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is this still considered the standard with getting viruses and
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is this still considered the standard with getting viruses and shit off people's Windows computers? i just had to deal with some folder populating bullshit on my cousin's pc that disconnected his ethernet and took away his admin. i got these on in safe mode but combofix wouldn't work because he cracked his windows 8.1 installation with kms or something, which made it appear as windows 2000 somehow.

anyway, im just curious if i'm out of the loop or if these are still decent.
I just use Malware Bytes
Viruses seem to vanish when I switch from NTFS to ext4.

Install Gentoo
This and nod 32 online scan
combofix should be used as a last resort. it has the ability to fuck up a windows install, or if it is pirated, it can flag it as non genuine and not even those dumb botnet activators will work
ah ok. in that case it was a blessing in disguise. i suppose i'll just malwarebytes next. i recall another tool that had a yellow/orange logo but i forgot the name, it was like combofix but it opened up in a blue commandline on bootup.
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