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Is the Comptia A+ cert filled with trick questions like this?
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Is the Comptia A+ cert filled with trick questions like this?

Why would it do this to me?

I know Dual Layer is 8.5GB but it didn't say whether or not it was single or dual. I'm just supposed to guess here?
Read the question
If it can mean both, then it does. Thus, the one with the higher capacity is the correct answer.
Plenty of trick questions and plenty of irrelevant crap like "What's the newest version of Windows that can print over infrared?". The point is to make sure you've read the $200 study book.
Read the question you fucking retard
It still doesn't specify single layer or dual, just that its single-sided

>DVD-R is the important part

Lol no.
but, among the single-sided DVDs, the highest capacity is 8.5GB
exactly. it says the highest capacity expected.
you're clearly too braindead for tech.
try going for a different career

Don't worry OP, I passed it years ago but I thought the same as you just now without reading ahead to find the correct answer.

Whatever, it's not a trick but it is misleading.
oh shit

those fuckers
They key word here is "highest"
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