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Do you think it's really worth $600?
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Do you think it's really worth $600?

In fact I preordered one even though it is ~$900 in my country
Really? The experience was that good?

What's the closet thing you can describe it as, besides 3D panoramic view
As a consumer, obviously not.
Why not?

I'm seeing people say it's one of the best experiences they've had, even with old games they've played a million times before.

They're making it seem like it's more than just a giant gimmick
Well the name of the media kind of describes it: Virtual reality. It is closer to real life than to any other kind of media platforms like TV. Just kind of imagine real life except a relatively low-fi version and missing some senses like touch, and ability to manipulate objects and move around freely in a natural way. It certainly can't be compared to monitors, even 3D ones.

Best way to understand is just to try it yourself, there is probably a booth somewhere close that is demoing it or a similar product.
The way I see it, it's basically an infinitely large 3d monitor.

I preordered the Vive
after one year it will cost $200
or nobody will remember what it is
IMO even if that is true, it is worth it to pay $400 to get in one year earlier. That's a year of VR for $400, a bargain
i preordered it & havent even tried it yet lmao

lets hope its not shit xDD!
Yeah because this is the first good iteration of VR tech and new technologies are always expensive. It will probably go down to ~$300 in a couple of years though.
better one year later
more content
the vive is worth 800 though, it can actually immerse you into the world with roomscale.

this is just shit.
>Best way to understand is just to try it yourself, there is probably a booth somewhere close

I'm afraid of VR becoming incredibly niche because people never getting a chance try it for themselves. Of everything I've seen of people trying it for the first time, its always not what they expected and better then they imagined.

The best thing Rift, Vive, and PS can do is simply set up a demo's in malls across the country. I don't think any other amount of marketing will get the general population on board to spend so much money otherwise.
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I used DK2 and yes, it is - VR just feels incredible in games i already played, giving entire new depth for them.
>tfw playing HL2 and realizing how large those one-meter boxes to throw with gravity gun are
>tfw i can finally comfortably use camera in E:D for targeting, and those little things like side terminals unrolling after looking at them
>tfw this one little hentai game where proportions were fucked up and every girl felt significantly larger than you are

I'll wait for it to fully adapt/get even larger games library, but i'm very optimistic.
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