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Why is Java the greatest programming language ever created by man?
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Why is Java the greatest programming language ever created by man?
Because otherwise you'd earn 0.50$ per hour cooking chicken biryani, pajeet
who is this Fap Fairy?
It isn'tt
look at the goddamn filename
thank you ,Pajeet.
0.0005$ has been deposited into your Java account.

thank you Rajeesh.

5$ has been deposited into your Microsoft account.
No OP, you meant JavaScript. I know they sound the same but Java and JavaScript are two different languages.

One is essentially a toy for writing small pieces of code, and traditionally used and abused by inexperienced programmers using outdated programming paradigms.

The other is a very powerful functional programming language, a lisp in C clothing, which is highly popular and ubiquitous, while also being highly accessible thanks to it running in every browser in the world, and with runtimes available for server and desktop applications.
Thank you Patel Patel. 2 rupees have been deposited to your steam wallet

Thanks you Kumar

100 points have been deposited into your xbox live account.
a bit wordy, but turns out that's often a good thing
> lisp in C clothing
Lisp with C syntax is not Lisp anymore.
not that anon but theres another tiffany thompson who plays jazz and looks somewhat similar

also, java sucks ass
Thank you Ajay
1 loo was added into your UN sanitary account
because of abstract factory factories
I know you're trolling, but JavaScript seriously could have been a lisp in C clothing, but they just fucked too many things up
Actually, my name is Rakesh
I couldn't look at the filename, anon.
I was too busy starting into her dreamy eyes, imagining my benis in her delectable mouth.

actually you understood it backwards
Every language did things wrong. Javascript was designed and implemented in 10 days, and has been subject to committee wrangling ever since. Its amazing that its as good as it is.

Also you don't have to use the shitty parts of the language, use a linter.
>quibbling about syntax
Syntax is the most superficial and un-important part of a language, its amazing how much attention people pay to it.
Which should i spend more time programming with C# or Java?
As a lisp program is represented with a list (ie. data), the syntax is important here. It is part of Lisp's capacity in meta-programming
Thanks Shalosh
10 points have been added to gryffindor
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Thank you Rahul!

One butter chicken has been deposited on your dinner plate.
Good bait, I actually got mad for a second.
Why is the orangutan the tallest creature ever created by God?
Thank's you, Vishnu !
One poo has been deposited to your loo.
That's not OCaml
Possibly because mankind is severely mentally challenged.
Thread replies: 31
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