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Is it worth it to pay for a "gaming" laptop? It would
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Is it worth it to pay for a "gaming" laptop?

It would be nice to have a laptop i could use for work school and gaming by hooking it up to a monitor and real keyboard/mouse....

but is it worth it in the $1000-1500 range?

what is the best laptop video card?
You would be better off using 800 to build a good desktop and use the rest to buy a good working laptop
Do you need a laptop that lasts longer than 30 min on battery?
Is the latitude 5000 series really that bad? The 7000 doesn't come in a 15.6 in size and the 6 series is way too big and loud.
>Is it worth it to pay for a "gaming" laptop?
lol, no
For what reason would you need a gaming laptop over a desktop?
First post, best post.
Nice space bar
>Do you need a laptop that lasts longer than 30 min on battery?



like how much better? would the desktop be 20% better for gaming? if so i would rather have the convenience of just one computer

if the desktop is going to be 3x as good then i would be inclined to do what you say
>For what reason would you need a gaming laptop over a desktop?

I have limited space and spend significant time between the dorm, home and friends houses

so if i had a gaming tower no matter where i put it i would only be in the place it is 25% of the time

im not willing to lug a fucking tower all over town with me
>convenience of just one computer
B-but thats inconvenience,anon. I don't get your logic.
>>convenience of just one computer
>B-but thats inconvenience,anon. I don't get your logic.


gayming laptops are only good as a desktop replacement for people that travel alot or live on ships
and then they're the fuckhuge kind of laptop

they don't look that much bigger

im talking the asus type
they have 2 and 3gb dedicated graphics cards

why does everyone hate them so much
What kind of PSU do they have?
Nice laptop OP, I would like to have one someday.
generally marketed towards retards and they can fry your nuts off
What's the best price-to-battery performance line in your opinion? I'm looking at the Asus Eeebooks for when I get my $200 windfall, although maybe something better will pop by the time that happens.
Honestly, most gaming laptops are meme-worthy at best in that price range. You might get decent performance, but the trackpad and display are almost guaranteed to be absolute garbage.
That said, the Razer Blade 2016 looks good, although it's outside your price range.


The display is well calibrated, the build quality is good, and it has more than enough performance. The only issue is the price and the edgy looks.
>"gaming" laptop

Build a mini-itx system and get a case with a handle...

>trackpad and display are almost guaranteed to be absolute garbage.

when gaming i plan to hook it up to an external monitor and real keyboard/mouse as i said
>Is it worth it to pay for a "gaming" laptop?

Is it worth it to pay for *any* laptop?
Maybe. They're all disposable and proprietary shit. $200 for a Chromebook should let you do everything you need to do when you're mobile. Spend the rest on an actual gaming PC.

Laptops for gaming are expensive shit-tier systems. They go wrong you are gonna pay a lot. Buy a decent spec'd desktop.

Leave the expensive door mats to mactards.
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