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DBAN vs Blancco vs CCleaner drive wiper???
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DBAN vs Blancco vs CCleaner drive wiper???
Blancco 5?
I was just watching this on Netflix
I don't understand why he kills the drill instructer, what the duck is the movie even about? Is it literally just following Joker?I don't fucking get it
My little sister can't be this cute?
Are you implying that I am fucking your sister sir?
What do you got to trade?
DBAN all the way
2 lollipops and a shoe lace
oh shit nigger what did you do?
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I got in debt and need to sell off some HDD
Any of them. All you need is 1 pass. The FBI/NSA/CIA/LOL/BBQ isn't going to spend tens of thousands of dollars to scan the latent magnetism on your platters. 1 pass will take care of a drive for selling on ebay or whatever.
Just use dd.
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/hda0
Why not just dd?
It's Stanley Kubrick, all his shit doesn't make sense. It's just a look at the Vietnam war.
For sure, but now more actual bs=4M

Also ;sync.
That's not OreImo you fuck.
>Any of them. All you need is 1 pass. The FBI/NSA/CIA/LOL/BBQ isn't going to spend tens of thousands of dollars to scan the latent magnetism on your platters. 1 pass will take care of a drive for selling on ebay or whatever.
This was only needed "back" in the days, when such software was produced. Modern platter have such high data density that there is no need for me than one pass, this already makes it unrecoverable.

>For sure, but now more actual bs=4M
Depends on the drive. When it's an older drive a too big bs will actually slow it down. You want to match the drive's specs.
For standard hard drives you need at least 100 passes with DBAN before you can risk selling it. You're better off just doing 100 passes and then drilling/melting with acid.

If you destroy the pins and the case and throw it in the regular trash you're 99.9% safe. Don't you dare "recycle" it at Best Buy or your local city recycling drive. At best it will end up in China and your entire drive will be recovered and you'll only be extorted for a few thousand dollars. If Best Buy or another recycling program gets a hold of it and recycles in America you're pretty much guaranteed 10+ years in prison, and that's if all you've done online is download movies and post subversive content on 4chan.
If you need it fast, ata enhanced security erase will do super quick, due to just destroying private key.
>For standard hard drives you need at least 100 passes with DBAN before you can risk selling it
What exactly is the risk you're anticipating? You can't give a number of passes naive to the threat you anticipate.

If you're giving the hard drive to your mother, then 1 quick format is sufficient.
If you're going to mail it to the NSA, then 100 might not be enough.

Gauge your expected threat.
Dban, autonuke turn 360 degrees and walk away.
>If you're going to mail it to the NSA, then 100 might not be enough.
You have absolutely no idea about the tech involved, right...? That's not how HDDs work.

sudo shred /dev/sdb
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hi jooooooker.....jpg
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The training took a toll on him. Someone with that type of unstable mentality to be push through physical training and being drilled constantly making mistakes like bringing food in the private bunk only to get painfully haze by his peers can turn you into a wreck and he focus all his thoughts to the drill instructor and himself. Nothing else to say about that can't really feel sorry him.
I didn't understand the first part with him shooting the instructor. But the end where the lone teenage sniper kills off like 4 men is a metaphor for the entire war.
wise registry cleaner
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