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Should I buy an OS?
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About to build my first pc, pretty much clueless on everything other than what parts are necessary. But I have a stupid question, is it necessary to buy an OS? Windows 7 goes for a kinda high price and I thought that OS's weren't something that people spent much money on. Completely lost on the subject, so it'd be cool if someone just gave me the basics of it.
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>Installing Windows 7 in 2016
Do you want to play games? If yes, then buy WIndows and save yourself from shady warez. If no, then join the free software master race and install gentoo.

Yes games. Which windows would you recommend (yes another stupid question)
Windows 10 you stupid fuck.
Ive heard literally nothing but bad things about Windows 10
That's because they are doing shit they shouldn't be doing online. Unless you are telling me you plan to recruit a botnet get Windows 10 and shut the fuck up. Honestly these people get too fucking technical with shit. These are the same people who own the latest smartphone and are okay with onoline backing and Apple pay and Android pay which is much more risky.
Just pirate win 7.
Find a not-virusey link for the daz loader and it should work, or maybe there's a newer way of doing it.
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>Windows 7
Windows 10 is shit, don't listen to that nigger. Pirate windows 7, use google.
Vista, Not even kidding.

why the fuck would anyone get vista
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>Windows Vista
>Windows 7
if you're unsure of pirating, just buy a cheap windows key on ebay for like $20.
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>current year
>something not current year

seriously shut the fuck up faggot.
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>Windows 10
>any year
OP here. You faggots somehow managed to make this shit more convoluted than I thought was possible. I'm going to reddit niggers.
But when it a fucking smartphone it's the complete opposite right? Yeah no you shut the fuck up you fucking peasant.

>windows 7
>windows Vista
>having the latest smartphone but not the latest windows OS
Windows has the best services and support out of all the OS out currently.
Best to get a starter edition and upgrade over time.

When running a server standard and datacenter editions will be the best OS for your server.

Always use windows as it is the best OS out currently
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>Any Windows OS that isn't Windows 10
Pirate Red Hat instead
Prime shill gone unpaid

Get a Windows 7 iso, install it without a serial, and activate it with DAZ Loader.

Find them at mydigitallife forums, or pirate bay for the loader.

Your Windows 7 will register as genuine and receive a free upgrade to legit Windows 10.

You get a genuine Windows 10 OS for free.

You can instead get Linux Mint if you want to go the Linux path. It's free too.
I haven't expected that during my life it will bcome possible to pirate... linux.
When did the world go so wrong.
Do this except skip the part where you upgrade to Windows 10.
OP READ THIS Either torrent windows or download linux.
>upgrading Windows

you are better off installing the version you want rather than upgrading, it causes way to many issues and ends with you reinstalling anyway
When upgrading to Win10 the installer asks you whether you want to upgrade or do a clean install removing everything from the odl system. Just choose the later.
oh thats nice
never bothered to upgrade to W10 so didn't know this
also partly because I'm running Enterprise LTSB N
>Wew an amazing thingy not supported by anything yet that makes your perfectly fine gaming experience better if your CPU sucks and has MOAR COARS.

Not sold.
7 auto upgrades to 10. Microsoft is bleeding money supporting older versions, so they're trying everything they can to stop people from using them.
If you think DX12 isn't going to be huge Soonâ„¢ you're delusional.
There's no reason to pretend the future isn't coming.
I used daz loader and regretted not buying it
>not going for Windows 10
Give the resistance up, security updates will end eventually.
So 10 or naw?
KEK not running Linux? Maybe you are? Maybe you're confused as to what exactly this software makes hardware do.
well do you want to go through all the trouble of debloating W10 and disabling telemetry and updates or install and be done with it?

But if you don't care about that, then yea W10 or if you do then W7. Just be careful when downloading a Loader or activator.


Upgradeing to Win 10 instead of a clean install is essential to getting the free Win 10 activation that Microsoft is offering. You have to do the upgrade process so that it will activate as genuine based upon your old "genuine" Win 7 copy.

