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File: gbn.png (127 KB, 1045x580) Image search: [Google]
127 KB, 1045x580
Welcome to the botnet.
File: 1432622304069.png (152 KB, 1045x580) Image search: [Google]
152 KB, 1045x580
Welcome to the botnet.
NSA funds mozilla?
And where is the problem with any of that? It helps you to store your data, browses faster and makes sure you're secure.

You can also disable all of this shit if you want but this would gimp your browsing experience.
File: gbn2.png (272 KB, 588x1120) Image search: [Google]
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For one, botnet is the wrong name, call it spyware and barely any of the point qualifies

1/3. kinda qualifies but it helps you to find shit easier later, so it has benefits too
2. duh?
5. so?
7. which makes searching better
File: faggot.jpg (59 KB, 400x400) Image search: [Google]
59 KB, 400x400
The problem with Windows is, that it's an OS and most of the botnet shit actually make the user experience worse. All of the Google spying either benefits or doesn't affect you.

Besides, it can be turned down for both, sans telemetry.
kill you're self
>bill gates said the browser is part of the OS
Welcome to the machine
> Every URL you begin to type in the address bar is sent to Mozilla, in whole or in fragments, for auto-completion purposes.
This is probably untrue. Google Chrome has the url bar combined with the search bar. Anything you type is sent to the default search provider, if the search provider supports automatic search suggestions.

Mozilla Firefox has separate url and search bars. The url bar provides suggestions from your bookmarks and browser history.

> Connects to websites in the background before you are even finished typing them in, without your explicit instruction.

Open about:config
Search for "prefetch"
Set network.dns.disablePrefetch to true.
Set network.prefetch-next to false.
>Sends the name of the file you're downloading to Mozilla for whitelist checking
Actually it sends it to Google for whitelist checking.
Okay OP, so they know what sites I browse. What's next?
Kill you are self.

The point is, you tried...
joke's on you, i compile with --disable-safe-browsing
File: gbnbb.png (424 KB, 800x810) Image search: [Google]
424 KB, 800x810
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