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NewPipe - Best Youtube video player
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>still using the Google Play Services dependant Official Youtube App, the one that can't play videos in the background, can't save videos and is part of the Google Botnet.
>not using the botnet-free NewPipe Youtube player for Android, that can save videos, play in the background, doesn't need any Google Play Services nor a Google Account. And above all that, it's open source.

I found it on a thread on /g/, just like this one. The app is really good, and we look for even more people that can test it/help with the development/translations. If you'd like to check it out, here's the git repository:

If I do have an account, does it have an option for displaying suggested/subscribed to videos?
Yeah I like it, I just wish it had a few more features. If there was some way to get search suggestions, and some way to mark/favorite/ videos for easy access later, I wouldn't need the normal youtube app at all.
I'm fine with not logging in to it.. but at least let follow channels or something.

> the one that can't play videos in the background
the youtube background play xposed module thing is way comfier than newpipe's desu familia
does it have subscriptions yet
I can't play shit in the background wtf. Also the app is only good for downloading shit, otherwise I still have the official YouTube app, furthermore we need the option to at least sign in if we want or have a non intrusive app to accompany it in case we want to sign in
the silence is disheartening
Thanks for reminding me to update to 0.7.6
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I'm not installing it after the malware incident.
>the one that can't play videos in the background, can't save videos and is part of the Google Botnet.
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desktop youtube question

Anyone have any issues with chrome playing youtube videos?

Shits freaking out yo
If it can't log in how's it any better than og YouTube without gapps?
What the fuck is this shit?
I can't change the song playing in the background. Or any song. It just plays the same one when I try and play something else
this man knows whats up
Well, then, I am not going to use it, mein liebster Freund.
This is dumb. Why would I switch to something that's blatantly inferior. I pay for YouTube red so I have no ads and can listen to videos with the screen off as well as downloading them at any quality. Hurr Durr Google botnet. Who fucking cares. Google doesn't give a single fuck about the shitty car crash compilations and cat videos you watch online. And I have money and can use it how I want so I pay for something that actually works and isn't a pile of shit
Elaborate. Did that Github carry a malicious version or what?
Background playback? No
Does it let us view channels ? No
Why even talk about it?
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Nevermind updated chrome and we're good
>playing video files
>Not watching the video

Can't log in.
Can't see the comments of videos.
Doesn't have autocomplete search

>Better than the official app

Nice try shills.
>Can't see the comments of videos.
Wait, this is a bad thing?
>not using superior skytube
>it's a feature!
But yeah I agree
>not using OGyoutube
Stop shilling your trash
>no channels
>no saving channels or anything for daily checking
>does not save position of video, even when "alt+tabbing"
Wheres the play in the background option, I don't see it?
Can this thing do playlists in the background?
Try OGYoutube.
I have a 2015 phone and this app is very unreliable.
I can't view channels, and often it stops responding.
If I'm linked into the app from a youtube link, I'm just left with a black loading screen.
Netmbuddy has the best playlist support
Thread replies: 33
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