When your computer is a genuine Win 10, then you can install a new fresh install of Win 10 and it will automatically activate as the computer configuration is registered by Windows or something.

Upgrade from Win 7 first, then either go back to Win 7(so that computer will always have the Win 10 activiation cred if you ever want it) or do a clean install of Win 10 at this point.

It's all about getting the free Windows 10 through the Daz loader Win 7 upgrade loophole
>video games
are you fucking serious? how old are you? still living with your mom? you know what answers you're going to get here. every single version of windows has been virtually the same besides d3d implementation, ui changes, and a few driver bumps. literally pirate windows 7, try it, see if you want to upgrade. fuck off.

Don't listen to this troll or moron.
my windows update hasn't worked in over a year. not getting any support from M$. my system is vulnerable and too late to buy OS now.
Windows 7? Bad
Windows 8? Bad
Windows 10? Bad

It doesn't fucking matter.

Then you didn't do it right.

Get a new Win 7 iso from mydigitallife forums, get an authentic Daz Loader, and re do it. And install proper drivers.
I suppose if you want it to be genuine then yea. But idgaf about my system since I can just use an activator anyway
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I was under the impression that if you pirated the OS you wouldn't get updates. what does the iso have to do with anything? you think I got a bad version of daz loader?

everything works flawless except windows update. I been on this install for over a year now and can't be bothered reinstalling the OS

I think there may be one issue that sometimes prevents Daz loader from working, but it's too esoteric for me, something about SLIC files?, so I can't be of any help if that's the case.

I don't know if this is a legit website but it popped up when i checked google:


Pirated windows can get updates. You need to authenticate with Daz loader or use an Activator. look around on mydigital life. I'm not entirely familiar with the topic these days, Daz worked so well it is my crutch.

Try getting an authentic Daz loader and redoing just using it with your existing install.

You have to make sure you use it right. I forget off hand.

you want a good a good clean genuine windows iso, not the junk you sometimes find on torrent websites that is "pre-activated" or whathaveyou.

mydigitallife has links to such files.
I still remember when Microsoft tried to get people to Vista by making DX10 Vista-only.
Guess how well that worked.

Yeah, just to chime in again, that site looks sketchy dont trust it.

I think there is a thread on Daz loader and issues on mydigitallife, even if they don't host the file anymore.
>download activator from shady sources
>free malware comes with it
What botnet are you even running from so hard that you just somebody else's?

Thanks for this. I've never used a built OS that didn't involve SOME debloating.

How exactly do you get LTSB N 10?
It's only worth spending the money if you're a moralfag. Otherwise, just pirate it like everyone else. Daz Loader can be found on the MyDigitalLife forums or Google, and Windows 7 isos can be found here:
>and Windows 7 isos can be found here:
You're aware Microsoft now has Windows iso downloading tools available for everybody, right?

my digital life also has links to win 7 and win 10 isos
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>posts a meme picture of a dos game
Windoss 7 is outdated the most Hardware producer offer drivers for Windows 8 Or 10.
Make sure u can find all the drivers before u buy w7.
>posts on the Internet, run by free as in "not shit" software
>the software is running on proprietary as in "expensive and powerful" hardware
>muh games
>dos game
ID software were famous for having their games run on Linux back in the 90s.
You can get 7 and even 10 for free with no drama
>I hope you know what pirate bay is
What drivers are you referring to?
graphics drivers, 100%
at this point i'd rather just spend on a console tbqfh
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It is impossible to get a straight answer out of you cunts. How can this place claim to be of enthusiast and hobbyist and professional level when you can't even agree on a fucking OS. Another useless board full of arrogant pretenders.
back to r*ddit with you then

Thanks for the input. Glad you know so much about Windows 10.
Nvidia even still has drivers for XP.
And AMD won't drop Win7 anytime soon either.

