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What's the best tablet to replace a Nexus 7 with?
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I'll go straight to the point: been a Nexus 7 user for 3 years now and I loved each and every side of it, especially the fact that the software was "all Google" with zero modifications by other manifacturers. But now it's dying so I have to replace it. I tried the Nexus 9 but it was terrible (too big, bad hardware, bad customer service, bad battery, HTC lol). So... what's the best tablet to replace a Nexus 7 with? No budget limit but I'd like to stay into the 300\400€ tier. Thanks guys!
Tab s2 8.0
Thanks for the reply mate. I forgot to tell I'm looking for a 7" tablet...
There is no replacement for the greatest tablet device ever made.
I kinda agree. But I'm failing to find a reliable online vendor who still sells it. I think Google put an embargo on it. Why, I can't understand.
Even though it's marketed towards gamers, the Nvidia Shield is probably the best all round tablet at the moment.
I read it has shitty wifi.. that could be a problem
Nexus 9. No complaints so far other then the camera could be better. Doesn't really matter though cause you look like an idiot taking a picture with a tablet.
>Nexus 9
Not OP but I have the same problem. 9" is just too big. 7" is the perfect size.
I wouldn't shop Google after the Nexus 7 2013. All their tablets took a price spike after that generation.
> 198.6 x 134.8 x 5.6 mm (7.82 x 5.31 x 0.22 in)
> 200 x 114 x 8.7 mm (7.87 x 4.49 x 0.34 in)
Are you really going to throw at autismfit?
Dropped my N7 2013 one too many time (had it repaired once - 2nd time round it wasn't worth it).

Got the sony xperia z3 tablet compact (dat name..).

Waterproof, battery is god tier, at least compared to the Nexusus, and sony's low battery management is really very good.

Toying with the idea of trying cyanogen on it, but desu I've just not been bothered. Nova launcher and a file manager and I've been pretty good to go.

Most importantly, it's just the right size and shape.
Nexus 9 also has build and pricing issues
uhn? 8" is too big
The Nvidia house fire tablet doesn't seem bad.
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