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Using a smartphone as VR headset for PC gaming
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File: one-cardboard.jpg (482 KB, 1393x900) Image search: [Google]
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>products like Google Cardboard and Samsung Gear VR allow you to turn your phone into a VR headset
>smartphones like the LG G5 and Nexus 5X/6P support have USB 3.1 with 10Gb/s transfer speeds (don't quote me on that, it might only be USB 3.0)
>USB 3.1 should have the bandwidth necessary to transfer a 1440p 60Hz (or 1080p 120Hz) digital video signal to be displayed on a phone
Correct me if I'm wrong, but shouldn't smartphones have the necessary hardware to be used as a VR headset for PC gaming? This would eliminate the need to drop $600-800 on an Oculus Rift or HTC Vive when one can use the smartphone they already have (provided it has USB 3.1) as a VR headset. Perhaps the phone's camera could be used to handle head tracking by analyzing and processing the camera feed to determine it's change in position. The phone is it's own computer so it could definitely ease some of the computational load off of the host computer as needed. Thoughts?
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You sir are correct theoretically this would work but the phone will get hot as all shit I use trinus vr with my Nexus 5 and it works great it uses its gyro sensor for head tracking and outputs the video at a decent frame rate so with faster transfer speeds better quality and better frame rates
What games did you try?
Goy what are you saying? Just buy an olocuck rift :^)
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heavy bobbing.gif
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I'm trying this shit asap. I had no idea this was already a thing.
This is super cool. I might try this.
But what's the refresh rate of the phone screen?
I thought you needed 120hz for a pleasant experience in vr
What's the latency on the USB devices? <20ms? Can it send the video signal uncompressed? If not, how much latency will the compression and decompression add?
it's 60Hz, so 60FPS, it's good enough
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