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My Deathadder 2013 I bought a year and a half ago died and I'm
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My Deathadder 2013 I bought a year and a half ago died and I'm stuck with a $6 mouse until I get something decent. Razer wont repair it because I bought it from ebay. When I bought it, it was on top of /g/'s mouse guides. As I don't have a lot of money now but I need to get something, I came to ask what is the best budget gaming mouse. I only care about having a good build quality and the two extra buttons, and I never regretted buying something /g/ suggested (even the deathadder was great while using, despite that it died).
Anything from Logitech, since I heard they will honor their warranty from wherever you buy?

tl;dr Best budget gaming mouse
Intellimouse 3.0
I can find it very cheaply on ebay from Chinese sellers but something tells me I won't be covered by warranty
who cares about a warranty if its 20 bux? you going to wait two months for a replacement mouse without buying something else?
Steelseries Kana V2

It's basic and can take a fucking beating. Will last longer than your anuzer.
Zowie fk1.
It's basically the Deathadder but better.
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