Tudor when it still has to be serviced by licensed watchmakers? Why the fuck is ETA so shit?
Same here m8 when is yours due?
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That's a good watch
Is the Seiko flightmaster the best non-navitimer pilot's watch?
I want to buy another quartz chronograph and I really like the slide rule bezel and sweeping chrono seconds of the fightmaster.
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>get $200 watch in mail
>pay another $50 to mountain jew customs
I feel ya m8. Milkbagland customs a shit too.
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Finally got a chance to break this one out the other day.
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hello proles

whats that? no rolex? hmph maybe try working a bit harder :) x

Ugly as fuck.
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nice fake
At least buy one that doesn't look like shit. Pic related.
>I picked the ugliest rolex I could
Should have gotten an explorer or milgauss.
*sips brandy while listening to getz/gilberto*
these proles need to be whipped into shape
hmm what's that I can smell? It's quite strong but I can't quite put my finger on it....
Ahh yes, that's it! It's jealousy

I'd always be embarrassed to wear a two tone watch.
that's funny because i'd be embarrassed to be you
*exchanges rolex for my chopard watch*
ah yes the proles are dying of jealousy right now
*continues sipping brandy and listening to jazz-bosa nova*
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>I'd always be embarrassed to wear a two tone watch.

Couldn't afford a solid gold one eh?
*spits in your mouth*
ah yes the proles are nothing but pawns to me
Being conscious of poor clothing choices would mean he wouldn't be wearing a fedora.
>let me gloat online about my shit taste status symbol
>anyone that calls me out must be jealous
>haha this is so funny
>my life is so fulfilling
That's my fetish, please continue.
yes correct my life is fulfilling in the sense that i have a rolex (and chopard pro one)

*spits in your general direction*
*flicks snot at you*
>They mostly exist for the new money shitters that want something flashier and bigger.
That's literally who the RO was made for.
In 10 years you're going to be posting about how the Offshore is a respected design made by a master and that people who don't like it are stupid.
>and chopard pro one

I guess money really can't buy you good taste.
You notched that strap right?
Any watch that looks like pic related with a more affordable price ?
Timex Weekender.
>That's literally who the RO was made for.
You don't really know what you're saying when you post it.
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Pretty neat. Thanks.
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1st for smart watches
Shittiest smartwatch with Daft Punk's shittiest album.
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That watch seems a bit too big for you anon :^)

Look at pic related. Notice how well the lugs curve with the wrist to make a snug and comfortable fit.
Notice how low profile the watch is to his wrist so he can easily pull his shirt over if need be but always has the convenience and class of a watch at his disposal.
Notice how the watch doesn't smother his wrist unlike yours which reminds you of that really fat girlfriend you met in college who you had sex with twice and then didn't talk to again.

Am sorry anon but that watch is just too big...Kinda like that girl you met back in college.
Are you an autistic Patrick Bateman?
I like how likewise none of that applies to >>53820033
>all these newfags in my thread
>being this oblivious to this meme
This meme again? There is no difference.
Screams counterfeit.
I like how its matched with the uniform kek
Fuck that webm
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Is tissot /g/ approved?
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Pretty decent though a little expensive for a chinese watch.
Its owned by the Swatch group these days for what it is worth
Yes I do.
They're decent. Not very good value for money, and some not great designs.
The visodate is alright, although quite thick.
Looks pretty solid, I'll guess that it's some special edition? Normal looks always look lacking something, this one doesn't
>le terrorist watch
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Rate my newly riced amphibia
Why didnt you use a blue bezel for that neptune look?
Man I want to, but I could not find the same blue, the dial have a not very common blue/green kind of color.
nice. what'd you pay for that fake piece of shit?
Would any of these match it

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I'll play too.
not shure, the scuba dude have a weird greenish dark blue, not a normal deep blue.
>receipt for a steel link
>thinks the actual watch is made in PRC

you must be quite retarded
Not liking it on the milanese strap. Too much silver and texture. The watch is too small for it.
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Don't really match
Im suprised by how many subtle blues and teals Vostok makes
It's the vintage blue scuba dude dial that's actually blue, and has a slight sunburst effect.

Modern one is a teal colored one.
Too lazy to take a picture, so here's one from the Google.
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Too lazy to come up with a response so here's a contentless reply :^)
Looks like Rolex has a watch with an all-numeral dial now in the form of the new Air-King.

Too bad it looks like shit. Why can't they just make a proper 1-12 dial, maybe as a variant of the Datejust, Explorer, Submariner or Milgauss? Or just bring back the Observatory.
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The guy isn't found around very much. I even managed to get the box and original strap, which is pretty rare for these obscure Russian watches.
Definitely an unusual looking 2628.H powered Raketa.

But in a whole they were far from obscure.
> | 5 10 3 20 25 6 35 ...
How did they think this was ok?
Yeah wow, there's a fuckload of them on ebay now. There wasn't back when I purchased this. None of them have the original band though.
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This is a wedding tier jewlers quartz but it does look good.
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Ark Collective Timeless. Basic miyota quartz but the design is pretty eye catching. Sorry about potato quality shot.
Nice Royal Oak :^)
Mostly since the original bands were shit. And the aftermarket bracelets weren't much better to boot.

Makes me want to get a vintage slav watch again though.

>two tone
>non-working cyclops
>Mostly since the original bands were shit.
Not wrong, it's really hard to get on and flys off the wrist when you undo the clasp. If it was worn every day though, I think it might be fine.

