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who N here?
no ram available
Sometimes I G I guess, but you shouldn't talking about "N" in public.
google ecosystem with full on OS when?
I have it. Pretty cool so far.
Not that long according to some reports. They will merge chromeOS and Android and create the ultimate OS.
What's your favourite feature or upgrade?
Oh fuck my dick, win 10 was the last straw.

They had a chance at me with it but they fucked up by trying to appeal to the least intelligent and tech illiterate.
Works fine on my Nexus 5x, some bugs there and there but it's good enough for daily driver uses.

Best revert back to marshmallow and enable developer preview on google's site.

Can't get OTA preview updates if you manually flashed N.
I didn't flash N, that's exactly what I done anon :) Thanks all the same though, could have saved me headaches down the line if I didn't know this.
Geolocation got improved, it collects now more data is more tightly integrated into the OS, takes up more RAM, needs a quicker graphicschip to give the same FPS in the GUI, leads users into the illusion that their phones are safe by integrating more "blocking features".

Other than that it's just pretty Standard.
Just installed it. I'm finding it noticeably more sluggish than 6.0 on my Nexus 6, though I can see myself actually using the multi window feature once it's a bit more stable.

I found the same thing, little sluggish and multiwindow fucks with apps.
Is there any word yet on how frequent they're going to release beta updates for those who signed up through their preview page?
no update

p-sure on the page itself it says 4-6 weeks.
>updates on lagdroid are so rare that those who have it are proud of it

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529 KB, 456x900

Your salt makes me cum
>updates on non-Nexus phones are rare

fuck off terrorist
oink oink im a ram pig
What's with these android releases? It should be like, 5.3 maybe? I haven't seen a proper difference between 5.1 and 6 other than more crashes, let alone this shit.

From 2 to 4 there was a massive jump.
Copying the competition's update pattern is nothing new, similar to how Firefox started releasing updates the same way Chrome does.
u poor?
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Will be in a few minutes.
Clicked one button to enroll and the OTA popped up within a few seconds. Easiest beta install ever.

T-thats not how tripcode wo-works....
Sorry, I don't use the botnet TootsieRoll . I use an iPhone.
I don't even have mm yet. Fuck samsung.
Can someone dump their about phone screen
Not rooted here, what's the best way to completely backup my Nexus 6 if I unenroll from the beta program?
Manually copy everything on your phone storage to your PC.
What about text messages?
I'm N on my Nexus 9. Staying on marshmallow on my 5X because root and stuff.
Thread replies: 34
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