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Now that tay is gone Let's make our own AI If we put our
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Now that tay is gone
Let's make our own AI
If we put our heads together, we can make one that posts on 4chan (obviously give it a 4chan pass) and have it learn from different boards
It will read replies on its own threads
We'll call it: "Yotsubot"
I'll make the logo!
don't sully 404girl with your trash
then what should it be themed on?
>mad wageslave
every time
I'll make the forums
/pol/ is trying to put her together.
Apparently it's not well optimized and needs 8 gpus, twice

> Apparently it's not well optimized and needs 8 gpus, twice
We'll need a /pol/ack or fa/g/ with access to money or university machines.
Or a mod with access to the servers
"Chris Basoglu, a principal development manager at Microsoft who also worked on the toolkit, said one of the advantages of CNTK is that it can be used by anyone from a researcher on a limited budget, with a single computer, to someone who has the ability to create their own large cluster of GPU-based computers."
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