>non-working cyclops
It does work, there's just very little distortion. The date window is actually tiny.
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I bet this will be their lowest-priced model. Same with cars, you even have to pay for looks, if you can only afford the cheapest one they shame you with an ugly abomination when every other model is Bertone-tier.
>meanwhile seiko parts are made in Malaysia
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>want to buy a cheap watch
>find a Seiko 5 I like
>it's not available anywhere, including eBay
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It's like you've never seen a kit car.
But they don't write "Swiss Made" on them.
Weeb nerd loser.
For the record, i think i've seen a couple of these bracelets for sale. I might even have one lying around somewhere.

But the two tone homage still looks really awful, even if that's a working cyclops.
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Nice fake, oops I mean rep.
>not wanting to spend 30k to get infinite vapid girl pussy
In a GT40? No girl in interested in that.
>Wearing a Tisell to Baselworld.
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>buying supercars/luxury watches for pussy
Alright Elliot, tell me when you've finally lost your virginity with the help of you chink fakes.
>Logo is applied.
>Isn't even evenly mounted.
I'm sorry anon, I didn't actually wear it there (wore my Orient - I know that's not much better). My shitpost is just not on that level.
Kairos Hybrid. Mechanical with a transparent oled over the top.
Looks good. What's your impressions with smartwatches?
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>46mm x 17mm
>pointless "hybrid"
I have that and a few Android watches. You can live without them, but if your someone that gets a lot of business emails or messages, they are very useful. Very few useful apps for any platform right now. My favourite aspect about the Android watches is the custom faces. You can chuck on a new band and change the face and basically have a completely different watch.
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Any anons can identify this watch?
It's a Blurtling Blurmaster Blurlative Blurometer.
Thanks anon. I was thinking it's a Blurtling Chronoblur.
Should I dig out my 5€ rolex for this thread

It broke when I adjusted the time

Will never buy rolex again
Some kind of invicta
No, we have "rolex" fags here already
It's a Breitling something, can anyone identify the 3rd word that starts with P?
Prickmaster ?

Slap a decent leather band on it and you're good to go.
Please do it next time.

>tfw my Egpytian history professor wears a f91w to every class
>Not sure if terrorist or watch aficionado

Always tells interesting stories about Egypt during the 60s tho.
With any luck I won't be in poorfag watch territory next year.
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This was a christmas present from my dad
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Police is a shit brand for the lower-class, but at least that one isn't too bad. Guess your dads old-timey taste saved you from a real abomination. Just don't wear it like that, I don't think your old man raised you to be a faggot.
>A rolex for each wrist
>The f/1.8 50mm

Why no f/1.2 or even the f/1.4
This and this.
Eh... How wearing it like that make me a faggot?
Same way having a dildo up your ass does.
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My two most commonly worn watches.
Dat flat tire.
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>not even the Swiss movement version
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Why on earth did you shave exactly one and half legs.
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Egypt was pretty nice back then.
t. Egyptian
>Can't decide between Italian and Cuban
>Adds Edgypian into the mix
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I didn't, it grew that way
We really didn't need the crotch shot, anon
100% Egyptian m8
Sadly Im white washed by the filthy western pigs
ah well, we can't all be of Nordic descent.
>MFW his camera can't focus on the watch in any pictures yet you can see the weave of the fabric sitting atop his crotch.
King? more Cuck lmao
i have a shitty camera, it's from 2003 i think. Also i don't know how to config the settings
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Thoughts on this?
Seems like the perfect all around watch
>Chrono for timing shit
>Can be dressed up with a leather strap
>Diving tier WR
>Quartz so you never have to worry about setting or winding it. You can replace the battery yourself
>Satisfies my pilot fantasy
It's very cluttered.
I like that. Getting kinda bored of simple dials.
>Can be dressed up with a leather strap
If you ever consider that to be "dressy", fuck right off along with the people who think an AP ROO on hornback is a dress watch.
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Better pic
>Can be dressed up
If subs and speedmasters are considered dressy nowadays then this is too.
Its 40mm so the size is fine for fitting under a cuff.
>don't clic don't clic don't clic
I know what's coming out but I can't stop watching.

whats that seiko 5 on the left?
You'll go blind in a year.
If you like it then buy it, but it looks very bulky, and can't be dressed up.

And an interesting dial doesn't have to be so cluttered.
Seiko 5 SNKM87
That seiko 5 on the left is fucking beautiful.
So how is the quality of this shameless Milgauss imitation?
pretty bad
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Probably about as bad as this shameless Nautilus
>If subs and speedmasters are considered dressy nowadays then this is too.
That shit is enormously busier than even a speedy. Not even close to being able to dress up.
nothing says im rich better than few 5€ bills
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Loving this meme watch a lot more than my old sarb 033.
I'm still mad I didn't snap one up for $400 a few weeks ago. I bought a SARX013 instead though.
>>>53827095 (You)
>I'm still mad I didn't snap one up for $400 a few weeks ago. I bought a SARX013 instead though.

Whoa, where'd u find one at 400? Paid 600$ for mine.
Someone in Worst Korea was selling one on WUS I think for that price, it was the white one though which I think is the inferior model, if the crown pip was like pearl or some other white bit it would really be nice but the black just doesn't fit. So I didn't buy it right away and two days later it was gone.
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