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Mozilla Firefox 44.0.2 released
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File: About Mozilla Firefox.png (80 KB, 693x364) Image search: [Google]
About Mozilla Firefox.png
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>he is running an outdated version of firefox
Stable channel = outdated
I ain't leaving 41.0.2 until I can have my option to disable images and javascript back. SettingSanity doesn't work with newer versions because they completely removed the options in a window feature and forcing into a tab made it all shitty and incompatible with any addons. It's kind of ridiculous that I even have to have an addon to restore basic browser functionality (fuck you, Limi).
I think you can disable JS via about:config Maybe images too.
Yes, it's possible, but currently I can just Alt+T, O, Alt+I, Enter, and I'm done. No clutter on the UI, and I can toggle all kinds of options quickly with just the keyboard. The new settinngs in a tab disabled all the accessibility shortcuts and doesn't even remember which tab you were on.
The old settings can also be brought back along with all other things that have been moved into page (i.e downloads). Alos via about:config, though I don't remember exactly the string names.
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That's cute, OP. You're outdated yourself. Hell, I'm outdated since I'm not using Nightly (I love the dev theme though and last time I installed Nightly it kept crashing).
>he still hasn't switched to pale moon
You'll come around eventually.
Downloads window and settings dialog have been completely removed and require addons now.
>he is running an outdated version of Windows
You would have to be out of your mind to use nightly as your actual daily browser
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Window Capture.png
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Way ahead of you.
F for Android 44 is complete junk. Webms don't work and tab window is gone to shit. Also hogs way more ram then before
Yeah, they fucked the tab window. For. No. Reason. Fucking idiot. I have not noticed performance issues, though. I also use uBlock Origin.
Me too. I have S3 Lte.
Firefox 44 makes noscript screw up 4chanX . I'm not upgrading until the bug is fixed.
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Way ahead of you all
>running the version with the most bugs and the most vulnerabilities

oh wow
I had to switch to ESR because the latest kept freezing and fucking up for me though
I do. It runs faster than the stable or beta. Addons occasionally break. I have the same profile between Firefox and Nightly so I can close one, open the other, have all the same stuff
make sure to keep a backup of your profile, last time nightly crashed on me it took the entire profile with it. i couldn't open the profile in stable anymore, either and had to restore from my backup.
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Screenshot-About Iceweasel.png
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>lose dark theme
but m-muh cuck!
I have Windows automatically backup all of my AppData and some other folders to my secondary drive. I'm GTG
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>they're still on 4X
>there's an update
Thanks, anon, updated.
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>can't download jewtubes without some shady third party add-on
Did they make showOneOffButtons:false work properly again?
Cause if they haven't then I see no reason to upgrade from 42.
What's broken?
Actually I'm running an outdated version of Opera
RIP old addons
>he is running an outdated version of firefox
But any version of firefox is outdated.
I just installed chromium to see if a problem I was having was browser specific.

Holy shit I never knew how fucking slow firefox is. Cromium is fucking lighting fast compared to that piece of shit.

I'm switching permanently.
Yeah Chrome is definitely faster. Biggest issues Firefox has is
>single process, other tabs can block the current tab from rendering or processing javascript
>godawful dual-gpu support

But I stay because of the addons. DownThemAll is fucking unbeatable and so are Tab Groups.
Dual GPU / seems to have been fixed in recent nightlies. The nightlies are also multi-process but that seems like a Coming Soonâ„¢ feature that won't go live for ages
File: firefoxESR.png (62 KB, 727x323) Image search: [Google]
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just use ESR

and stop worrying so much
Dead memebrowser, the only thing that made me prefer Firefox over chrome was fixed in Chrome 49.
what "feature" did they remove this time?
>Firefox hangs or crashes on startup (1243098)

>literally nobody is using pre-stable builds anymore, all their testers switched to chrome

good times ahead, pals.
File: esr.png (3 KB, 247x103) Image search: [Google]
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Chrome: The browser for normies
ESR v45 is just around the corner though
Better being a normalfag than using cuckfox.
That's like living in a half constructed building:
Some doors don't close properly, some are missing.
>enjoy your security holes
Enjoy your botnet, "normie". You probably use Windows, WhatsApp and Facebook, too.

I spilled my coffee when I saw this. Is this true?
On my chink tablet it crashes after a few seconds because tablet runs out of memory.
Keep in mind that I usually have 300-400MB free, and I've tested multiple times.
What's the difference between Iceweasel and FF?
They open in tabs now.
Chrome wannabe. :/
Haven't gotten around to upgrade FF on my desktop, been busy lately but now I won't.
>running firefox stable
>not dev or iceweasel aurora
Iceweasel is more stable, doesn't have copyrighted artwork and includes a few privacy tweaks. If you are on a debian based os, use iceweasel aurora, if you are on another gnu/linux use icecat. otherwise ff dev is fine.
Interesting. I guess I'll install it on my arch chroot on my chinkpad.
Staying on an outdated version just because the default options change is not very smart imo.
>>he is running an outdated version of firefox
> He uses Firefox 44.0.2 :^)
Enjoy your botnet
What's worse
being a part of a botnet run by corporations
being a part of a botnet run by hackers

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>Using Fireshit instead of Palemoon
Literally why? If you like the new FF then you might as well migrate to Chrome.

Chrome does Chrome better than Firefox, and Palemoon does Firefox better than Firefox.
got noodz? :^)
File: Untitled.png (49 KB, 429x165) Image search: [Google]
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How do I get my normal min/max/close buttons back?
What the fuck is this even?
What build will be the last to have the setting allowing for unsigned addons? That is where I will have to stop.
Can someone post the updated UA for FF44?
>being a PaleMeme tryhard shill
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