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>all them green dots while displaying a static image Is my
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File: IMG_20160310_190243.jpg (2 MB, 3264x2448) Image search: [Google]
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>all them green dots while displaying a static image
Is my GPU about to commit seppuku?
File: hqdefault.jpg (10 KB, 480x360) Image search: [Google]
10 KB, 480x360
>60 hours grinding exp on useless game
>sixty hours sitting in front of your screen but not being productive
>sixty hours that could have been used to better your craft
>computers are for srs bsns only! no fun allowed >:T

Get a new HDMI lead, or yes.
It probably is. Double check with a different cable and/or monitor.

Don't try to reflow it in your oven because you will get toxic chemicals in your oven. If you have a disposable toaster oven, maybe use that.
>60 hours arguing about graphics cards on useless image board
>60 hours sitting in front of your screen but not being productive
>sixty hours that could have been used to better your craft
better than jacking off to weeb desktop threads
yeah it's your VRAM

oh well
That picture triggers me OP. A couple years ago I had a computer that did that. It dieded.
File: IMG_20160310_192004.jpg (2 MB, 3264x2448) Image search: [Google]
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Tried with a new cable and still getting dots, even on dialog boxes
RIP 9800gt 2009-2016
Gone to soon
Pls press f to pay respects
who can say where the road goes
where the day flows
only time
It doesn't really work anyway. Temporary fix if anything.
>60 hours
There are people with over 1000+ days logged into some mmo games like wow. Manual playtime. More than 24,000 hours.
tfw you have 900+ hours on gta online.
700 hours here. Still not even rank 120.
Kek im a lev 137 join gtag. You know 4chan has its own gta crew right?
I'm at rank 700 because I cheated a long time ago. :D
Reflow it

throw it in the oven or use a heat gun on the core
check PSU voltages in BIOS
should be between 11.5V and 12.5V stable with no ripples (voltage increasing or decreasing)
otherwise F, your 9800gt has finally commited seifuku.
>thinking an oven reflow will fix fucked vrams

damn nigga how do you even have the cognitive function to even pass a captcha
I've personally got 2000 hours in eve online, and I'm approaching 1300 in tf2
I've only been playing them for around 6 years now
Did you try a different type of cable?

I've had it happen that on a monitor-video card combination I once had, if I used a DVI cable I got green dots, but if I switched to DisplayPort it worked fine.

I changed monitor and GPU at the same time so I have no idea which one was really at fault.
I got green, blue and all sorts of dots when my micro hdmi cable was loose. Figured this was normal.
Buy some shark cards, goyim
I know that feel, I went through a 9800GT and two 9800GTX+ before I bought a 570 instead
> 60 hours is a lot
Lol noob
Drop your clock and see if it fixes the problem.
Try it with a different monitor before you ditch your gpu anon

This, it literally takes like 60 hours to learn to program, this stupid fucking faggot could have learned a new skill and gained employment instead of playing some stupid fucking game

some people never grow up its pathetic
Whats the crew senpai
I had the same problem with my old LED monitor. Its dying so buy a new one senpai
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