Epic reddit meme plus a stab at my knowledge when I didn't even offer any. You wannabe pricks get more impressive by the second.
i'm not that guy
i also meant directx12 instead of graphics drivers, my bad
>a stab at my knowledge when I didn't even offer any
you did offer us the insight about "this place", therefore you are welcome to fuck off back to redddit or another forum of your choice.
the game was first made on linux turbopleb
If enough gamers boycott Win 10 game developers will be forced to support a different API than DX12 at least additional to DX12. Just like it was back then with DX10.
My experience of this place has nothing to do with my knowledge of Windows 10, which is what I was referring to. Seriously, i've looked at about 30 threads regarding people asking really simple questions about additions to their first build and not a single one has received a straight forward answer. It's just all of you retards using memearrowz at each other and shitting on each others opinions. What an insane waste of time. I'm actually going to try reddit, because 4chan is just nothing now. /g/, /fit/, /biz/, etc, it's all just amateur know nothing wankers these days. Keep memeing it up friend.

What do you wan to know exactly about Windows then faggot.
for dos though :^)
the number of linux users at the time could be counted on one hand
Nope, shove it up your arse. I'll know as much as you do after a few minutes on google. Or fucking reddit, since they seem to genuinely have community based topics that they actually want to share knowledge about and help eachother with, it isn't the circle jerk "do i fit in yet?" shithole that this place has become i'd wager. Either help the OP out and by extension others who might be reading, or go and do something worthwhile you fucking fairies.
>asking really simple questions about additions to their first build
We just don't want to answer those.

Ok, I'm trying to help OP out, because I want help with 10. I'm a fucking windows student. LITERALLY. 10 I have on my home system. I've done extra buttfux in Linux, owned a MAC and all whatever BS you want. Get butt hurt, go fuck off yourself, and spend some time on a 1800 number for once in your life.
>we're all anonymous but the person i'm arguing with should know i'm not the person he was arguing with.

I'd hate to admit it, but this random faggot has a point about /g/, I think.

Plenty of resources on the web, friend. Check out the sticky first, then do a bit of google research.

There isn't many things more impressive than blatant elitism. And I love how you speak for everyone else as if you're actually a part of something. Priceless.
It's not even elitism when you just don't want to participate in another stupid Nvidia vs AMD shit-flinging.

>/g/ is NOT your personal tech support team or personal consumer review site.
Not a botnet and security support. I agree with this anon.
Let's say it plain : Windows 7, 8 and 10 have trackers at the OS level. Windows Vista, 7, 8 and 10 are the only ones still supported (because everyone else would stay on Windows XP otherwise).

If you want to play videogames and don't mind about the botnet, I'd suggest you to use Windows 10. If you mind the botnet, use Windows Vista. If videogames won't be your primary activity, free Unix packages maintainers would be glad of you wasting server ressources for 0 retribution, so the first thing would've been to tell us your build specs.

Anyway, we're not your personal tech support and we don't care of the amount of money you're ready to throw in basically wasting your time in front of a 16:10 screen. If you can't handle this expense, that's the sign you should go out and meet people.

I'll stay here for 10 minutes if you have any question. See ya.
Go fuck yourself how about that?
People like you need to be put down like dogs i fucking hate humans
Volume licensing, buy it from Leddit on /r/microsoftsoftwareswap it works well
What do you mean ?
>paying for windows
Hello OP.

I can help if you want.
Not OP but i am also in this situation.

I have been trying since 9am and it's 4pm now. None of the iso's i use seem to work. When it gets to the "windows is loading files" black screen with the grey bar it then takes me to an error screen and asks me to restart but again it doesn't work.

Do you have any links for a windows 7 64bit iso that is under 4gb? I am booting from dvd disc.
>If you want to play videogames and don't mind about the botnet, I'd suggest you to use Windows 10

Yea if you can't bear to handle a 1-3 fps difference...
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