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ridiculous voodoo tech >pic related
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File: Pono-Player-oped.jpg (81 KB, 1500x1000) Image search: [Google]
81 KB, 1500x1000
ridiculous voodoo tech
>pic related
seriously. who the fuck thought making it a triangle was a good idea
It serves as a dildo
If you're brave enough
Well I hope Neil Young will remember, a Southern man don't need him around anyhow.
File: IMG_0717.jpg (134 KB, 800x533) Image search: [Google]
134 KB, 800x533
mostly empty space

You need lots of room to cool audiophile-class capacitors.
File: hahaohwow.jpg (39 KB, 560x432) Image search: [Google]
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>they fell for the 24-bit/192kbps audio meme
192khz not kbps you uncultured swine
if you buy 4 of them you can make a nice cuboid
Neil Young
File: image.png (102 KB, 536x303) Image search: [Google]
102 KB, 536x303
U wot m8?
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